According to the law traducir francés
260 traducción paralela
-... and according to the law.
- et conformément á la loi.
You were born according to the law and raised according to the law.
Tu es né selon la loi et as été élevé selon la loi.
You have failed to do this... and there is nothing for me to do... but to pass sentence on you according to the law.
Ce que vous n'avez pu faire... Je ne peux que... vous appliquer la peine selon la loi.
According to the law which says if you kill somebody you gotta be killed yourself.
Car la loi ordonne qu'on exécute les criminels!
A fourth conviction, according to the law... means a life sentence.
À la quatrième, la loi est formelle, ce sera la peine de mort!
No doubt you forget that according to the law... no marriages can take place after 3 : 00.
La loi interdit tout mariage après 15 h.
According to the law, a parent may demand knowledge of a child only if there is any doubt as to the environment in which it lives.
La loi autorise tout parent à savoir ce qu'il est advenu de l'enfant en cas de doute quant à l'environnement dans lequel il vit.
Please punish me according to the law.
S'il vous plait punissez-moi selon la loi.
According to the law, someone had to post a bond for $ 5000 with immigration authorities before Boy entered the country.
Je comprends. Quelqu'un a dû verser 5000 dollars... pour que Boy puisse entrer dans le pays.
According to the law I ´ m dead if you say you murdered me.
Selon la loi... je suis mort si vous dites m'avoir tué.
" according to the law of Moses...
"... selon la Loi de Moïse...
- Bathsheba has sinned and she must render payment according to the law of Moses.
Elle a péché, et elle doit payer, conformément à la Loi.
An insane person, according to the law, must not be able to tell the difference between right and wrong.
Un dément, conformément à la loi, ne perçoit pas la différence entre le bien et le mal.
According to the Law, until I'm married, my father is my guardian and the money would be placed in his keeping.
Selon la loi, avant d'être mariée, mon père est mon tuteur et l'argent sera placé sous sa garde.
" According to the Law of Moses and of Israel,
" Selon la loi de Mo'ïse et d'lsraël,
According to the law, Madame Cheng, must die, Lord.
Selon la loi, Madame Cheng doit mourir, Sire.
I won and, according to the law of knight-erranty, you can't refuse me and must obey!
J'ai vaincu et, selon les règles de chevalerie, vous ne pouvez refuser de m'obéir!
According to the law, you're entitled to a room a bathroom and the use of the kitchen...
Vous avez droit à une chambre avec salle de bains et cuisine.
You are sworn, you know, to try this man according to the law without fear or favor, affection or ill will, coldly, dispassionately, on the evidence alone.
Vous avez juré, vous le savez, de juger cet homme selon la loi sans crainte ni faveur, affection ou mauvaise volonté, froidement, sans passion, seulement sur le témoignage
Dominique Morceau has been committed for trial at the Seine Court of Assizes and ordered to be held in custody to await judgement according to the law
- La chambre d'accusation prononce la mise en accusation de Marceau Dominique et ordonne qu'elle soit conduite à la maison d'arrêt pour y être jugée conformément à la loi.
According to the law, you are guilty of harboring a stray without reporting the fact to the police.
La loi vous déclare coupable d'héberger un chien errant sans en aviser la police.
She's been caught in adultery, and she must be stoned according to the law.
Elle a commis l'adultère. Elle doit être lapidée.
According to the law!
En vertu de la loi!
Doesn't matter in some ways he's still a subordinate. I repeat, according to the law of Feb 12, 1861
par certains égards il est toujours un subordonné.
And it has rigorously to be disciplined in the name of civilization and according to the law.
Il faut la réprimer avec rigueur au nom de la civilisation - et conformément à la loi.
According to the law, she's still married to Billy Hammond.
Légalement, elle est toujours mariée à Billy Hammond.
And according to the law, you're supposed to keep it on a leash.
Et la loi stipule qu'il doit être tenu en laisse.
My property has been requisitioned, all according to the law, of course.
Ils m'ont tout pris.
This court must construe according to the law.
Cette cour doit conclure d'après la loi.
But it's hard to get through, because according to the law, if you enter, you have to secure the gate as you pass through it.
Mais c'est dur de passer, car si tu entre tu dois sécuriser la porte en passant.
Everything according to the letter of the law.
Tout sera fait en toute légalité.
Whatever has happened, according to their law she is still the "Chosen one"...
Le terrible pouvoir du tabou se vengera de l'île si Reri ne revient pas saine et sauve.
I further charge you with insulting an officer with vile names... according to Rule Three, Section Three of the law dealing with delinquents.
