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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ B ] / But not that much

But not that much traducir francés

738 traducción paralela
- He's angry, but not that much.
- Il est fâché mais pas à ce point.
We know some of it was passed. Probably some of it was sold on the hot-money market, but not that much.
Nous savons qu'une partie a fini dans le marché noir.
I like you, Brad. But not that much.
Je vous aime bien, mais sans plus.
I hate J.J., but not that much at this moment.
Je hais JJ, mais pas au point de faire ça.
Please leave. Until I hear that reason, I can't leave. The director position I got was given not by my competence, but by that shady trick which I despised so much, and I found that out later.
Je ne partirai pas sans avoir entendu la raison.
He may not be young but he spoils Fanny so much that in the end...
Il n'est plus bien jeune, mais il gâte tellement la petite que finalement...
Not that I'm complaining, but if you don't stop being careless and breaking china, there won't be much chance for her to have the clothes every girl ought to.
Je ne me plains pas! Mais je t'en prie, ne casse plus de porcelaine. Cette enfant a le droit d'avoir de jolies robes, comme les autres.
I have not done much damage with their hitting, but I am stunning. But that's not my fault, miss, but the cognac that has given it to revive.
vous m'avez fait mal j'ai la tête qui tourne ce n'est pas ma faute, Mademoiselle, mais celle du cognac qu'il vous a donné pour vous ranimer.
Yes, but do we not exalt that gift too much, Chancellor?
Ne prônons-nous pas trop l'épée?
Not saying much, works great for marriage, but you can't marry your children like that.
Ne rien dire, ça va dans un couple, mais ce n'est pas ainsi qu'on marie ses enfants.
That's somekind of paper that will make it rain just enough. But not too much!
C'est un papier pour faire venir assez de pluie, mais pas trop.
Not that I mind splitting rails. But I do mind very much losing the beauty of that life I loved.
Fendre du bois ne me gêne pas... mais une vie dépouillée du charme de jadis me répugne.
I don't resent your not paying me for the past two months... but the thought that I should split my bank account with you... that you should take half of my life's savings... that is really too much for me, sir.
Je ne me plains pas de ne pas être payé depuis deux mois, mais diviser en deux mon compte en banque et partager mes économies avec vous, ça jamais.
And remember, my sentimental friend that a heart is not judged by how much you love but by how much you are loved by others.
Souvenez-vous, mon ami sentimental, que ce n'est pas parce qu'on aime qu'on a du coeur, mais plutét parce qu'on est aimé.
You may not have learned much French today but I think you have learned a little patience and tolerance and that is the same in every language.
Vous n'aurez pas appris beaucoup de français, mais je crois que vous avez appris la patience et la tolérance. On dit pareil dans les deux langues.
It's not so much that they're the best zinnias we've ever grown but it's the thought that Brother Orchid has raised them all by himself.
Ce n'est pas tant que ce soient nos plus beaux zinnias que le fait que frère Orchidée les aie cultivés par lui-même.
I'm not much of a hand at prayer, but maybe I can remember a few bible verses that I've always believe in and that have helped me.
Je ne suis pas doué pour les prières, mais il y a des versets de la Bible auxquels j'ai cru et qui m'ont aidé...
I know that's not much of a recommendation, but... it didn't turn out so bad. Besides, I know a lot of regular kids who wound up in jail.
C'est pas forcément un exemple, mais je n'ai pas si mal tourné.
That night that you reported back to me at Camp Gordon, you as much as told me that you were quite prepared to die for your country, but not to kill.
En revenant de cette permission, vous vouliez bien mourir pour votre patrie mais pas tuer.
I may not know much law, but I do know juries, and that's all we need.
Je connais mal la loi, mais je connais bien les jurés.
It was not only for the people of Britain, but for the people of the world that Winston Churchill spoke, when he said : "Never in the field of human conflict, was so much owed by so many."
"Jamais dans un conflit humain, tant de personnes n'ont été autant redevables à si peu d'hommes."
Not just the girl's but thousands, millions perhaps and we don't intend to let one man have that much power.
Vous jouez avec des vies. Avec celle de la fille et des milliers, des millions d'autres.
Not much, but that was all right.
Pas tant que ça. Ça me plaisait.
It's not much of a county, but that's all we'll have.
La créature la plus ravissante de tout le comté.
That's something, but not much.
Nous ne sommes pas avancés.
