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All i said was traducir francés

1,013 traducción paralela
I didnt say it wasntt interesting. All I said was that a guy committing suicide is no novelty.
Tout ce que j "ai dit... c" est qu "un suicide dans cette ville, c" est banal.
All I said was that I...
J'ai juste dit que...
All I said was no more roomers.
je viens de parler seulement des locataires pourtant.
- All I said was he looked like Boris Karloff.
J'ai dit qu'il ressemblait à Karloff.
- Well, all I said was I -
Eh bien, j'ai juste dit que -
All I said was...
Tout ce que j'ai dit, c'est...
Don't get excited, pal. All I said was...
Ce que j'en dis...
And all I said was : "Here's a letter for you, Mr Patourel, which I bring you from William Ozanne in New Zealand".
J'ai dit : voici une lettre de Nouvelle-Zélande de William...
All I said was, why don't you use an electric razor?
Je te suggérais juste d'essayer les rasoirs électriques...
All I said was that I wanted a nice, dry stone floor and Mr. Retch was just as nice as he could be and said :
J'ai juste demandé un beau revetement de pierre bien sec.
- Why, Jess, all I said was...
- Enfin, Jess, j'ai juste dit que...
All I said was that you've been with Lenahan too long.
J'ai juste dit que Lenahan déteignait sur toi.
All I said was, try them on.
J'ai juste dit "essaie-les".
All I said was go away for a while without her.
Je t'ai juste dit de partir sans elle, au début.
All I said was, "I had to ask you some questions."
J'ai dit que j'avais des questions.
All I said was...
Tout ce que je dis, c'est que...
I thought you said it was all right.
Tu m'as dit que c'était autorisé.
All I said... was that you were losing $ 50,000 on the race.
J'ai juste dit que vous perdiez 50.000 $ sur la course.
I said he was going to win it. After all, he's running the raffle.
Il ne l'a pas encore gagnée, mais c'est probable.
I talked to him on the phone only a minute ago and he said it was all set.
Et il m'a dit que tout était fixé.
I think it was awful funny what Miss Lu said about the spirits being all around you.
C'était très drôle ce que disait Mlle Lu... sur les esprits autour de vous.
I lied when I said everything was all right. Things are as bad as they possibly could be. And you've got millions.
Oui, j'ai menti... les choses vont au plus mal.
- It'll be in all the dreadful scandal sheets! I know! I've been racking my brains to try and remember what it was I said.
Si au moins je me rappelais ce que j'ai dit!
But the lie was in the way I said it, not at all in what I said.
J'ai menti dans le ton, pas dans les termes.
That's about all. I said I was expecting you back from London at any moment.
J'ai dit aussi que j'attendais ton retour dans la journée.
I said, that's all the money there was in the insurance.
C'est tout ce que j'ai eu de l'assurance.
You don't think that... all this you said about my career... you don't think I could have it if I was innocent?
Vous pensez que ma carrière est impossible si je suis innocente?
All he said was, wouldn't I like to have a screen test.
Il m'a juste proposé d'auditionner.
He said I was a Blake in all but name.
II a dit que je suis un Blake en tout sauf le nom.
I didn't say it was all the way better. I just said it was mostly better.
J'ai pas dit "complètement" mais "en gros" mieux.
Had anyone said that to me a year ago... I'm not at all sure I would have known what a zombie was.
Si on m'avait dit ça il y a un an, je ne pense pas que j'aurais su ce qu'était un zombie.
You said I was to be the executioner, so I come all fixed.
Comme c'est moi le bourreau, j'ai apporté tout ce qu'il faut!
Someone said, I don't know who it was, that all the great traitors of history were sincere men, and that they believed in their own hearts that they were patriots.
Quelqu'un a dit, j'ai oublié qui, que tous les grands traîtres de l'Histoire étaient des hommes sincères, et qu'ils pensaient du fond du cœur être des patriotes.
I was lying in bed sucking oranges, to tone up the system, you know, when all at once I said to myself,
Je suçais des oranges dans mon lit... pour me remonter. Tout à coup, je me suis dit :
All I said is that she was very pleasant...
Tout ce que j'ai dit, c'est qu'elle était charmante...
The Yale pin said so. All I needed was a telephone.
Téléphoner à Yale, voilà!
- I was gonna take back all I said.
C'est moi qui retire ce que j'ai dit.
- Then, all of a sudden, she said I was.
- Et soudain, elle a dit que c'était moi.
After all, she is my kid sister, and I always hoped that when she said those things about August - that she was just trying to be funny
C'est ma petite sœur et j'espérais qu'en parlant d'August, elle blaguait.
I just told him that he was a best lookin'horse I'd ever seen, and I'd been around horses all my life. I said that he had real class but nobody's believe it unless he calmed down and behaved himself.
Je lui ai dit qu'il était le plus beau cheval que j'aie jamais vu mais que personne ne le croirait s'il ne se calmait pas.
If I'd of left I'd been all the things you said I was.
Si j'étais parti, les choses se seraient passées comme tu disais.
Well, I just asked if that was all, and he said yes, she'll understand.
Hé bien, je lui ai demandé si c'était tout et... et il a dit ; "Oui, elle comprendra." Et...
It shall be said among my fellow practitioners in double-dealing... that I was the greatest of them all.
Mes compatriotes qui fourbent diront... que j'étais le meilleur de tous.
All I know is a Chinese who can read some English said he was on the Sea Queen night before last headed for the United States.
Tout ce que je sais c'est qu'un chinois qui sait lire l'anglais nous a dit qu'il était sur le Sea Queen hier soir en route pour les USA.
- I said, was it a good trip? - Did everything go all right?
Je demandais si tout s'était bien passé.
Now, Jonnie, I thought you said that my happiness was all that mattered and you must admit that you behaved as if it was.
Tu disais que mon bonheur passait avant tout. Tu vas maintenant à contresens.
I was part of... part of all that, until the law came along and said I ought to go to school.
J'ai participé à tout ça, jusqu'à ce que je sois obligé par la loi d'aller à l'école.
The Colonel said all I had to do was show you that letter...
Le colonel a dit que je devais seulement vous montrer cette lettre...
Was that all because I said you gave me confidence.
vous me rassurer! Tout ça, parce que je vous ai dit que vous m'inspiriez confiance.
I said that was all.
J'ai dit qu'on en avait fini.
I hate to remind you, but this all started because you said she was murdered.
Désolé de te le rappeler, mais ça a commencé quand tu as dit qu'elle avait été tuée.

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