Don't you do it traducir francés
8,627 traducción paralela
That's twice now you've touched her. Don't do it again!
C'est la deuxième fois que tu la touches!
You do it well, that hide and seek, that don't go tell...
Les cachoteries, les petits secrets...
I still don't know how you do it!
Je ne sais toujours pas comment tu fais!
You keep the farm going, you raise four kids, get them to school every day and you don't drink a gallon of bourbon to do it.
Ta ferme tient debout, tes quatre enfants vont à l'école et tu carbures pas au bourbon pour tenir.
You don't think it's the cops, do you?
Pas les flics, quand même?
I don't know how you do it.
Je ne sais vraiment pas comment tu fais.
Those ants really do it for you, don't they?
T'es vraiment obsédé par ces fourmis, hein?
So you don't think it's too much house, do you?
Tu ne crois pas que c'est un peu trop grand pour une maison?
Hey, if you're gonna throw up, don't do it in here, okay? This is her room.
Si tu veux gerber, le fais pas ici, c'est sa chambre.
I guess I don't really know you that well but I believe in you. You can do it.
Je te connais pas tant que ça, mais je crois en toi, tu vas t'en sortir.
It's like you always do this- - I don't know,'cause you, like, wanna be a better friend than me or something?
Tu fais tout pour être un meilleur ami que moi, c'est ça?
Now, I don't expect you to understand... but I do ask that you find it in yourself... to forgive an old man his selfishness.
Je ne m'attends pas à ce que tu comprennes, mais... je te demande de trouver la force de pardonner un vieillard pour son égoïsme.
I beg you, don't do it.
Je t'en supplie, n'y va pas.
So if you can't do it, don't say yes.
Si tu ne peux pas le faire, ne réponds pas oui.
It's just money. You don't have to do any of the work.
C'est juste de l'argent, t'as rien à faire.
- You don't like it, do you?
- tu deteste, hein?
You do it every spring, don't you?
Vous le faites chaque printemps, n'est-ce pas?
When you reach the end of the umbilical detach and just do it, don't over think it.
Et si je le fais pas, on meurt tous les deux. Tiens.
I told you before, I just don't wanna do it, kid.
Je t'ai déjà dit, j'ai pas envie de faire ça.
And please don't take this the wrong way, because it has nothing to do with you.
Et ne le prends pas mal, s'il te plaît, parce que ça n'a rien à voir avec toi, mais...
You don't even wanna play with that doll, but you do it...'cause your friend's playing with that doll.
Vous n'en voulez même pas, mais il le faut, votre ami joue avec l'autre.
Because I know you don't want to get married, but you know, I do think it's important to make some sort of commitment to each other and I think buying a place, maybe Kensington, maybe Prospect Heights.
Tu n'as pas envie de te marier, mais en même temps, il est important de s'engager d'une façon ou d'une autre avant d'acheter un appartement.
Why don't you do it here?
Pourquoi ne pas le faire ici?
I mean, I don't have herpes, but it's okay with me if you do.
Je n'ai pas d'herpès, mais ça ne me dérange pas si tu en as.
You know, people that retire with all their money, it's like they don't know what to do with themselves.
Ces retraités, avec tout leur argent, on dirait qu'ils ne savent pas quoi faire de leur peau.
I still don't know how you do it.
Je sais pas comment tu fais.
You made me realize that not only I do not remember my parents any more but my childhood, for example, I don't remember a thing about it.
Tu m'as fait réaliser que non seulement je ne me rappelais plus de mes parents... mais mon enfance, par exemple je ne m'en rappelle plus non plus.
They probably like train you how to do this, don't they? To fuck with my emotions. Okay, well stop it.
- Arrêtes tes faux sanglots... ils t'ont probablement entraînée à faire ça pour jouer avec mes émotions, et bien arrêtes ça.
They're going to want you to confess to child molestation, but you can't do it because they don't have a case.
Ils voudront que vous avouiez des violences sur mineure. Ce que vous ne ferez pas car il n'y a pas d'affaire.
Don't you think it's some kind of kid-brother sort of thing to do?
Ça fait un peu petit frère, non?
- Why don't you do it?
- Pourquoi t'y vas pas?
Vincent, you just don't get it, do you?
Vincent, vous ne comprenez pas.
Remember old man, my sister don't make it off this mountain alive, neither do you.
Rappelles toi vieil homme, si ma sœur ne s'en sort pas, t'es mort.
One day, as he was playing golf, he thought that it is more difficult to pretend that you do have feelings when you don't than to pretend you don't have feelings when you do.
Un jour, alors qu'il jouait au golf, il pensa qu'il est plus difficile de prétendre que vous avez des sentiments quand vous n'en avez pas que de prétendre que vous n'avez pas de sentiments quand vous en avez.
I don't mean to pressure you, or to ruin the mood now that we're celebrating, but at some point you'll have to do it.
Je ne veux pas vous mettre de pression, ou ruiner l'ambiance alors que nous célébrons, mais à un moment donné, vous devrez le faire.
You don't really believe it had anything to do with that summoning of yours, do you?
Vous ne pensez pas vraiment que ça a quelque chose à voir avec votre rituel?
I don't know how you will do it.
Je ne sais pas comment vous allez faire.
I don't know how you guys do it.
Je ne sais pas comment vous faites.
Why don't you do it?
Pourquoi ne le fais-tu pas?
I don't care who it's with, but I want you to do it in front of the other girls.
Je me fiche avec qui, mais je veux que tu le fasses devant les autres filles.
I-I don't like it any more than you do, but at least it clears the way for you and me.
Je n'aime pas ça plus que toi, mais au moins ça nous laisse le champ libre.
I don't care how you do it.
Je m'en fiche de la façon.
What do you mean, "It's not there anymore"? - Me and Shem were out there today, and we're looking and we're looking, but, uh, we don't see her. - Where'd it go?
On l'a cherchée, mais sans succès.
It's like do you ever feel like you're so on the same page with someone that you don't even know what to say to that person?
C'est comme sentir que tu t'entends si bien avec une personne que tu ne sais plus quoi lui dire?
'Cause you don't have to go if it's not the right thing to do.
Si ce n'est pas le cas, tu n'as pas à y aller.
You don't want me to do it.
Tu ne veux pas de moi.
I think I know why you did it, and I don't think it had anything to do with him or with her or with gold.
Je pense savoir pourquoi tu l'as fait, et je pense que ça n'a aucun rapport avec lui ou elle, ni avec l'or.
Well, Frank, if you're not gonna do anything about it then I don't want her and that Chuckie thing in my house anymore.
Bien, Frank, si tu ne fais rien à ce propos, je ne veux plus d'elle ni de cette "Chuckie" dans ma maison.
They said you can't do it. I don't take orders from them.
- Je ne les écoute pas.
As you know, I don't know how to talk filmy nor do I like it but I'm still trying.
Comme vous le savez, je ne suis pas du genre à faire du cinéma. Mais je vais essayer.
You don't see it, do you?
Tu ne t'en rends pas compte, n'est-ce pas?
don't you 9508
don't you dare 523
don't you worry 668
don't you understand 702
don't you like it 136
don't you ever 59
don't you agree 326
don't you remember me 90
don't you worry about it 53
don't you see 982
don't you dare 523
don't you worry 668
don't you understand 702
don't you like it 136
don't you ever 59
don't you agree 326
don't you remember me 90
don't you worry about it 53
don't you see 982