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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ D ] / Don't even think that

Don't even think that traducir francés

686 traducción paralela
- I don't think I need even answer that.
- Je ne crois pas devoir répondre à ça.
She made a pile of dough writing her life story, delivering lectures, stuff like that, but I don't think she's ready to turn over no 25 grand for no wallet, even if it is real leather.
Elle a gagné des tonnes de blé en racontant son histoire... en donnant des conférences et tout ça, mais je ne crois pas... qu'elle va débourser 25000 pour un portefeuille... même si c'est du vrai cuir.
I think we don't even tell the people on the farm anything about it... that you were in prison.
Tu sais, à la ferme, on ne dira pas que tu sors de prison.
And now, don't you think, my dear grandson that this auspicious meeting might be celebrated by something even more convincing than your delightful speech?
Et, ne pensez-vous pas, mon cher petit-fils, que cette rencontre devrait être scellée par un geste plus convaincant que votre charmant discours?
- I don't think even that would do it.
- Je ne crois pas que cela suffira.
And to think that you don't even know my parakeets!
Quand je pense que tu ne connais même pas mes perruches.
I don't think there is another one like that. - Not even in America. - That's nonsense.
Des comme lui y en a même pas en Amérique.
Well, surely you don't think that... Mr. Wilson, I've never... I've never so much as even seen a Nazi.
Vous ne pensez pas... je n'ai jamais... je n'ai jamais vu un nazi.
You don't even think that we would be separated.
Tu ne penses même pas que nous serions séparés.
I don't think you'd do that. But I ain't got a cent, not even enough to buy me a glass of beer.
C'est pas ça, mais j'ai même pas de quoi me payer une bière.
I mean, even if you are a musician and an Englishman don't you think that you're carrying things just a little bit too far?
Tu as beau être musicien et anglais, tu ne crois pas que tu vas un peu trop loin?
Personally, I think it's stretching it a bit, but Jane insists that he have one even though we don't know how old he is.
Je trouve que Jane exagère, mais elle y tient, malgré qu'on ne sache pas quel âge il a réellement.
He's not going to tell anyone. I don't think he'd even tell me. Not that I'd bother him, of course.
J'ai essayé de le faire parler, mais sans succès
That's wrong. Don't even think that.
Ne dis pas une chose pareille!
- Pa, we didn't even think of that. I don't think you did. You two together couldn't have figure that out.
Non, vous êtes incapables d'avoir combiné tout ça.
No, no, don't even think that!
Vous m'avez mal compris.
Don't even think that.
Ne crois pas ça, jamais.
Even the listeners will be undisturbed. I think the composer would've appreciated that, don't you?
Le compositeur apprécierait une attention aussi délicate!
- What about the children? I don't even want to think about that.
Je refuse même d'y penser.
- Don't even think about a thing like that.
Ne pense pas à des choses comme ça.
I don't think it would even occur to Michael that anybody would ask me.
Il n'imaginerait même pas qu'on puisse m'inviter.
No. I don't think it even started like that.
Je ne crois pas que ça ait commencé comme ça.
I don't think even they would need to lie about that.
Même eux n'ont pas besoin de mentir à ce propos.
Is it possible that civilized men can commit such ignoble acts just because of that brainless girl? Don't you think that, whoever punished that brainless girl in such a crude way proved he was even less discerning? You're right.
Seigneur, comment peut-on arriver à commettre de tels forfaits rien que pour une toquée?
It's difficult to recognize any accent through all that, even assuming there was one in the first place. I don't think there was.
Il n'était sans doute pas dans la même maison.
Mr. Secretary, I'm kinda new at this job, but I don't think it's good public relations to talk that way to a United States senator, even if he is an idiot.
Je suis nouveau à ce poste, mais je ne crois pas de mise de s'adresser ainsi à un sénateur, même si c'est un idiot.
Even so, don't you think that your promise it's a little exagerated and pretentious?
Ne pensez-vous pas que votre promesse est un peu exagérée et prétentieuse?
