Could you come here traducir francés
675 traducción paralela
Helen, could you come here for a moment?
Helen, une dame souhaite vous parler.
Mr. Rankin, could you come here a minute?
M. Rankin, vous pouvez venir une minute?
Tom, could you come here a moment, please?
Tom! Viens par ici!
Darling, could you come here a minute?
Chéri, peux-tu venir ici une minute?
Miss Hansen, could you come here a moment?
Mlle Hansen, pourriez-vous venir un instant?
Doctor, could you come here a minute, please?
Docteur, vous pouvez venir?
Couldn't you come down here so I could talk to you?
Pouvez-vous vous baisser pour que je puisse vous parler?
César, come over here. Read God's commandments to us. You could do with a reminder.
Ça sera l'occasion de te les rappeler. " Un seul Dieu tu adoreras.
How you could come here tonight, I don't know.
Comment êtes-vous venue ici ce soir, je l'ignore.
I knew if you could you'd come here.
Je savais que si tu pouvais, tu viendrais ici.
You know, it ain't exactly set yet but I figured if this well came in, why, she'd come out here and we could...
Tu sais, c'est pas du définitif, mais si ce puits marche, elle pourrait me rejoindre.
Could you please come over here for a moment?
Venez un instant, s'il vous plaît.
But if they found out I'd been here, you could never come back.
S'ils s'en aperçoivent, tu ne pourras pas revenir.
Perhaps if I could come back here again when you have more time...
Je pourrais peut-être revenir quand vous aurez plus de temps?
I figured maybe you could stay here another week or so, and then maybe you'd come and live at my place till you got strong again.
Vous pourriez rester ici une semaine et ensuite vous pourriez venir vous reposer chez moi.
He said : "You must have known my mother wanted you to come here today so that I could ask you to forgive me."
"Vous avez dû sentir que Mère vous disait de venir"
He could have come here just as well. And we would have called in another doctor without involving you.
Il a pris plusieurs taxis et a traversé des immeubles pour s'assurer de ne pas être suivi.
Could you possibly come here?
Pouvez-vous venir ici?
If you hadn't left London and come down here... It could have been me.
Si vous n'aviez pas quitté Londres pour venir ici, ça aurait pu être moi.
If you weren't, you'd come up here where I could see you better.
Sinon... tu viendrais où je peux mieux te voir.
I ll come to you, Sonny. And another thing, we kept Francie out of here so she and Neeley could be in the same class and you could look after him.
Nous voulions que Francie et Neeley soient dans la même classe.
Mr. Jerónimo, could you please come up here?
M. Jerónimo, vous pouvez monter, s'iI vous plaît?
I wouldn't be here now if you hadn't told me I could come up here if I needed help.
Je serais pas là... si tu m'avais pas dit de venir en cas de besoin.
Am I right that you thought if you could get him to come back here it was almost inevitable that the inevitable should happen?
Tu pensais qu'en l'amenant ici, l'inévitable deviendrait inévitable?
Could you come out? You only stop here for 5 minutes.
Descendez sur le quai, il n'y a que 5 minutes d'arrêt.
Look, Mary, Mary, it's a little too tough over the phone. Could you come down here, do you suppose?
Mary, c'est un peu dur au téléphone, pourrais-tu me rejoindre...
Pouvez-vous venir me prendre plus tard?
If only you could've come home sooner, captain, to be here in time.
Si seulement vous aviez pu rentrer à temps!
If you like, we could, uh, spend a day there, and then tomorrow we can come back here.
Si tu veux, on va passer la journée là-bas, et demain, on peut revenir ici.
I asked you to come out here today because I thought you could be of some assistance to us.
Je vous ai fait venir car vous pouvez nous être utile.
Oh, David, how could you come in here scaring me to death.
David! Tu oses venir me terroriser!
My office is only moments from here. Perhaps you could come now.
Mon bureau est tout près d'ici...
If you found you were free, you could have come out here.
Puisque tu avais du temps de libre, tu aurais pu venir ici.
I thought maybe Tommy's mother could come here and live with you and Marty.
Je pensais que la mère de Tommy pourrait venir vivre ici avec vous et Marty.
Oh, here. They said I could come in here and I could bring you out, and- -
Ils m'ont demandé de te faire sortir.
Why did you force me to come here? So that you could see what dynamite does to the human body -
Maintenant, secourez les mourants!
Don't you see, if they could come here and live with us, then we'd only have one house to run, and you wouldn't have the expense of paying
Vois-tu, si ils venaient vivre avec nous, nous n'aurions besoin que d'une maison... et ça coûterait moins cher.
I can't imagine what this gentleman could have told you to convince you to come here.
Je me demande ce que ce monsieur vous a dit pour vous convaincre.
And that wasn't done just so that one day you could come in here and stick up a lot of fences and bleed us to death.
Et on n'a pas fait ça pour qu'un jour vous veniez planter vos clôtures et nous saigner à blanc.
Mr. Barbicane, when I asked you to come here, I asked it so that you could hear from me personally what no other man outside of my cabinet has ever been told.
Monsieur Barbicane, si je vous ai fait appelé ici, c'est que j'ai tenu à vous mettre moi-même au courant de quelque chose que personne ne devra jamais savoir, à part nous deux.
He told me you're a good woman, so I wanted to come here as soon as I could.
La grand-mère est très gentille, qu'il a dit. Et moi, j'aurais voulu venir plus tôt.
How could you have suffered them to come here?
Comment as-tu pu les laisser venir?
Look, we're having this big Halloween dance down here and I was wondering if you could come.
Ecoute, il y a un bal pour Halloween, ici. Et je me demandais, si tu pourrais venir?
Pouvez-vous venir tout de suite?
- Come in here. Could you get me a shirt?
- Tu peux me donner ma chemise?
I wonder whether you could come up here.
Oui, vous, madame.
I thought you could come round here and get me out. - You can fix him at the same time.
Celui qui le cache doit mourir aussi.
You shouldn't have come up here, you could fall and break your neck.
Tu n'aurais pas dû venir, tu pourrais tomber et te briser le cou.
Only Lord Thomas's perversity could have made you come here tonight.
Seule la perversité de Lord Thomas pouvait vous faire venir ici cette nuit.
You could not have come through that door, unless the guard on duty in here let you in.
Vous n'auriez pas pu passer cette porte à moins que le gardien de service ne vous ait laissé entrer.
That is why I am calling you. I am not that fine I believe it would be better if you were here with me do you think you could come here just for a day?
C'est pour ça que je t'appelle ce n'est pas terrible en fait, je crois que ce serait mieux si tu venais avec moi est-ce que tu pourrais t'absenter juste une journée et venir ici?
could you give me a hand 26
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
could you do it 21
could you do me a favor 94
could you please 43
could you 1023
could you excuse me 18
could you be more specific 57
could you do me a favour 26
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
could you do it 21
could you do me a favor 94
could you please 43
could you 1023
could you excuse me 18
could you be more specific 57
could you do me a favour 26