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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You included

You included traducir español

558 traducción paralela
Everyone you included
- Todo el mundo, tú incluido.
You, you and you included.
Usted, tú y tú incluidos.
The theatre's for everybody - you included - but not exclusively.
El teatro es para cualquiera, incluida tú, pero no en exclusiva.
And one that could cook us all, you included.
Uno que podría mandarnos a todos a la cárcel. Usted incluido.
The army, you included, must take this news...
El ejército, incluyendo a ustedes, deben recibir con serenidad esta...
You included.
Usted incluido.
You included.
Uno de ellos eres tú.
You included.
Inclusive usted.
That's why Teacher asked me to modify it, so you said that the orange juice scene must be included!
Me dijo que la Escritora Jung pidió que yo hiciera la modificación... y que como fuera teníamos que poner jugo de naranja en el guión.
Miss Wren's furnishings included as I told you.
El mobiliario de la Srta. Wren va incluido, como le he dicho.
- Is there anything else you want included?
- ¿ Hay algo más que quieran considerar?
You included.
Ni siquiera tú.
Do you remember if the 240,000 circulation included mailing to newsstands that didn't have delivery?
¿ Recuerdas si la circulación de 240.000 incluía... los envíos a los puestos sin entregas?
I want you to believe I didn't know that that policy included murder.
No sabía que en Atlas el asesinato era parte de esa política.
You're included, naturally!
- Está invitado, naturalmente.
- You know what I mean? - Included!
¿ Me entiendes?
The devil you say, this is a collaboration. We share equally in everything, blame included.
Los colaboradores lo comparten todo, incluso los reproches.
I hope you get a lot of work, holidays included, dance yourselves into beautiful nervous breakdowns.
Espero que tengan mucho trabajo, incluyendo los días feriados. Bailando con hermosos ataques de nervios.
But I meant to tell you, Margaret weighs 39 pounds, bomb included.
Pero quise decirle, que Margaret pesa 39 libras, bomba incluida.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, you are about to witness the outstanding scientific accomplishment of all time, demonstrating the new principle of propulsion and included in that great revolutionary secret weapon,
Y ahora, señoras y señores, van a ser ustedes testigos del mas grande acontecimiento científico de todos los tiempos. La evidencia del nuevo principio de propulsión incluído en esta revolucionaria arma secreta.
Larry the Bull, Slimy Sam, Chopper Do you want them all included?
Larry, Sam, Wilson, Chopper... ¿ Quieres incluirlos a todos?
The cost of that will be included in the nice dinner you're going to buy me.
El precio de esto estará incluido en la cena que me va a pagar.
You'll obey any orders you're qualified to obey, talking included!
¡ Obedecerá las órdenes que sea capaz de obedecer, incluido hablar!
- Only my own. You could say this one included you in a way.
Este le va a interesar.
Our information on Señor Palinov's activities will be included in the dossier. Thank you.
Incluiremos en el informe nuestros datos sobre Palinov.
No, but look, there's a possibility, included in the regulation that can help you out.
Sin embargo existe un apartado dentro del reglamento... que puede ayudarle un poco... bien, sigamos... si el agente incriminado... No.
The shortest, fastest, "backbreakingest" ride you could buy for $ 200 gold... meals included.
el pasaje más corto, rápido y agotador... que podía comprarse por 200 dólares en oro- - comidas incluidas.
TheJackass Mail — the shortest, fastest, "backbreakingest" ride you could buy for $ 200 gold... meals included.
El Correo del Borrico- - el pasaje más corto, rápido y agotador... que podía comprarse por 200 dólares en oro- - comidas incluidas.
If you'll request that I be included in your discharge, Sir?
Quisiera pedir que me incluyan en su destitución, señor.
And Mr Marshall, I've been instructed to tell you that you're included in the invitations.
Sr. Marshall, me han ordenado decirle que está Vd. invitado.
That information isn't included here. You see, this is only your life.
No tenemos esa información Esto es el registro de su vida.
If I were you, I'd throw them all out, myself included.
En su lugar, les echaría a todos, y a mí de paso.
My demands on you wouldn't have been that high but would've included properly running a home and bearing children.
Mis exigencias contigo no habrían sido de ese nivel... pero incluirían llevar una casa correctamente y tener hijos.
we couldn't use it. The black and white separation masters that were made on the entire picture included that section as a dupe of a dupe and once you go through two sets of black and white separations you have total corruption of the colour - green the size of golf balls -
No la podíamos arreglar y los masters de separación en blanco y negro que se hicieron de la película incluían esa sección como copia de copia.
I've given you a good price! I even included tonight's room.
Por ese precio les he preparado una habitación para esta noche.
Do you think that breakfast is included?
¿ Tú crees que el desayuno estará incluido?
You don't answer anyone's letters, mine included.
No respondes a ninguna carta, incluidas las mías.
They-they're a gentle reminder that you could be included in the sphere of operations too.
Es un cordial aviso de que tú también podrías estar incluida.
- You're included in his will.
- Aparece en su testamento.
And Sundays included, and I don't give a damn where you live!
Incluso domingos. ¡ No me importa dónde vivan!
Speaking of millions, will one thousand per month, room and board, dry cleaning included, suit you?
Hablando de millones, ¿ le parece bien 1000 al mes, cama, comida y ropa limpia?
And many speak of you, too. My dear brother included.
Y muchos hablan de ti también, incluido mi querido hermano.
It's to be shared with a lot of people and you aren't included.
Es para ser repartido entre un montón de gente y que no están incluidos.
Si mira un poco más cerca verá que el pintor incluyó cada detalle.
Lf, of course, there are facts not included in your confidential report which point to Fennan's suicide for reasons other than his interview with you, I shall be happy to hear about them. Are there?
Si, por supuesto, hay algùn hecho que su informe confidencial no incluya... sobre que el suicidio de Fennan se debe a otros motivos y no a su entrevista, me encantaría conocerlo. ¿ Hay alguno?
Because if you did that... you'd have to lock up half the U.S. Army, officers included.
Porque si hiciera eso... ... tendría que encerrar a la mitad del ejército, oficiales incluidos.
As you can see, the funeral expenses are included.
Como puede ver, están incluidos los gastos de funeral.
- Is the service included? - Do as you like.
¿ El servicio está incluído?
Captain, since I was included in the invitation to make contact, I must beam down with you.
Capitán, dado que también me invitaron a entrar en contacto debo ir con usted.
The burned cartridges, the gun and the challenger's shirt decorated with a souvenir you can wear proudly are included in the price.
Los cartuchos quemados, la pistola y la camisa del contendiente decorada con un souvenir, están incluidos en el precio.
Is this included in our deal, or are you gonna fleece us now?
¿ Esto está incluido en el trato, o va a timarnos?

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