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But you were there traducir francés

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Yes, sir. I understand that. But you were there.
Je comprends bien, mais vous y étiez.
But you were there.
Mais vous étiez la.
But I wouldn't go in there with that horse if I were you.
À votre place, j'y entrerais pas.
If you were to say... "I'll take you there, standing, fully dressed..." It may not be what I like... but I wouldn't know how to say no!
Si tu me disais : "Je te prends là, debout, tout habillée", c'est pourtant pas mon genre, je saurais pas dire non.
If there were so many numbers, you wouldn't call it an alley, but a street.
S'il y en avait autant, ça s'appellerait une rue.
there Was an accident and you were hurt, but you'rE going to be all right noW.
Il y a eu un accident et tu as été blessé, mais tu vas guérir, à présent.
I really do, but one of you is lying to me. Mr. Caine, you hired me to find Diane, but you left out a few important facts... that in 1941, you were Ensign Robert Wicks... and that the night you and Diane eloped, there was a hell of a fight.
Vous m'avez engagé pour retrouver Diane, mais vous avez oublié de préciser qu'en 1941 vous vous appeliez Robert Wicks et que le soir où vous deviez vous enfuir, il y a eu une bagarre.
But when you saw the films, the camps, you realised there were no little fish.
Mais en voyant les images des camps, on comprenait qu'ils étaient tous coupables.
Actually, I was trying to tie up a loose end, but since you were there, I figured I might as well kill two birds with one stone.
Je voulais régler l'affaire. Mais comme vous étiez là, - j'ai fait d'une pierre deux coups.
But, uh, you know, the fear of unconscious impulses... or my own aggression or whatever, but, uh... if things get too quiet, and I find myself just, uh, sitting there... you know, as we were saying before...
de mon agressivité...
You're right, but there were already enough organ players.
Oui, mais il y avait déjà trop de musiciens ambulants.
You were too busy arguing but there was a man back there standing beside a dark green van and he was digging a hole.
Vous étiez trop occupé à discuter. Il était à coté d'un van vert, en train de creuser un trou.
But, my dad said you were a good person and that there's nothing to fear, so I should come learn from you.
Mais mon papa dit que tu es gentil, que je n'ai rien à craindre, et que je peux venir étudier avec toi.
But then I assume you got the picture when we were there.
Je pense que tu as compris la situation quand nous étions là-bas.
There were a few more questions I was going to ask you but now that you've said this.
J'avais pourtant quelques questions à vous poser.
Yet it was also one man's story... and all the themes of our culture were there... heroism, will, things like that... but when you look back on it, it was very strange.
Quoique ce fut l'histoire d'un seul homme... tous les thèmes de notre culture étaient présents... L'héroïsme, la volonté et tout ça... Quand on y repense... c'était assez étrange.
I knew you wouldn't be able to see past the 5th image but they were there and as long as they were there..
Je savais qu'on ne verrait plus rien à la cinquième image, mais elles y étaient!
But even if there were no you... I wouldn't be in love with your mother.
Mais même si tu ne me plaisais pas, j'aurais jamais été amoureux de ta mère pour autant.
But you were out of the limelight, no one's sure what you did there.
Mais vous n'étiez pas sous nos yeux et nous ne pouvions pas savoir ce que vous y faisiez.
When you took off your bracelets and the ring before arm wrestling, there were white lines under the bracelet, but not under the ring.
Lorsque vous avez enlevé vos bracelets et la bague avant le bras de fer... il y avait des marques blanches sous le bracelet, mais pas sous la bague.
Yes, but I wouldn't go in there if I were you.
Oui, mais je ne m'y aventurerais pas à ta place.
But you were not there.
Mais vous n'étiez pas là.
Any payments are normally made through Central Computer but as there were certain difficulties, we thought, rather than cause delay we'd let you have it now.
Les paiements devraient être faits par l'Ordinateur Central mais à cause de certaines difficultés, on a pensé, plutôt que de causer un délai, vous pourriez l'avoir maintenant.
But he was there, and you were not.
Mais il ètait là, et pas toi.
Yeah, Sam, you may not have been out there as long as those guys, but you were loved.
Tu n'as pas eu une aussi longue carrière qu'eux, mais tu avais aussi des fans.
But you think for me, think for Sarah. As though there were no "I."
Mais tu penses pour moi, pour Sarah, comme s'il n'y avait pas de "Je".
Belly dancing is all very well... but you made a mistake when you were over there.
