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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ D ] / Did you find it

Did you find it traducir francés

1,182 traducción paralela
Where did you find it?
Ou l'as tu trouvé?
I couldn't help but admire that beautiful tapestry. - Where did you find it?
Je ne pouvais m'empêcher d'admirer cette splendide tapisserie.
- How did you find it?
- Comment l'avez-vous trouvé?
Where did you find it?
Où l'as-tu trouvé?
Where did you find it?
- Oû était-elle? - Sur mon bureau.
Where did you find it?
Où l'avez-vous trouvée?
Did you find it?
Vous l'avez retrouvé?
Where did you find it, in a box of Cracker Jacks?
Vous l'avez eue dans une pochette surprise?
Did you find it?
Vous l'avez trouvée?
Nice. Where did you find it? .
Où l'avez-vous trouvé?
- Where did you find it?
- Où est ce que tu l'as trouvé?
Did you find it?
Tu as trouvé?
- Where did you find it, Caesar? .
- Où les as-tu trouvés?
Did you find it?
- Vous avez trouvé?
Where did you find it? I picked it up
Merci beaucoup.
- How did you find it?
- A qui elle est?
Where did you find it?
- Où l'avez-vous trouvée?
- Where exactly did you find it, Major?
Où l'avez-vous trouvé, Commandant?
Did you find it?
Tu l'astrouvé?
Great! Where did you find it?
Où l'avez-vous trouvé?
When did you find it?
Vous l'avez trouvé quand?
- Where did you find it?
- Où l'as-tu trouvé?
Coach, why did you find it inspiring if you got the piano fixed?
Pourquoi trouver ça exaltant si le piano était réparé?
Come to think of it, did you find it?
Au fait, tu l'as retrouvé?
Did you find it?
Tu en as trouvé?
Did you find it in the swamp?
Vous l'avez trouvée dans l'étang?
Where did you find it?
Où avez-vous trouvé?
- Did you find it?
- L'avez-vous trouvé?
Did you find it?
Eh bien, quoi, t'as trouvé?
Now tell me... how did you find out it was me?
Maintenant dis moi... Comment as tu devine que c'était moi?
We find it almost impossible to believe, that you have ignored several warnings by us to conform you of the rules that are vital to the continue growth and well being of our beloved Topeka, but you did.
Il est difficile pour nous de constater que vous avez ignoré plusieurs de nos alertes afin vous plier aux lois qui sont vitales pour le bien être et la croissance de notre bien aimée Topeka, mais vous l'avez fait.
How did you find out how it happened?
Comment avez-vous su ce qui s'était passé?
Now, I don't care if that man is dead you find a way and you prove that he did it.
Je me fiche qu'il soit mort, mais prouve que c'est lui qui l'a tuée.
How did you happen to find it so quickly?
Comment l'as-tu trouvée si vite?
Where did you find it?
Où l'avez-vous trouvé?
It's true, they look the same. Where did you find the picture?
C'est vrai, elles sont vaguement ressemblantes, mais... où avez-vous trouvé cette photo?
But tell me, where did you find this picture, it even surprises me that those two would allow a picture to be taken at all.
Mais dites-moi, où avez-vous trouvé cette photo? Ça m'étonne beaucoup que ces deux femmes se soient laissées photographier.
That's how he did it Did you find anything?
- Vous avez trouvé quelque chose? - Une montre cassée.
- Did you find the control centre? - We found it all right.
- Vous l'avez trouvé?
- Did you find one? - I got it.
- Tu en as trouvé un?
If you really did all those bad things all your life only to end up being persecuted by Yoh Xi Hung don't you find it ironical?
Après avoir pris la décision la plus importante de ma vie, Yue Xi-hong veut me tuer et ça t'amuse?
How did you find it?
Comment l'avez-vous découverte?
Hey, it's wonderful to see you, but how did you ever find us?
C'est génial de vous voir, les amis. Comment nous avez-vous trouvés?
What advice did you find for me there? I learned fear for your sake so that I can teach you what it is.
♪ ai appris que je devais t'enseigner la peur
Did you ever find it?
L'as-tu jamais trouvé?
Tell me, Christine, how did you find time to do it all?
Comment avez-vous trouvé le temps de tout faire?
Did you find it?
- Where did you find it?
- Tu l'as eu où?
You just find out who did it, Dal.
Découvre qui a fait ça, Dal.
But how are you gonna find the one who did it?
Comment vas-tu retrouver l'assassin?
How'd it go? Did you find a new place for the station?
Alors, tu as trouvé un nouvel endroit pour la station?

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