Fire department traducir francés
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"Call out the Fire Department to help stop the stampede."
Appelez les pompiers en renfort pour limiter les émeutes.
Larivière, tell him the fire department is coming tomorrow.
- Il est allé faire sa ronde. - Mon bon Larivière, dites-lui que la commission d'incendie passe demain matin.
Fire department searchlights on the roof.
Les projecteurs des pompiers.
The fire department's burning.
La caserne est en feu.
Yeah, the fire department.
Oui... les pompiers.
The fire department courageously tried to extinguish those flames but overwhelming numbers fought them back.
Les pompiers ont tenté d'intervenir, mais se sont fait attaquer.
I call the fire department!
J'appelle les pompiers!
Should interest the fire department.
Ça intéressera le service des incendies.
Oh, however, if in spite of all my provisions a slight blaze should occur, it may reassure you to know that I am chief of the Friars Carmel Volunteer Fire Department.
Toutefois, si malgré mes précautions, un incendie se déclarait, sachez que je suis le chef... du corps de pompiers volontaires de Friars Carmel.
Signed, Kenny, Chief, Hackensack Fire Department. " What's it mean?
Signé : Kenny, chef des pompiers.
Somebody better call the fire department.
On devrait appeler les pompiers.
Call the Fire Department!
Vite, il faut appeler les pompiers et la Croix Rouge.
Al Knox asked me at the movie last night if you wanted to join the volunteer fire department.
Au cinéma, Ed m'a demandé si vous vouliez devenir pompier volontaire.
You sure you've got enough help? How about the fire department?
- Appelez aussi les pompiers.
Get the address for Brighton 634, then ring the fire department.
Trouve l'adresse pour Brighton 634, et appelle les pompiers.
Somebody called the fire department from this house.
Quelqu'un a appelé les pompiers de cette maison.
Have you called the fire department?
non, c'est pas son jour, vous avez prévenu les pompiers!
The fire department won't help, someone spilled gasoline down there and the fire's spreading all over the place.
Inutile. On a renversé de l'essence. Il y a le feu partout!
Fire Department.
Shall I call the fire department to come with a net to catch you?
J'appelle les pompiers, pour qu'ils vous attrapent quand vous tomberez? Ils n'auraient pas le temps.
Attention, all police and fire department personnel.
On interpelle la police et le service des incendies.
You can't do that! It belongs to the Fire Department.
II appartient aux pompiers.
It would take the fire department, the sanitation department and possibly the Boy Scouts.
Il faudrait les pompiers, les services sanitaires et les boy-scouts.
And will you call the city fire department?
Et appelez les pompiers.
Get me the fire department and city police.
Passez-moi les pompiers et la police.
All standing room's sold the fire department allows. I'm sorry.
Tout est vendu au bureau de location.
- You've heard of the fire department?
- Vous connaissez les pompiers?
Have you ever heard a more cogent description... of the functions of the fire department?
Avez-vous déjà entendu une description plus convaincante... des fonctions du service d'incendie?
The filing system, everything that wasn't burned those blackheads in the Fire Department ruined with water.
Ces idiots de pompiers ont noyé ce qui n'a pas été brûlé!
Hey, Nasick, tell them. Tell them how the whole Fire Department was helping you wife wait for you.
Nosseck, raconte comment tous les pompiers ont aidé ta femme à t'attendre.
Nasick, why don't you do the whole town a favour, buy a fireman's hat and go home so the Fire Department can go back to work!
Rends plutôt service à la ville : rentre chez toi déguisé en pompier, et les pompiers pourront reprendre du service.
The fire department in Lincoln say that we can't put up a tent our size.
Les pompiers de Lincoln jugent notre tente trop grande.
Sister, I'm afraid you have a problem with the fire department again.
Il y a encore un problème avec la brigade des sapeurs-pompiers.
- The fire department? ! - Bill!
Les sapeurs-pompiers?
Call a doctor, the fire department, hurry!
Appelez un médecin, les pompiers, vite!
Call the fire department, the Municipal Police!
la police municipale!
At once! - What? - Send the fire department with hoses to disperse the crowd!
- Envoyez les pompiers disperser la foule!
Cinderella's shoe was returned by the prince yours by the fire department
Un prince a ramassé le soulier de Cendrillon. Pour le tien il faudra les pompiers.
Miss Golightly, this time I'm not only calling the police, but the fire department and the New York State Housing Commission, and, if necessary, the Board of Health!
Cette fois, j'appelle la police, les pompiers, le comité des H.L.M. de l'état de New York, et, si nécessaire, le comité d'hygiène!
Will one of you people please call the fire department?
Quelqu'un peut appeler les pompiers?
All the fire department cares about is code.
Les pompiers? Tant que la loi est appliquée...
Well, get the fire department to go in there and hose the place down.
Appelez les pompiers pour qu'ils viennent tout nettoyer.
Someone saw you and called the fire department
Quelqu'un t'a vu et a appelé les pompiers.
The public library, the fire department the rocking chair, bifocals.
Les bibliothèques municipales, les sapeurs-pompiers, le rocking-chair, les lunette à double foyer.
I started the fire department, madam, yes.
Disons les sapeurs-pompiers, madame, oui.
But he doesn't mention the fact that Benjamin Franklin started the first volunteer fire department.
Mais il ne parle pas du fait que ce soit lui qui ait créé le premier service de pompiers volontaires.
Give me the fire department.
- Passez-moi les pompiers.
No, the fire was confined to the bookkeeping department.
Non, le feu s'est limité au département comptable.
Call the fire department!
Appelez les pompiers!
I'll call the fire department.
Les pompiers!
And that is precisely the way I feel about our fire department.
- Que c'était trop important... pour le confier à des généraux. Et c'est précisément ce que je ressens au sujet de notre service incendies.
department 66
department of justice 21
fire in the hole 198
fire and ice 19
fire away 185
fire alarm 25
fire at will 85
fire it up 56
fire me 63
fire when ready 30
department of justice 21
fire in the hole 198
fire and ice 19
fire away 185
fire alarm 25
fire at will 85
fire it up 56
fire me 63
fire when ready 30