After traducir francés
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But, I, after spending 25 years I found not a shred of evidence that we have alien visitors in our skies.
Mais, je, après avoir passé 25 ans, je ne trouvai pas la moindre preuve que nous avons des visiteurs étrangers dans nos cieux.
Wernher Von Braun was one of the top scientists brought to the US from Germany after World War II as part of Operation Paperclip.
Wernher Von Braun was one of the top scientists brought to the US from Germany after World War II as part of Operation Paperclip.
We got to blimp back to D.C. after the engagement party.
On repart en dirigeable après la fête.
- [chuckles ] - [ Duke] And after Meemaw died, I think Russ ended up with the recipe.
Après la mort de Mima, c'est Russ qui a hérité de la recette.
Three of my favorite buildings after this one.
Mes sites préférés après celui-ci.
The next House vote is the day after tomorrow.
Le vote à la Chambre est après-demain.
Tomorrow, I'll announce my intention to step down after the revote.
J'annoncerai ma décision après le vote.
After this weekend, who knows?
Qui sait?
After 30 years of military service, you'd think I'd arrive prepared.
Vu ma carrière, j'aurais pu mieux me préparer.
" The Life After :
" La vie d'après :
History is earned. You win the day, and then you win the day after, and you do the same thing every day until you're dead.
L'histoire se gagne, victoire après victoire, chaque jour jusqu'à notre mort.
So, yes, I'm selling tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that.
Alors oui, je vends demain et les jours suivants.
Sir, the plan is to go after the governor first, and when the general comes to his defense, we use his hot mic comments to take him down, too.
- Monsieur, on attaque le gouverneur. Quand le général le défendra, on le fera tomber aussi.
He's going after the people who got us here.
Il cible nos soutiens.
I'm sorry. - What happens after he gets there?
- Il se passera quoi après?
After such a protracted, confusing and, frankly, chaotic election, we deserve clarity.
Après une élection aussi longue et chaotique, on a le droit à de la transparence.
He's threatening to go after her for whipping votes in exchange for campaign funds from a Mr. Remy Danton, who, shockingly, she was sleeping with.
Il menace de la poursuivre pour des fonds donnés par un certain Remy Danton, avec qui elle couchait.
I'll have it in transit after customs.
- Il transitera...
Uh, it's not gonna serve you to go after your own party.
Il ne faut pas s'attaquer à son parti.
I have a lunch right after this. Good.
Je déjeune juste après.
I'm sorry for being so insistent, but I thought you should know that Jane Davis came after me yesterday.
Excusez mon insistance, mais Jane Davis m'a parlé hier.
Came after you?
Comment ça?
Sir, I believe he's playing both sides of whatever this committee is after.
Je pense qu'il joue un double jeu, quel que soit le but du comité.
'Cause after he rips through his own party, he'll come after ours, wouldn't you think?
Quand il aura détruit son parti, ce sera notre tour.
I would suggest you schedule a press conference for right after the hearing.
Organisez une conférence de presse après l'audience.
No, of course. But who knows who they'll come after next?
Bien sûr, mais allez savoir qui sera la prochaine cible.
He wants to see this through. He's still coming after me.
S'il veut s'en sortir, il doit m'attaquer.
I need you to create additional documents that justify going after Kalabi.
Créez d'autres documents justifiant l'arrestation de Kalabi.
After a tumultuous election, the likes of which have never been seen, America faces more questions...
Après des élections tumultueuses comme jamais, le pays affronte...
Witness after witness is gonna rebut whatever you have to say.
Les témoins réfuteront ce que vous direz.
After you.
Après vous.
On the flight back from Moscow, not long after we met...
Dans l'avion, au retour de Moscou, après notre rencontre,
If you have any written statement, we will include it after and it will be part of the record.
On inclura au dossier toute déclaration écrite.
Is the truth what you're really after?
Cherchez-vous vraiment la vérité?
- Day after tomorrow.
You know... I was here before you and I'll be here after you.
Vous savez, j'étais là avant vous, je le serai après.
I'll announce it during the speech, after the troops.
Je l'annoncerai après mon discours.
I'll go down there tomorrow after my talk at the Whitney.
J'irai la voir demain après ma conférence au Whitney.
You could be spending a lot of time with them in court after he dies.
En vue du procès au tribunal après sa mort.
But what came after was all Bernice.
Mais la suite était signée Bernice.
After meeting me, they all said they'd pray for me.
Après m'avoir rencontrée, ils ont prié pour moi.
[Kimmy clears throat] You know, last night, after we sang the theme song to Sister Act,
Hier, après avoir chanté la chanson de Sister Act,
But okay, I'll find you after service tomorrow.
Je te parlerai demain après le service.
Not long after I moved to New York, I was asked out by a hideous but very wealthy man who first mistook me for a prostitute.
Peu après mon arrivée à New York, je suis sortie avec un homme hideux mais riche qui m'a prise pour une prostituée.
After that night, I never saw 15-year-old Eric Trump again.
Après ce soir-là, je n'ai jamais revu Eric Trump, qui avait 15 ans à l'époque.
It's after two?
And I know I said the same thing after the massage chair, but this time I mean it.
Et je sais que j'ai dit la même chose après la chaise massante, mais cette fois je le pense.
After I broke up with Raj, I met Gary, who's just amazing.
Après avoir rompu avec Raj, j'ai rencontré Gary, qui est juste génial.
So... did all of you go on to better relationships after me?
Vous avez toutes eu des meilleures relations après moi?
Two days after the competition, I was... I wasn't even asked,
Deux jours après ce concours, on ne m'a même pas demandé mon avis, on m'a dit que je travaillais chez Nike.
After those sketches came out, it was widely discussed that I had pushed it too far.
Quand on a présenté ces croquis, un bon nombre de gens ont dit que j'étais allé trop loin.
afternoon 648
afterwards 380
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after all this time 215
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after all 3969
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after all these years 325
afterwards 380
afternoon delight 17
after all this time 215
after last night 70
after all 3969
after you 1009
after work 78
after school 124
after all these years 325