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You inspired me traducir español

385 traducción paralela
- But you inspired me.
- Porque tú me has inspirado.
You inspired me.
Tú me inspiraste.
Well, you inspired me.
Bueno, tú eres mi inspiración.
You inspired me.
Me inspiraste.
You inspired me.
Tú me la inspiras.
You inspired me to stick with my antigen injections.
Me inspiraste a perseverar con las inyecciones de antígenos.
You inspired me to become a surgeon.
Me inspiró para ser cirujano.
You inspired me to be a man that I had only ever dreamed about being.
Me hiciste ser el hombre que jamás soñé que podría ser.
You know that your conversation has inspired in me a new picture?
¿ Sabéis que vuestra conversación me ha inspirado un nuevo cuadro?
I'm inspired by being with you.
Estar con usted me inspira.
It was you who pushed me on and inspired me.
Tú me animaste y me llevaste a hacerlo.
You can't deny this poem was inspired by me.
No puedes negar que esta poesía está inspirada en mí.
Let us say that you inspired the thought, milord.
Permitidme decir que vos me habéis inspirado. ¿ Lo oyes?
I inspired him. Let us say that you both inspired me.
- Ambos han sido mi inspiración.
Any courage that I have ever shown has been inspired by you.
Todo el valor que he demostrado me lo has inspirado tú.
You've inspired me so much, i'm a little fatigued.
Me has inspiarado tanto que estoy un poco fatigado.
In fact, I was inspired to sell short and made what you would probably call a killing.
De hecho, tuve el acierto de vender pronto... y como tú dirías, me forré.
Inspired me, or whatever you call it.
Inspirarme, o como lo quieras llamar.
Thank you. I felt quite inspired tonight.
Gracias, me sentía inspirado.
Oh, but it's so utterly silly of you to compare me... with those inspired immortals.
Es muy atrevido de su parte compararme... con esas inspiradas inmortales.
This event, of which we are proud,.. inspired me a quatrain that, if you please, I'll quote!
¡ Este acontecimiento, del que nos sentimos orgullosos,... me ha inspirado una cuarteta, que, si me permiten, les recito!
And you will discover what it is about you that inspired me to this.
Y descubrirás qué cosa de ti me inspiró a hacer esto.
All the same, you've never inspired me.
Sea como sea, no me has inspirado.
You have very little reason to be pleased with him... because his stubborn determination... has inspired me... to alter the terms of our offer.
Tienen poco motivos para simpatizar con él... ya que esa misma determinación terca... me ha impulsado... a cambiar las condiciones de mi oferta.
What you have seen are merely some of the ideas these paintings have inspired in me over the years.
Lo que ustedes han visto es sólo parte de las reflexiones que me han inspirado estos cuadros en el curso de los años.
You've filled my heart with love and inspired me to comprehend that which is greatness.
Has llenado mi corazón de amor. Me has dado inspiración para comprender lo sublime. "
The friendship between the two of you inspired the song.
La amistad entre ustedes dos me inspiró esa canción.
You've inspired me to do it.
- Usted me ha inspirado a hacerlo.
Well, you know, Normie, all this talk of danger has inspired me to go out and do something really crazy, eh?
Bueno, ya sabes, Normie, Toda esta charla de peligro me ha inspirado a salir y hacer algo realmente loco, ¿ eh?
And it turned out to be the smartest thing I could have done,'cause not only did she help me, you know, with the speech problem, she was the one who inspired me to go into the teaching profession.
Y fue Io mejor que pude hacer. No sólo me ayudó con mi problema de elocución, sino que me alentó a entrar en la enseñanza.
You just inspired mercy in me.
Usted simplemente me inspira piedad.
You've inspired me.
Me has animado.
That fake inspired you to loan me, a guy fired off his job, $ 2,500?
¿ Ese farsante le inspiró a prestarme 2.500 dólares?
You inspired it.
Tú me inspiraste.
I want you to know that it took a lot of guts to come out how you did and that you've inspired me to do the same even though that may mean a discharge from the service.
Debo decir que fue valiente reconocer todo como lo hizo y que me inspiró para hacerlo. Aunque por eso me retiren del servicio. Gracias.
Dad, I was wondering what inspired you to choose that uniquely American man-made wonder, Mount Rushmore?
Papa, ¿ me preguntaba que te inspiro a escoger la única maravilla americana Monte Rushmore? Es obvio.
I want to tell you this story how I got inspired.
Quiero contarles la historia de cómo me inspiré.
God, I was inspired, and I'm an accountant, you know?
Me sentí inspirada. Y eso que soy contable.
- What you wrote inspired me.
- Lo que has escrito me inspira.
Well, today I would like to expand on this theme a little... and tell you that even though this is a war inspired by the Jews... a war that only the Jews can profit from... you will find there are no Jews in foxholes either.
Bueno, hoy me gustaría para ampliar sobre este tema un poco... y decirles que a pesar de que esta guerra inspirada por los Judios... es una guerra en que sólo los Judios pueden beneficiarse de... usted no encontrará allí Judios en trincheras.
What you've put into this case, you've even inspired me and I'm uninspirable.
Has trabajado duro en este caso, me has inspirado y yo no soy inspirable.
iii see what you tell me in your letter. and ill compose a sonata inspired by it.
Veré qué me dices en tu carta. y compondré una sonata inspirada en ella.
I want you to know that your assertiveness inspired me.
Quiero que sepa que me inspiró su asertividad.
Got up, I'm inspired thinking I'm gonna see you... I sit down, I play, I sing.
Me levanto, inspirado, sé que voy a verte me siento, toco, canto...
You've just inspired me to hire a D.J... so thank you.
Y tú me inspiraste a contratar un DJ. Muchas gracias.
I was inspired by the lovely sight of you drooling.
Me he despertado viendo tu linda boca babeando al lado del libro de frances.
You don't know how many dreams you had inspired in me.
"No sabes cuántos sueños has creado en mí"
You`ve inspired me to stay here till I`m successful.
me inspiró a quedarme aquí hasta logra mi exito.
You really inspired me, okay, a tear.
Me inspiraste mucho. ¿ De acuerdo? ¿ Una lágrima?
What you cannot believe is that it can be inspired by me.
Lo que no puedes creer es que pueda ser inspirado por mí.
I mean, you grew up in a small town like this. It's just being a filmmaker has always been like this impossible dream that... it's just the fact that you're here, that really kind of inspired me.
Usted creció en un pueblito como éste y la idea de ser un cineasta era como un sueño imposible.

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