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Wouldn't you say so traducir español

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Wouldn't you say so? "
¿ No le parece? "
Say, if I told you the story he told me... you wouldn't believe he could be so dumb.
Si te contara la historia que me contó a mí... no creerías que pudiera ser tan tonto.
So that you wouldn't say that everyone was sleeping and you fought alone.
Sí, y después dirás que todos dormíamos mientras tú luchabas solo.
Say, pop. I wish you wouldn't talk so much about blood while we're eating.
Viejo, me gustaría que no hablara tanto de sangre mientras comemos.
Say I sent you away before the operation started so you wouldn't see how the machine works.
Diga que le mandé irse antes de que empezase la operación. y que no pudo saber como funcionaba la máquina.
Well, now, wouldn't you say it was a matter of self-defense... to use that blade... so long as Scrub didn't come at'em with the other end of the pistol?
¿ No diría usted que usar esa hoja era cuestión de defensa propia, dado que Scrub no se enfrentó a ellos con el otro lado de la pistola?
Forgive me, Luisinha, but had I known you were fond of André, I wouldn't have been so cruel as to say we were engaged.
Usted perdone, Luisinha, pero si hubiese sabido que André le gustaba no hubiera sido tan cruel de decirle que somos novios.
Look, I don't mean to be chasing you, but I heard you say you wanted to be alone, so I figured you wouldn't mind if I walked with you.
No quería perseguirla, pero quiere ir sola y no le importará que la acompañe.
You and me, there ´ re so many things I wanted to say to you but Robert wouldn ´ t let me say them, he hates me Did you know that?
Tú y yo. Hay muchas cosas que he querido decirte pero Robert no me dejaba. Me odia ¿ Lo sabías?
- Wouldn't you say so?
¿ No lo cree?
- Wouldn't you say so, Brandon?
- ¿ No crees, Brandon?
They're not, and besides, they're most undependable, wouldn't you say so, Miss Beaurevel?
¿ No lo cree así, Srta. Beaurevel? ¿ Y usted?
They'd say Boake Tackman wouldn't have me, so I hooked you to get your money.
Dirían que Boake Tackman me rechazó, y entonces le atrapé por su dinero.
Wouldn't you say so, Ritchie?
¿ Verdad, Ritchie?
Say, I wouldn't dig so deep if I were you.
Yo en su lugar no cavaría tan hondo.
Chris, you are so upset you wouldn't say a thing like that
Chris, estás muy disgustado o no me dirías algo así.
I wouldn't wanna say I told you so, but that's a point I'd make.
Yo no quería decirlo, pero ha quedado bien claro por mi parte.
Wouldn't you say so, Lonesome?
¿ No te parece, Solitario?
I've invested about 50 bucks so far, wouldn't you say?
He gastado cincuenta dólares en conseguirlo.
I wouldn't want to say I told you so, but if I read your letter I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to resist.
No quiero tener que decirte "Te lo dije", pero si leo esta carta no podré evitarlo.
Wouldn't you say so?
¿ No le parece?
Well, as long as you're so glad to be alive such a generous frame of mind, I wouldn't say no if you gave me that double-barreled, 12 - gauge bird gun you keep locked up.
Y a que estás tan contento de estar vivo y con un temperamento tan generoso, no diría que no si me dieras esa escopeta de dos cañones del 12 para pájaros que tienes bajo llave.
So, you could have put, the saint wouldn't say anything.
Usted podría haber puesto al santo sin decir nada.
I don't wish to boast, but if it hadn't been for my extensive knowledge of the winds, currents, tides and so on - naval know-how, you might say - we wouldn't be here in Littlehampton.
No quisiera presumir, pero si no fuera por mi profundo conocimiento de los vientos, las corrientes, las mareas y demás... habilidad náutica, por así decirlo... no estaríamos aquí en Littlehampton.
So I wouldn't say you were doing all right, Marnie.