Je vous accuse également d'injures envers un policier. En vertu de la loi anti-délinquance, chap. 3, paragraphe 3.
The court-martial orders that prior to this sentence being carried out Captain Dreyfus shall be paraded before the garrison of Paris and publicly degraded and dismissed from service according to the code of military law forfeiting his decorations and privileges and the right to bear arms forever. "
Le Conseil de Guerre ordonne aussi qu'avant l'exécution de la sentence, ledit Cap. Dreyfus soit publiquement dégradé conformément au Code Pénal Militaire. Il sera privé de ses décorations et ne pourra plus jamais porter les armes.
According to the law of the realm. Is it of your own free will that you thus depose your brother Richard the Lion-Heart of England?
C'est de plein gré que vous déposez votre frère,
Nonetheless, sir you removed it from the grave without the consent of the next of kin and according to British law, that constitutes body snatching.
Vous l'avez tout de même déterré sans l'accord d'un parent. La loi britannique associe cela à de la profanation.
According to the wise provisions of the French law, no divorce can be granted where either party is mentally unstable.
Selon la loi française, aucun divorce ne peut être accordé si un des partis a des troubles mentaux.
According to our law, the import of arms is controlled by the state, which you know very well!
Selon notre loi, l'importation d'armes est contrôlée par l'Etat, ce que vous savez très bien!
To prove to you that we are not nearly the Huns you think we are you will be tried according to your own French law the Code Napoleón.
Nous ne sommes pas les sauvages que vous croyez. Vous serez jugée conformément au Code Napoléon.
The judges of this court will now exercise their powers according to law in the name of the emperor.
Les juges de cette Cour vont exercer leur autorité conformément à la loi, au nom de l'empereur.
Your Honor, we find the prisoner guilty according to law... but under exterminating circumstances.
Selon la loi, le prisonnier est coupable. Mais avec des circonstances "exterminantes".
With regard to the case of Berit lrne Holm, the circumstances are clear. referring to paragraph 220 of the Law on Protection of Children, we have decided according to the paragraph of the same law, taking into consideration that there is no other solution, and according to paragraph 24, to take the girl into our charge
En ce qui concerne le cas de Berit Irène Holm, les circonstances sont claires, nous référant au paragraphe 220 de la loi de protection des enfants, nous avons décidé selon le paragraphe de la même loi prenant en considération
My brother Jericho and me had a claim before the war that we found and staked out according to miners'law.
Avec mon frère Jericho, on avait une concession avant la guerre qu'on avait trouvée et délimitée selon la loi minière.
And I demand that the government, according to its own law... legally, officially and permanently confirm the title to the Peralta land grant.
et j'exige que le gouvernement, conformément à ses propres lois... Confirme légalement, officiellement et définitivement le titre de concession de terrain Peralta.
According to our law, one of you should have been offered as a sacrifice to the Minotaur.
Selon notre loi, L'une d'entre vous aurait dû être offerte en sacrifice au Minotaure.
What is right according to their law, is not right according to that of the modern world.
Ce qui est bien selon leur loi, ne l'est pas pour le monde moderne.
Say, is it true that according to the English law... a wife can't be forced to testify against her husband?
Dites-moi, est-ce vrai que selon la législation anglaise, on ne peut pas forcer une épouse à témoigner contre son mari?
According to our military law for rape there are various terms of imprisonment at hard labor depending on the degree of the crime.
Daprés le réglement militaire, il y a différentes peines de travaux forcés pour viol, suivant le degré du crime.
Whoever is found with fire arms, knives or any sharp instruments will be punished on the spot - according to the Martial Law!
Quiconque emportera des armes sera puni sur place. Je répète...
Whoever is found with fire arms, knives or any sharp instrument will be punished according to Martial Law - on the spot!
Quiconque emportera des armes sera puni sur place. Il faut ouvrir la boutique.
According to Italian law, could she be held responsible... for debts the estate couldn't pay?
Pourrait-elle être tenue pour responsable des dettes du défunt?
according to her 66
according to the legend 19
according to my calculations 42
according to 41
according to our records 22
according to legend 40
according to my research 22
according to the police 21
according to you 115
according to the records 17
according to the legend 19
according to my calculations 42
according to 41
according to our records 22
according to legend 40
according to my research 22
according to the police 21
according to you 115
according to the records 17
according to mr 27
according to my sources 16
according to the m 16
according to them 31
according to him 90
according to who 30
according to the report 31
according to this 269
according to this map 19
according to his file 16
according to my sources 16
according to the m 16
according to them 31
according to him 90
according to who 30
according to the report 31
according to this 269
according to this map 19
according to his file 16