C'est bien joli la danse du ventre... mais tu as fait une belle bêtise quand tu étais là-bas.
But did you notice how few books there were on the scriptorium shelves?
As-tu noté comme il y a peu de livres dans le scriptorium?
Oh, there were some people who couldn't make it, but they sent you remembrances.
Certaines personnes ont eu un empêchement, mais elles t'ont écrit un mot.
there were tears in your eyes, but still you tried to catch that woman in the lead.
Qu'ai-je fait au bon Dieu? Sortez le bain de siège, les enfants, Mamie arrive.
I think that most likely this is so, In your life there's no place for me but for what you chose - you didn't choose your mother it's more important that you choose a good wife tell her you're always welcome just like when you were locked up -
J'ai compris que c'est ainsi, il n'y a pas de place pour moi. Mais c'est ton choix. Tu n'as pas choisi ta mère.
But this body's been soaking 10 days in a river. Lucky for you, there were crawfish.
C'est un corps qui a séjourné 10 jours dans une rivière où, Dieu merci, il y a encore quelques écrevisses.
But if you were to look at this thing straight just for a moment, you might see that there's something going on out there!
Mais si vous regardez les choses en face, juste un moment, Vous verriez que quelque chose se passe là-bas!
You really blew O'Rourke away in there, you know? I know you really didn't need my test answers or anything, but I kinda got the feeling like, I don't know, like we were a team in there.
tu sais? { \ fs72 \ b0 \ cHFFFFFF } Mais le fait est que... { \ fs72 \ b0 \ cHFFFFFF } je ne sais plus où j'en suis.
But you knew when we got involved there were other women in my life.
Mais tu savais qu'il y avait d'autres femmes dans ma vie.
Americans'role models of the time were more like a football fullback or halfback. That's why Chet, you see him on this... I don't know how old he was there, but that's about what he looked like during this period.
Les modèles américains étaient plutôt genre joueurs de foot alors Chet... je ne sais pas quel âge il a, mais c'était sa tête à l'époque.
You keep implicating them in these disappearances but there's no evidence that they were involved with any crime!
Vous avez tout fait pour les compromettre. Vos insinuations ne sont en aucun cas des preuves de leur culpabilité.
And I know that's a long time before either I was here or you were here... but there is no reason why the agency shouldn't have a copy of it.
Je sais que c'est bien avant que vous ou moi travaillions ici, mais je ne vois pas pourquoi l'agence n'en aurait pas conservé un exemplaire.
But what were you doing, out there?
Que regardiez-vous?
And then there were these other birds you know, and there all trying to eat my head and everything. But I got a way from them.
Et il y avait d'autres oiseaux qui essayaient de me manger la tête, mais j'ai réussi à leur échapper.
But you were never there for me, Dad.
Mais tu n'étais jamais là pour moi.
You can say you were throwing it away, or you saw somebody put it there. But you don't tell us, and God forbid something happens, you think the big guy's going to forgive you? The big guy?
En attachant notre soif de justice pour Astria à de grandes causes qui dépassent les aspirations individuelles.
But... there was a moment, when friends were smilin'at us and Maurice was warblin'and you looked at me and... we became one.
Mais... il y a eu un moment, quand les amis nous souriaient et que Maurice gazouillait et tu m'as regardé et... nous n'avons fait qu'un.
Okay. I know you were trying to help, but there's some people who might not see it that way.
Même si t'as voulu te rendre utile, certains verront la chose autrement.
Dad, I stopped by your place, but you were not there.
Papa, je suis passé chez toi, tu n'y étais pas.
It was raw, sure. But there was moments where you were cookin'.
Non, parfois vous étiez très bien, le public était ravi.
You'll forgive our astonishment, Mrs. Teale... but we were told there was no one living in this area at all.
Pardonnez notre étonnement, mais on nous a dit qu'il n'y avait pas âme qui vive dans la région.
These were gifts from you but there's no more.
Ce que tu m'as offert. Tout est là.
But why were you in there?
Mais toi, pourquoi tu es là?
Ah, but there you were dealing with one of the wild Woosters.
Ah, mais vous aviez affaire à une des Woosters sauvages.
I admit there were times when I had my doubts about what we meant to each other, but seeing that sandbag hit you, I just knew I'd practically do anything for you.
C'est vrai, je me suis parfois demandé ce qu'on était l'un pour l'autre, mais quand le sac de sable t'a frappée, j'ai su que je ferais n'importe quoi pour toi.

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