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But he's gone now traducir francés

156 traducción paralela
You've both been so very kind to me, but I'm not really a member of the family, except for marrying your son, and now he's gone.
Bien au contraire. Mais je n'étais que la femme de votre fils. Lui disparu, je veux vivre ma vie.
He's probably gone by now, but he'll be easy to trail.
Il a du en partir maintenant, mais il est facile a pister.
He was here last night, but now he's gone.
Il était encore là hier soir. Mais il a disparu.
I'm late because there was boy who was following me... from home'til here. But now he's gone.
Il y a un garçon qui m'a suivie jusqu'ici.
But he caught me looking at it and it's gone now.
Mais papa m'a vue et la photo a disparu.
But Atticus, he's gone and drowned his dinner in syrup... and now he's pourin'it all over.
Mais Atticus, il a noyé son diner dans le sirop... et maintenant il en verse partout.
I always thought Keith was a little off, but now he's really gone off the deep end.
J'ai toujours pensé que Keith était un peu cinglé, mais maintenant il a vraiment touché le fond
Yes, but now he's gone.
- Bien sûr, seulement il est parti!
He was here, but now he's gone!
Il était là, mais il n'y est plus.
But now that he's gone, I don't think there's much chance of that.
Maintenant qu'il est mort, ça ne risque pas d'arriver.
If you think that's necessary. But I'm quite sure he's gone away now.
Si vous y tenez... mais je suis persuadée qu'il est parti.
But he's gone now.
Pourquoi? Puisque Fajngold n'est plus là!
Before he was worried for her, and that's understandable, but now that all's gone well...
Avant, il était préoccupé pour elle, ce qui est normal.
He's always lived in the midst of violence, but now he's gone too far.
Il a toujours vécu au milieu de la violence, mais maintenant il est allé trop loin.
But now that he's gone, I'm just an ex-movie star coasting into the sunset.
Il n'est plus là, et je ne suis qu'une ancienne star qui s'efface à l'horizon.
- That would scare me pretty good. - Really. But he's all gone now, champ, see?
J'aurais eu peur aussi, mais il n'est plus là.
But now he's not here. He's gone.
Et elle a disparu.
Now, Ben Richards could have gone to prison... but instead, he volunteered for The Running Man. - Risking everything for a chance... - Excuse me.
Ben Richards aurait pu aller en prison mais s'est porté volontaire pour Running Man, risquant tout pour remporter un de nos fabuleux prix :
He's gone now, but his oeuvre lives on.
Il est mort... Mais son œuvre vit toujours.
- But now he's gone.
Elle est rouillé maintenant qu'il n'est plus la.
But right now, he's gone to a place far, far away.
Mais il a disparu il y a bien longtemps.
But this guv's name wasn't on file. And now he's gone.
Mais le nom de ce type n'était pas inscrit.
- Well, whatever it was... is gone now. - But that's what he saw.
Il en a vues.
I can have the area swept, ma'am, but if someone was down there, he's gone by now.
Je peux faire vérifier la zone, mais s'il y avait quelqu'un, il est déjà parti.
He's gone now, but I want to be notified immediately if he reappears anywhere on the ship, or if anything odd starts to happen.
Mais je veux être prévenue s'il réapparaît ou si quoi que ce soit d'étrange arrive.
But now... He's gone on now.
Mais maintenant... il a repris la route.
It may be inappropriate but now that he's gone,
C'est déplacé, mais maintenant qu'il n'est plus là, toi et moi...
Now, maybe that goes with being a CO, but this I just think he's gone over the top.
C'est peut-être parce qu'il est commandant. Je trouve qu'il dépasse les bornes.
We've closed off the campus, but my guess is, he's long gone by now.
mais il doit déjà être loin d'ici.
But if someone was down there, he's gone by now.
Mais s'il y avait quelqu'un, il est parti.
But, now that he's gone, you won't play.
Maintenant qu'il est mort, tu abandonnes.
Well, he's gone now, but just, you know, keep your eyes out in case he comes back.
Il est parti, mais ouvre l'oeil quand même.
But now he's gone, and your fate is sealed.
Maintenant il n'est plus et ton sort est réglé!
But now he's gone.
Et il est parti.
But he's gone now.
Il est parti maintenant.
But now that he's gone over to the enemy, he longuer needs a protector.
Maintenant qu'il est avec l'ennemi, il n'a plus besoin de Protecteur.
And now he's gone through this public humiliation, and if I don't make a big deal out of this wedding, I mean, I... lt may be all for show, but he needs the show.
Et il a été humilié publiquement, alors si je ne fais pas une montagne de ce mariage... Même si c'est pour les apparences, il en a besoin.
But now he's gone, and we're gonna need somebody that he can trust... who'll stay close to him and won't look suspicious.
Mais maintenant il est parti, et nous avons besoin de quelqu'un digne de confiance... qui restera toujours près de lui sans avoir l'air louche.
I thought he was gone, but now he's back.
Je croyais qu'il était parti, mais il est revenu.
He's gone now. But you gotta admire his spirit.
Il a disparu, mais il faut saluer son courage.
The head of the department is a man called Bagdasarov, he used to work for us, but now he's gone over... to the Gorbachev side.
Un certain Bagdasarov dirige le service. Il travaillait pour nous, avant de se rallier à Gorbatchev.
But I appreciate... every moment I shared with that kid... so much more, now that he's gone.
Mais j'apprécie chaque moment que j'ai partagé avec cet enfant, encore plus, maintenant qu'il n'est plus là.
Yeah, but he's gone now.
Ouais, mais il est parti maintenant.
He's gone now, but our business isn't.
Il a disparu maintenant, mais pas notre business.
That was the bad cop, but he's gone now.
C'était le mauvais flic, mais il est parti maintenant.
But he's been gone a while now.
- Ça fait longtemps qu'il nous a quittés.
I have a half-brother now but he's gone now. So that's why this is pretty much my family.
J'ai un demi-frère, qui n'est plus.
But now he's gone too.
Mais il est parti aussi.
He's gone now. But not forever.
Pas pour toujours.
Yeah, but now that he's gone, I want them to know we're here for them.
Maintenant qu'il n'est plus là, je voudrais qu'ils sachent...
It meant a lot to him that you were trying to help me, but now that he's gone, you don't need to try.
Il appréciait que tu essaies de m'aider. Maintenant qu'il est parti, ce n'est plus la peine.

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