Could you tell traducir francés
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Could you tell us how you came to be Mr. Elliott's driver in the first place?
Pourriez-vous nous dire comment vous êtes devenu le chauffeur de M. Elliott?
The man who called you on Abel's phone... could you tell anything about him?
L'homme qui vous a appelé sur le téléphone d'Abel... Pourriez-vous nous apprendre quelque chose sur lui?
How could you tell?
Comment peux-tu le savoir?
Could you tell me more?
Pourriez-vous m'en dire plus?
Sir, could you tell us exactly what happened?
Pouvez-vous nous raconter ce qu'il s'est passé?
Could you tell me where the cafeteria is?
Vous pouvez me dire comment aller à la cafétéria?
You tell me how else it could have happened.
Comment serait-ce arrivé, sinon?
Because if you tell me the same story he told me, then I could believe it's true.
Car si tu me racontes la même histoire que lui, alors je pourrais croire que c'est vrai.
Anything that could come to mind, if you know anything, you must tell us.
Tout ce qui vous vient à l'esprit. Si vous savez quelque chose, dites-le.
You could tell me about Daycia.
Vous pourriez me parler de Daycia.
Yeah. You could tell me though.
Tu pourrais me le dire.
No. Well, you could cos I wouldn't tell anyone.
Si, je ne le répéterai à personne.
Not sure if you could tell.
Je ne sais pas si tu peux le dire.
Maybe you could tell me about your wedding.
Peut-être que vous pourriez me parler de votre mariage.
You could tell the guy was just doing it as a goof, but she was totally into it.
Le gars faisait ça pour rire, mais elle était à fond dedans.
Did you already tell him he could live with us?
Tu avais déjà accepté qu'il vive avec nous?
- I was hoping you could tell me.
Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé? Je comptais sur toi pour me le dire.
Anyone there could tell you the same, except Emily, of course.
Quiconque ici pourrait te dire la même chose, à part Emily, bien sûr.
And from the footprints across the lawn, I could tell you were in such a hurry that you didn't bother with the sidewalk.
Et d'après les empruntes de pieds sur la pelouse, j'ai vu que tu t'étais précipité au point de ne pas marcher sur le trottoir.
You tell him about his daughter, you could put all their lives in danger and compromise the entire mission.
Tu lui dit pour sa fille, tu peut mettre tout leur vies en danger et compromettre la mission toute entière.
He'll probably never speak to me again but maybe you could tell him that I wasn't lying.
Il ne me reverra sans doute jamais. mais peut-être que vous pourriez lui dire que je ne mentais pas.
If you could just tell me how this...
Si tu peux juste me dire en quoi...
He could tell you the weather on the day you were born.
il pouvait te dire la météo du jour de ta naissance.
I was hoping you could tell me how she was.
J'espérais que tu puisses me dire comment elle était.
Lyle, you could tell us or you could tell the DA.
Lyle, vous pouvez-nous le dire ou le dire aux DA.
If you could tell me that you had sex With those two boys because it made you happy, Because you felt empowered and turned on...
Si tu pouvais que tu as couché avec ces deux garçons, parce que ça te rendait heureuse, parce que tu le voulais, parce que tu te sentais prête, excitée...
We present our case, tell them about your training- - that you saw three kids dying that you knew that you could help. Throw in your testimony about the hit-and-run.
On présente notre cas, on leur parle de votre entraînement- - que vous avez vu trois gosses en train de mourir que vous saviez que vous pouviez aider, rajoutez à votre témoignage le délit de fuite.
Look, I don't want to tell you what to do, but if you arrested one of these two guys for murder, I could spend the next 48 hours searching for our missing witness on safer streets.
Écoutez, je ne veux pas vous dire quoi faire, mais si vous arrêtez l'un de ces deux gars pour meurtre, je pourrais passer les 48 prochaines heures à la recherche de notre témoin disparu dans des rues plus sûres.
