He's back there traducir francés
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- He's run out there through the back door.
- Il s'est enfui par la porte de derrière.
He'll never get out of there alive, those people are savages. - Come on Skipper, let's go back.
Il n'en sortira jamais vivant, ce sont des sauvages.
I wonder if that guy back there thinks he's bullying me.
Je me demande si ce type croit vraiment qu'il va me rouler.
The reason he's not here now to defend himself is... that at this very moment, he's sitting atJoe Tupping's bedside... trying to give that poor boy back a chance at happiness... trying even though Verney and everybody else said there was no use trying.
Il n'est pas ici maintenant pour se défendre, car... à ce moment même, il est au chevet de Joe Tupping... pour essayer de rendre à... ce pauvre garçon une chance de bonheur... bien que Verney et tout le monde dise... qu'il était inutile d'essayer.
He's liable to keep paying you back until you're there the rest of your life.
Il est capable de t'en faire prendre jusqu'à la fin de tes jours.
He goes back to the West Coast, there's a good-looking girl there... and there's another murder.
Il retourne en Californie, autre jolie fille et encore vlan. Un autre meurtre.
If he's still no good, there's nothing I can do for him But, lady, if he is good... will you give him back to the family?
Sauf s'il est mauvais, mais... s'il fait preuve de qualités, vous le rendrez à sa famille?
He's in there, flat on his back.
Il est là, étendu sur le dos.
When he gets there, if he does, I'll be waiting for him to bring him back.
Quand il y sera, s'il y arrive, je l'attendrai pour le ramener.
Just get him there. The boys will see that he won't come back.
Et on s'arrangera pour qu'il ne revienne pas.
Yes, and we'll go right back and see if he's still there.
Oui, c'est vrai. Et on va y retourner pour voir s'il y est toujours.
After all his working up north and wandering around the country... coming back and talking about people's rights... and how everybody ought to be decent. Now for all his fine talk, he's out there in the dining room... with one of those girls.
Apres avoir travaille dans le Nord et voyage par tout le pays... avoir fait de grands discours sur les droits... et sermonne tout le monde sur l'honnetete... voila qu'il est ici dans la salle a manger... avec l'une de ces filles.
When a cop yells stand back there you, he means us, the John Doe's.
Lorsqu'un flic crie : "Arrêtez!", c'est à nous qu'il parle.
Reckon he's laying an egg back there, Jim?
Elle est en train de pondre.
There's always the chance he may come back again.
Mais il peut revenir.
I'm taking him back to Port Royal and hanging him on the... dock in chains... and there he'll dangle to brood on his crimes till he's stoned to death.
Je le ramène à Port Royal pour le faire pendre. Il pourra ressasser ses crimes avant de mourir.
MAN : All right, stay back there. - He run into me as much as I run into him.
Il s'est jeté sous ma voiture!
The blackmailer will go back soon, when he's sure the Corsicans aren't there.
Votre chanteur y retournera dans quelque temps, quand les Corses n'y seront plus.
There's only one way to get him back, the law. He's right.
Seule la justice pourra vous le faire rendre.
He's been back there for a long time, talking to some dame who wasn't there.
Il parlait tout à l'heure avec une pépée qui n'était pas là.
Oh, he's back there in the barn.
- Là, dans la grange.
He's back there, waiting for you.
- Il est au fond. Il vous attend.
He's back from Argentina and it seems he made a good fortune there.
Il ya quelques jours, est retourné en Argentine et semble avoir fait fortune.
And now there's no way. He's away visiting the oil fields. So until he's back, you'll have to stick around.
Jusqu'à son retour de la région des puits, vous resterez ici.
That's just the point, sir. There aren't enough troops in the whole territory to make Cochise come back. But one man, a man he trusts, might persuade him.
Il n'y a pas assez de troupes pour le forcer à revenir mais un homme peut l'y décider.
He's in there, Lieutenant. I caught him trying to get in the kitchen by the back door.
Je l'ai surpris qui entrait dans la cuisine.
There's the throw trying to pick off Williams. But he's back in plenty of time.
Lancer à la deuxième base, mais Williams revient à temps.
He's back there.
Il est là-bas.
Maybe he can get through, maybe he can't, but there's no turning back now.
Passera, passera pas? Trop tard pour reculer.
He's back in there, driving like a wild man.
Il remonte comme un fou.
No jail, sir. They shipped him back to the insane asylum. He's only been released from there 2 weeks.
Pas une prison, un asile de fous il n'en était sorti que depuis quinze jours.
I'm sorry, but if there's any chance he has a girl that might help get him back in... I'm gonna find out about her even if I have to be a little rough on you.
Désolé, mais s'il y a la moindre chance qu'une fille le décide à rentrer à l'intérieur,... je veux que vous me disiez tout sur elle, même si je dois vous bousculer.
He has got a lot of good sailors to take care of back there.
De bons marins s'en occupent.
Maybe there's somebody else he wants to stab in the back.
Peut-être veut-il en poignarder un autre dans le dos.
He makes you remember yourself a long time back, but there's been nothing.
Il me fait penser à ma jeunesse. Mais il ne s'est rien passé.
And there's the knife he tried to stick in my back.
Et le couteau qu'il me destinait.
He's trying to remember when he put the key back in there.
Il regarde le sac. Il se demande quand il a mis la clé dedans.
And he's been there and come back.
Il y est allé et il en est revenu.
And then he whipped around once, he whipped around twice, then he went back, then he spun him around once, and he spun him around twice, and finally he looked up and there he saw the last killer coming towards him, aiming.
Il s'est retourné une fois, deux fois, il est revenu, a fait un tour sur lui-même, une fois, deux fois. Il a levé la tête et a vu le dernier tueur venir vers lui, l'arme pointée vers lui.
I don't know, but wherever he is, he'd better stay there... because ifhe comes back here, I'll settle with him.
Je ne sais pas mais où qu'il soit il ferait mieux d'y rester... parce que s'il revient ici je m'en occupe.
Jake, if you go back there, he's gonna kill you.
Si tu y retournes, il te tuera.
I'm supposed to mark it down whether they put it back together or not and there ain't supposed to be but one way of doing it and he didn't do it.
Je suis censé écrire s'ils les ont assemblées ou non, mais il n'y a qu'une seule façon de le faire, et il a fait autrement.
But he's coming back today, and there's something I just gotta know.
Il rentre aujourd'hui et je veux savoir.
He's messed up as bad as those two back there.
Il est dans le même état que les deux autres.
He's there in the back room.
Il est Ià, dans la petite pièce.
- Oh, he's just back up there.
- Il est par-là.
Funny the way that German officer spoke English to us back there almost as if he knew who we were.
Curieux. Cet officier allemand nous a parlé en anglais. Comme s'il savait qui nous étions.
Yes, he's back there holding court.
Il reçoit ses sujets.
Which indicates there's no tellin'when he'll be back.
Autrement dit, on ne sait pas quand il reviendra.
There's no doubt he's made a wild pitch... but I'd like to back him up all I can right now.
Le Président a fait un pas de clerc, mais je lui donne mon appui.
If there's no fish, he takes the net back, and that's it!
Sans poisson, il fera retirer le filet et tant pis pour vous.
he's back 468
back there 214
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
back there 214
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35