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You invited him traducir español

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You invited him to your home again and again.
Lo invitó a su casa muchas veces.
Wonderful. You invited him for me?
Fantástico. ¿ Le ha invitado por mí?
- You invited him. What's he after?
- Tú lo invitaste. ¿ Qué busca?
- But you invited him.
- Pero si le invitaste tú..
But I'd like to know why you invited him to lunch today?
Explícame entonces por qué le invitaste a comer hoy.
You invited him.
Le has invitado tú.
Well, why would he turn up here unless you invited him?
¿ Pero no habría venido, a menos que lo invitases? Probablemente vino por ti.
You invited him?
¿ Tú lo has invitado?
So you invited him over?
¿ Y tú le has invitado a venir?
He came because you invited him.
Eh, ha venido a repuesta de tu invitación.
- You invited him?
- Usted lo invitó?
You invited him, Mr. Kramer!
¡ Usted le invitó, Kramer!
You invited him.
Tú lo has invitado.
You knew you were taking a chance when you invited him.
Sabías a lo que te exponías cuando lo invitaste.
You're kidding me. You invited him?
Estás bromeando. ¿ Lo invitaste?
- So you invited him.
- ¿ Le has invitado?
Do you know why the queen has invited him for dinner?
¿ Sabes por qué le ha invitado la reina?
I wonder why we've invited a total stranger to my birthday and why have you told him so much about us, Mummy?
¡ Pero Baba! ¿ Por qué hemos invitado a un desconocido total a mi cumpleaños? ¿ Y por qué le has contado tanto sobre nosotras, mami?
The Emperor Napoleon has invited you to stay with him in Biarritz.
El emperador Napoleón le invita a reunirse con él en Biarritz
Miss Vane. Miss Vane, has Sir Tristan, as you have so charmingly called him, ever invited you to see the wonderful portrait that Basil Hallward has made of him?
Señorita Vane, ¿ le ha invitado alguna vez Sir Tristan, como usted le llama, a ver el maravilloso retrato que Basil Hallward le pintó?
Tell him you thought if you invited me to the house, and I saw how happily married you were, then the horrid passion I have for you might be torn out of me.
Dile que pensaste que si me invitabas a la casa y veía que están felizmente casados dejaría de sentir esa horrible pasión que siento por ti.
Dean, I didn't know you'd invited him.
Dean, no sabía que lo habías invitado.
I told him that we had appointment, you are invited.
Le dije que tenía una cita y que Ud está invitado
Well, if this young man is invited by Mr. Lermontov, you can pass him, yes?
- Craster. Bueno, George, si el Sr. Lermontov le ha invitado, déjale pasar.
You invited him? Yes.
¿ Tú lo invitaste a él?
Fitz-Marshall. You constantly invited him to the house and Lost no opportunity of introducing him elsewhere.
Constantemente le invitabas a la casa y... no perdías ninguna oportunidad de presentarlo.
Confess you must thought yesterday when you invited Joseph that it would be a good idea for your sister to marry him.
Confiesa que debistes pensar ayer cuando invitastes a Joseph que seria una buena idea para tu hermana que se casara con el.
But, Ruth, I invited him for you.
Pero, Ruth, si lo he invitado por ti.
You seem to have overlooked the fact that if you hadn't invited Charles down here for the weekend. I should've already said goodbye to him and the whole thing might've been finished and done with.
Pareces haber olvidado el hecho de que si no hubieras invitado a Charles a pasar el fin de semana aquí abajo, ya me habría despedido de él, y todo el asunto podría haberse terminado y acabado.
- No, I invited him. - You're broke.
- Soy yo quien le ha invitado.
To tell you the truth, I'd have carried on all the same it was clear that he only invited me for you so it can't have offended him.
Claro, no podría, tras lo que pasó entre nosotros. A decir verdad, yo habría seguido igual. Estaba claro que sólo me me invitaba por ti, así que no podía sentirme ofendida.
We'd have died if you said no'cause we've already invited him.
Nos habríamos muerto si hubieras dicho que no porque ya lo hemos invitado a él.
- You needn't have invited him.
- No necesitabas haberle invitado.
I said you needn't have invited him.
He dicho que no necesitabas haberle invitado.
And when Shahbandar learns about you we will be invited to meet him.
Y cuando Shahbandar sepa de ti, querrá reunirse con nosotros.
Gentlemen. As you know, Mr. Spock and I have been invited to beam down to the planet's surface with him.
Caballeros por él a conocer la superficie del planeta.
And for this reason, I invited Mr Descartes to present to us what he intends to write in the treatise, he has been working on for a long time now, and I ask you to listen to him.
y por ésta razón, he invitado al Señor Descartes, a presentarnos la intención de lo que tiene pensado escribir en su tratado en el que por largo tiempo ha estado trabajando, Os pido que le escucheís.
Would you believe that last night, Dimitri invited me to go out to the Casino with him?
¿ Puede creer que la última noche Dimitri me invitó a ir al Casino con él?
Tell him you mentioned to me his presence at the hotel and that I've invited him to breakfast with us tomorrow.
Dile que has preferido comunicarme su presencia en el Hotel y que.. ... le invito a comer con nosotros, mañana.
He asked about you and the children, invited us to visit him.
Preguntó por ti y por los niños, pidió que le visitáramos, le prometí, que iremos dentro de una semana,
I invited him, so we're not so alone. Do you mind?
Le invité para que no estemos tan solas. ¿ Esta bien?
I invited him over to meet you.
Lo he invitado a conocerte.
Well, he told SheriffTupper that you had invited him and his partner to come up and visit.
Le dijo al alguacil que los invitaste a él y a su socio a visitarte.
Now, Daniel, Mr. Woodley is still insisting that you called him and invited him up here.
Daniel, el Sr. Woodley insiste con que tú lo llamaste y lo invitaste.
I invited him for a cup of tea and you saw us.
Lo invité a tomar té y tú nos viste.
His Grace is surprised, Doctor Huxtable, that you should of invited Mr. Holmes to undertake an investigation without consulting him first.
Su excelencia está sorprendida, Dr. Huxtable, de que haya invitado al Sr. Holmes... a que emprenda una investigación... sin haberlo consultado antes.
If you behave you might be invited You dig him?
si te portas bien te invitare a visitarlo te gusta?
You're officially invited to Prague with him... you don't go!
Fue la única artista invitada a ir a Praga con él, y no quiso ir.
Well, you invited him.
- Tú le invitaste.
I cannot believe that you guys invited him to your party and kicked us out!
No puedo creer que invitaron a ese tipo a su fiesta y nos echaron a nosotros.
Wouldn't you know Marty invited me to the movies tomorrow and I can't disappoint him, now, can I?
No podría saber usted Marty me invitó al cine para mañana en la noche. ... y no puedo decepcionarlo ahora, ¿ no?

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