I don't even care if you're not altogether sincere in that statement, Walter because I think you know what the past 15 years have been like.
Et même si tu n'es pas tout à fait sincère, ça m'est égal. Tu sais ce qu'ont été ces 15 dernières années...
I don't think you should say things like that, even if it's how you feel.
George! Ce n'est pas une chose à dire même si vous le pensez.
Don't you think that those TV antennas let's even say have made you lose your head?
Ne pensez-vous de ces antennes de télévision... Ce véhicule.. orgueil, la vanité, dit encore..... De la volonté de puissance, vous avez perdu un peu la tête?
Even so, I don't want to start something that will make people think we're turning radical around here.
Quand bien même, je ne veux pas que les gens croient que nous devenons radicaux.
I'm not sure, but I don't even think that's legal.
Je ne suis pas sûre, mais je crois que ce n'est même pas légal
Don't even think of that.
C'est sans importance.
There's a cat, and I really don't even know his name, but I remember that Chip said that his old lady just had a baby, and that made me think,
Je pense au mec dont Chip parlait... qui vient d'être père.
Don't even think about that!
N'y pense même pas!
That'll make it even more official. You think of everything, don't you?
Ça fera plus officiel.
I know it sounds funny... because I suppose you would think that what would be worrying me... would be the guys in the truck... or maybe some guy I don't even know watching me pretty close in the bar or something.
Je sais que ça a l'air drôle, parce que je suppose que ce qui devrait m'inquiéter ce serait plutôt les types dans le camion ou un gars que je connais ou un type qui me collerait trop dans un bar, un truc comme ça.
Don't even think that I'll spare your life.
Chien, crois-tu que je vais t'épargner?
I don't even want to think about that.
Je ne veux même pas y songer.
Your Honor, if I just might interject, even if there were minors present I don't think that I said anything that would have done them any harm.
Si je peux me permettre, Votre Honneur, même s'il y avait des mineurs, je n'ai rien dit qui risque de leur faire du mal.
Don't even think about that.
Ne pensez même pas à ce sujet.
And I don't even wanna think what that means.
Je ne sais toujours pas ce que ça veut dire.
I think that could be even more fun, don't you?
Ce sera encore plus amusant, tu ne crois pas?
Do you think we're a one million army of emotionally crippled people, wretches who wander around, shouting to each others with words we don't understand and that make us even more scared?
Crois tu que nous soyons une armée d'un million d'inadaptés de la vie? de pauvres malheureux qui se promènent en hurlant les uns sur les autres avec les mots incompréhensibles qui nous rendent plus craintifs encore?
Don't even think that.
N'y pensez même pas.
I don't think that our little genius, Sergeant Miller there has even got a box of matches left in his suitcase.
je ne crois pas que notre petit génie, le sergent Miller, ici présent, ait une seule boîte d'allumettes dans sa valise.
I don't even think we've got that much quadrillium.
Je ne crois même pas qu'il y ait autant de quadrillium sur la planète.
I mean, you think it's so unimportant that you don't even do it.
Vous pensez que c'est si peu important que vous vous en passez.
I don't even think that.
Je veux retourner à notre époque!
If it goes over that... I don't want to even think about it.
Si on prend plus de temps, je ne réponds plus de rien.
I think I do know what really disturbs me about the work you've described... and I don't even know if I can express it. But somehow it seems that the whole point of the work that you did in those workshops... when you get right down to it and you ask what was it really about... The whole point, really, I think... was to enable the people in the workshops, including yourself... to somehow sort of strip away every scrap of purposefulness... from certain selected moments.
Ce qui me gêne, dans le travail que tu faisais avec ces ateliers de comédiens, si on regarde les choses en face, c'est que ça visait à permettre aux participants et à toi-même... d'éliminer toute utilité positive de votre travail... afin d'expérimenter une sorte d'apesanteur de l'être.

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