Yo diría que sí que tenías problemas, Marnie.
- Wouldn't you say so, Professor?
- ¿ Está de acuerdo, profesor?
I wouldn't say so boy, take a look behind you.
Yo no diría eso, muchacho, mira detrás de tí.
Mrs. Drayton, I'm medically qualified... so I hope you wouldn't think it presumptuous if I say... you ought to sit down before you fall down.
Señora Drayton, estoy capacitado médicamente para decirle que debe sentarse antes de que se caiga.
You`ll notice that postmortem rigidity is present here in the lower portion... so the time of death really has to be earlier, wouldn`t you say?
Notará que sus extremidades inferiores comenzaron a ponerse rígidas... de modo que la hora del deceso debió ser antes, ¿ no cree?
Perhaps that's why they were calmer than we are, wouldn't you say so?
Quizá porque eran más tranquilos que nosotros, ¿ no te parece?
A subject which might inspire a tragedy poet, wouldn't you say so?
Un tema que podría inspirar a un poeta trágico, ¿ no te parece?
But I think this is a rather unique situation, wouldn't you say so? Rather unique?
En todo caso es una situación bastante particular, ¿ no cree?
So they say. You wouldn't care to...
Eso dicen. ¿ No le importaría...
That'd be one sorry way to make love, wouldn't you say that? Don't you get so damn uppity with me, Samuel Pendlebury.
Suponte que mis hijos están ahí sentados con un ametralladora, y si intentas quitarte esas gafas, te vuelan los sesos.
If you wouldn't keep asking me so much, you would've heard me say it!
¡ Si no estuvieras pidiéndomelo tanto, me habrías oído decirlo!
Uh, even so, buying them was a tribute to their patriotism, wouldn't you say?
Pero comprarlos fue un tributo a su patriotismo, ¿ no diría usted?
That sure is a sweet sound to the ears wouldn't you say so, Mr. Wales?
Es maravilloso oír eso. ¿ No le parece, Sr. Wales?
Wouldn't you say so, beloved?
¿ No opinas lo mismo?
And I think by now I can say that my comeback is over the shaky period. - Wouldn't you say? - I think so.
Y se podría decir que he superado la mala racha, ¿ no crees?
So..... an abnormally rapid toxic process, wouldn't you say?
Un proceso tóxico anormalmente rápido, ¿ no cree?
- Wouldn't you say so?
- ¿ No lo crees así?
A picture can be personally pornographic while being also... Publically decent. Wouldn't you say so?
Demuestra que una fotografía puede ser personalmente pornográfica y al mismo tiempo públicamente decente, ¿ no crees?
Fine-looking group of men, wouldn't you say so?
Parece un grupo de hombres muy bueno, ¿ no cree?
- Wouldn't you say so, darling?
- ¿ No opinas lo mismo, querida?
Well, if you want to have lunch with me in some restaurant so we could improve the atmosphere in this neighbourhood, I wouldn't exactly say no.
Si quiere comer en algún restaurante para mejorar las relaciones entre el vecindario, no diré que no.
I just wanted to say a few words about this motion... so that you wouldn't think that we were... encouraging destruction with this idea.
Sólo quería decir unas palabras sobre esta moción... para que no piensen que nuestra intención... es alentar la destrucción con esta idea.
Oh, no, no. I wouldn't say so. Do you think so?
No, yo diría que no. ¿ Y tú?
Joey lived in the town about a year, wouldn't you say so, Seth?
Joey vivió en la ciudad un año, ¿ no es así, Seth?
I know exactly what you'd do. You'd say hi to him, and when he left you'd cut him all up so your friends wouldn't think you really liked him.
Le dirías "hola" a él y cuando se fuera, lo harías pedazos... para que tus amigos no creyeran que te cae bien.
- Wouldn't you say so?
- ¿ No dirías, Berkeley?
You wouldn't have so much to say with me in your mouth.
No hablarías tanto si me tuvieras en la boca.

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