A neon sign would burn a quarter as much juice but, Nick, that's not the point.
Ça reviendrait bien moins cher.
Not so much that Rankin could be Kindler, but that she could ever have given her love to such a creature.
Pas que Rankin puisse être Kindler, mais qu'elle ait pu aimer une telle créature.
But there's not much chance of that.
Mais il n'y a pas grand chance que ça arrive.
Maybe she should not be author, but is hard to give up something that has meant so much.
C'est dur de renoncer à une chose à laquelle on tient.
But a clue that's so vague... it's not much more use to us than no clue at all... unless you think there's something phony about this call... and somebody's planning to murder you.
Mais, avec une piste si vague... Bon, écoutez Mme, Je ne crois pas qu'on puisse vous aider... à moins que vous pensiez qu'il y a un lien entre cet appel... et quelqu'un qui voudrait vous tuer.
I'm not much of a man for giving advice, Mrs. Reynolds, never having been able to take it myself, but I'm suggesting that you get out of town today.
Je ne suis pas doué pour les conseils, Mme Reynolds, je ne les ai jamais suivis, mais je vous suggère de quitter la ville aujourd'hui.
But I'm not worth that much.
Mais je ne vaux pas tant.
Let me say only that I am proud and happy, and that I regard this great honour not so much as an award for what I have achieved, but as a standard to hold against what I have yet to accomplish.
Mais je suis fière et heureuse, etje considère cet honneur, non comme une récompense pour ce que j'ai accompli, mais comme référence pour ce que je dois accomplir.
You said hidden, but not so much that I should not have noticed.
Vous avez dit cachée, mais pas cachée au point que je ne m'en rende pas compte.
It's not much to have a friend who knows all about you... but one who's a friend even though he's not quite sure... that's worth having.
C'est facile d'avoir un ami qui vous connaît. Mais un ami qui n'est pas sûr de vous connaître, ça vaut la peine.
I guess she'll have enough to get by on, that is, when it's all settled up. But in the meantime, if she needs any ready cash, it's not much considering what's happened.
Avec la maison et le reste, elle devrait s'en sortir quand tout sera réglé, mais... d'ici là, elle aura besoin d'argent liquide.
It pains me very much to have to speak frankly to you, Lady Bracknell, about your nephew, but the fact is that I do not approve at all of his moral character.
Cela me peine de devoir vous parler de votre neveu, mais le fait est que je n'approuve pas du tout sa moralité.
I'm not much use at owt but leather, and that's a fact.
C'est vrai, à part le cuir, je connais pas grand-chose.
It's not as much money as we were paying him, but that's what he wants to do, so we're all for him.
Nous l'aurions mieux payé... Mais il s'est buté.
But my sensitive ear tells me that you're not using quite as much diaphragm.
Mais la voix n'est plus posée dans le diaphragme.
For a woman that may not be much, but for a man that counts
Pour une femme c'est peu, pour un homme ça compte
I love him very much, but that's not enough.
Je l'aime beaucoup, mais ça ne suffit pas.
I was gonna write to you, Cousin Kay, but I'm not very good at those things... and then so much time went by that I...
Je voulais t'écrire, cousine Kay, mais je ne suis pas très doué pour ça. Puis le temps est passé et...
Food. But not much, considering the size of the thing that did all of this.
Et vu la taille de celui qui a fait ça, ça n'a pas dû lui suffire!
Well, I'm not much on business deals, but I figure... that you and I should have some kind of an agreement.
Je n'y connais pas grand chose en business, mais j'imagine... que vous et moi devrions avoir une sorte d'accord.
But one does, you see, and that's not a thought that I like very much.
Mais il faut le faire, et je ne me réjouis pas à cette idée.
But the most terrible thing about war is not just the fact that we have to kill men so much like ourselves, but that we have to hate them and keep on hating them.
Mais le plus terrible dans la guerre, n'est pas le fait de devoir tuer nos semblables, mais de devoir les haïr. Et de continuer à les haïr.
And that happened to me eight days ago but I love him very much, for he is poor and no one gives what does not have.
Et ça m'est arrivé il y a huit jours mais je l'aime beaucoup, car il est pauvre et personne ne donne ce qu'il n'a pas.
That's a bad thing I do, but not too much.
Je n'en dirai pas trop, j'espère.
That may not hurt much now, but it's bound to hurt later on.
Vous ne sentez rien maintenant, mais plus tard, vous aurez mal.
It's not much according to your eastern standards, but that railroad station there leads straight to Washington.
Très différente de vos cités de l'Est! Mais le chemin de fer mène droit à Washington.

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