You know, I could tell that you guys didn't love us moving in next door.
Je sais que vous n'aimez pas le fait qu'on ait emménager à côté.
If you could just tell me what room he's in.
si vous pouviez juste me dire dans quelle chambre il est.
I mean, even then, even as a kid, you could tell that he was something special.
Je veux dire, même alors, même comme un enfant, vous pourriez dire qu'il avait quelque chose de spécial.
There's certain things you could tell that's an "Allen thing."
Une de mes chansons préférées s'appelle Street Parade, d'Earl King.
Or maybe you could tell me differently.
Ou peut-être que tu pourrais me le dire différemment.
We thought maybe you could tell us.
On pensait que vous pourriez nous le dire.
- Ever since you came back from Chicago, I could tell. - Something happened.
- Quelque chose s'est passé...
Oh yeah, could you just tell him that Sophie Kachinski is converting to monogamy?
Pouvez-vous lui dire que Sophie Kachinski est devenue monogame?
I'm disappointed you haven't felt that you could trust me enough to tell me this.
Je suis déçu que vous ne vous soyez pas sentie suffisamment en confiance pour me le dire.
Well, I could tell you my strength : closing cases.
clôturer les affaires.
Even as a young girl, I could always tell what you were thinking.
Même petite fille, je pouvais toujours savoir ce que vous pensiez.
So it's unlikely you could tell us why the thief may have targeted that map?
Vous ne savez donc pas pourquoi le voleur a ciblé cette carte?
I could tell that you'd... figured out about Zachary.
Que vous aviez compris pour Zachary.
How could you not tell us about the book?
Vous ne nous avez pas parler de ce livre?
I could tell you were worried I was keeping you from Tom.
Vous étiez inquiète que je vous garde loin de Tom.
I could tell you what a wise match it would be - how Aegina will guarantee your borders, vanquish your enemies, fill your treasury.
Je pourrais vous dire quelle sage décision ce serait, comment Egine garantirait nos frontières, vaincrait vos ennemis, remplirait votre trésor.
How, um... how could you not tell me about this before now?
Comment... avez-vous pu ne pas m'en parler avant maintenant?
You could just tell everyone you came with me.
Tu pourras dire à tout le monde que tu es venu avec moi.
How could you bluntly tell me that you were my secretary?
Comment pourrais-tu me dire carrément que tu étais ma secrétaire?
I tell you, I could eat this stuff for the rest of my life.
Je vous le dis, je pourrais en manger jusqu'à la fin de mes jours.
You said you could talk to these things, right? Tell them it's time to let Maddy go!
Vous qui savez leur parler, dites-leur de relâcher Maddy!
- I could just tell you about the victims.
Je peux te parler des victimes.
Now, tell me, could you just sit there and watch your own brother die?
Alors dis-moi, tu pourrais rester là à regarder ton frère mourir?
could you tell me 38
could you give me a hand 26
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
could you do it 21
could you do me a favor 94
could you please 43
could you 1023
could you excuse me 18
could you be more specific 57
could you give me a hand 26
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
could you do it 21
could you do me a favor 94
could you please 43
could you 1023
could you excuse me 18
could you be more specific 57
could you do me a favour 26
could you help me 76
could you get that 18
could you come in here 19
could you come here 36
could you help me out 17
could you not 23
could you hold on a second 17
could you imagine 18
could you give us a moment 34
could you help me 76
could you get that 18
could you come in here 19
could you come here 36
could you help me out 17
could you not 23
could you hold on a second 17
could you imagine 18
could you give us a moment 34
could you give us a minute 55
could you just 92
could you come with me 29
could you do that 43
could you excuse us 30
could you give us a second 19
you tell 24
you tell me the truth 27
you tell me 1648
you tell me everything 17
could you just 92
could you come with me 29
could you do that 43
could you excuse us 30
could you give us a second 19
you tell 24
you tell me the truth 27
you tell me 1648
you tell me everything 17