Brainiac traducir francés
293 traducción paralela
- Cute for a brainiac.
- Pas mal pour un intello.
Why don't you go build a rocket ship, brainiac?
Va te construire une fusée, grosse tête!
Uh, excuse me, Professor Brainiac... but I worked in a nuclear power plant for 10 years... and, uh, I think I know how a proton accelerator works.
Veuillez m'excuser, professeur. Je travaille dans une centrale nucléaire depuis 10 ans et je sais comment ça marche, un accélérateur de protons.
- Brainiac! - Nerd!
La grosse tête!
Brainiac, somewhere in all those trillions of file clusters there's got to be one that says people don't like to be spied upon.
Brainiac, parmi tes milliards de fichiers... I'un doit stipuler que les gens n'aiment pas être espionnés.
Unless Brainiac agrees with you, it's all over.
Si Brainiac ne confirme pas vos théories, c'est fini.
- Ask Brainiac!
- Demande à Brainiac!
Yes, Brainiac. He'll tell us.
Oui, Brainiac doit savoir.
I presume you've submitted your findings to Brainiac?
J'imagine que vous avez soumis vos données à Brainiac?
So, what say you, Brainiac?
Quelles sont tes conclusions?
Nonsense! There isn't a square foot of this planet Brainiac doesn't know.
Il n'y a pas un cm 2 de notre planète que Brainiac ne connaît pas.
- I have to go down to Brainiac operations.
- Je dois aller au Centre Brainiac.
Just trying to find out why we disagree, Brainiac.
J'essaie de comprendre nos différences d'opinions.
- We received an alert from Brainiac.
- Brainiac a sonné I'alarme.
Still, there's the Brainiac question.
Reste le problème de Brainiac.
Brainiac tried to kill me.
Brainiac a voulu me tuer.
What's this nonsense about Brainiac?
Et ces inepties sur Brainiac?
Where's Brainiac?
Où est Brainiac?
Brainiac systems activated.
Systèmes de Brainiac activés.
Hey, brainiac, since when do you get detention?
La grosse tête! T'as des heures de colle, toi?
- Because I'm the son of God, brainiac.
Je suis le fils de Dieu, gros naze. Des questions?
I'm flying blind, Brainiac.
Je navigue à vue.
And brainiac over here says that when these numbers run down, if you don't have it back, you're gonna be right up it. Yeah, baby.
Selon l'intello, quand il arrivera à zéro, si vous ne l'avez pas, vous serez mal barrés.
See, Harald... brainiac...
Tu vois, Harald, tête de mule.
Paid some brainiac a couple thousand dollars to take it for me.
J'ai payé un intello.
Of course, me the brainiac.
pardon. je suis une grosse tête.
I ain't a brainiac like Rev.
Je suis pas intello comme lui.
Give brainiac a fluffy dog
Donnez sa peluche à Brainiac.
- Brainiac or class clown?
Cérébral ou pitre?
Some kind of brainiac? Skipped a few grades?
T'es une sorte de génie?
- So you all hate me? - That's right, brainiac.
- Alors, vous me haïssez tous?
What kind of marketing brainiac puts "anal leakage" on his product?
Quel génie de la pub inscrirait ça sur son produit?
Any last words, Brainiac?
Un dernier mot, Monsieur Je-sais-tout?
You're missing action beats. Every 10 pages, something big has to happen. " I said," What are you thinking about? "He's like," It's just an example :
Moi : "Quelque chose en particulier?" Lui : "Par exemple... quand Brainiac va chercher Superman a la forteresse de la solitude."
The scene where Brainiac goes to the Fortress of Solitude to find Superman. "
Superman est mort. J'espere que je ne vous gache rien.
Superman's dead at this point.
" Brainiac le cherche.
" Brainiac's looking for him at the Fortress. Something should happen.
Il faut un combat. "Et moi :" Mais Superman est mort. "
There should be a big fight. "I'm like," But Superman's dead. "
Lui : "Je sais, mais Brainiac peut combattre autre chose."
I said, "You want me to write a scene where Brainiac is wrassling polar bears?"
Et lui : "Ouais. Tu connais les ours polaires?"
He'd be happy to do it. " We just need that voice, that character somebody like him in our movie.
Un personnage comme ca. Brainiac pourrait avoir un coequipier? "
Can't Brainiac have a sidekick? "
Et moi : "Je suppose."
Maybe Brainiac has a little cute dog, and we can make a toy out of it.
C'est ca le truc. Il faut qu'on vende des jouets. "
That motherfucker's like a straight up brainiac, you know?
Cet enfoiré est machiavélique.
- Hey, brainiac!
- Hé taré va!
Do it, brainiac.
Je vous ai déjà parlé des années 60?
Hey, brainiac.
Hé, petite tête.
He's like, "I know, but can't Brainiac fight something else up there?"
"Comme quoi?"
Brainiac's trying to get in the Fortress.
Il en tue un et l'autre se sauve.
Because we don't want to piss off the PETA people. "
Moi : "Tu veux que j'ecrive une scene ou Brainiac tue des ours polaires?"
He said, " No, but something like that.
Brainiac pourrait avoir un petit chien et on en ferait un jouet.
brain 227
brains 203
brainstorm 21
brain freeze 19
brainy 41
brainer 146
brain tumor 25
brain damage 30
brained 21
brains 203
brainstorm 21
brain freeze 19
brainy 41
brainer 146
brain tumor 25
brain damage 30
brained 21