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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ H ] / He wanted to talk

He wanted to talk traducir francés

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So he wanted to talk to us.
Et il disait vouloir nous parler.
I think he'd listen to a proposition like this right now because he said he wanted to talk to you.
Il écoutera cette proposition, car il a dit qu'il voulait vous parler.
He telephoned this morning and he said he wanted to talk to me.
Oui. Il a téléphoné ce matin pour venir me voir.
He said he wanted to talk to me.
Il voulait me parler.
- He wanted to talk to me. - About you.
Il voulait me parler de vous.
He wanted to talk to you.
Il voulait te parler.
He wanted to talk personally to anybody on the list who didn't have their glasses. I see.
Il veut voir ceux qui ont perdu leurs lunettes.
He wanted to talk to his brother.
II a vu son frère.
You should have heard his voice when he told me he wanted to talk to me.
Tu aurais dû entendre sa voix!
He wanted to talk to me on the phone.
Il voulait me parler au téléphone.
He wanted to talk to me and I have no way of reaching him.
Il voulait me parler et je ne peux pas le joindre.
Nothing... and yet, he wanted to talk with me about his cane.
- Rien... Et pourtant, il voulait me parler de sa canne.
He wanted to talk to Mr Ota
Il voulait parler à Mr Ota
He wanted to talk to me about something.
Il voulait me parler.
- He wanted to talk to me.
Qu'il voulait me parler.
He wanted to talk to you. He said he found out something interesting.
Il voulait te parler car il a trouvé quelque chose d'intéressant.
Yesterday, your husband was late for his appointment with Elizabeth, because he wanted to talk to you, but he didn't.
Hier après-midi, votre mari est arrivé en retard à son rendez-vous avec Elizabeth parce qu'il voulait vous parler, mais il ne l'a pas fait. Pourquoi?
He said that he wanted to talk.
Il m'a dit qu'il voulait me parler.
Yeah, well, he said he wanted to talk to me about opening a store... so I drove all across this town and the creep is closed.
- Il voulait me voir. J'ai traversé toute la ville et c'était fermé.
I don't understand why he wanted to talk to you.
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi il a voulu te parler.
He wanted to talk to you.
Il aimerait bien te parler.
He wanted to talk to you.
Il voulait vous parler.
He wanted to talk to you, but you were busy.
Il fait toujours la nuit? Il voulait te parler...
We wanted to talk to the commander about a house he owns... on top of the cliff.
On voulait parler au commandant de sa maison. Sur la falaise.
I don't think it was a line, he just wanted to talk.
II ne me fait pas la cour, il avait juste envie de parler.
All he wanted was to talk, to get my ideas on his ideas.
Il voulait simplement confronter ses idées aux miennes.
I wanted to talk to Ro-man, but he got out of me how we were protected from the death ray, and now he's gonna do something about it.
Je voulais parler à Ro-Man mais il a réussi à me faire dire comment on se protége du rayon de la mort. Et maintenant, il saura quoi faire.
He'd been so wonderful about getting Carl's job back that I wanted to talk with him.
Il est intervenu pour que Carl récupère son travail... Je suis allée lui parler.
However, if he wanted to sell something, I'd be glad to talk business.
Cependant, s'il voulait vendre quelque chose, je serais heureuse de l'acheter.
I wanted him to talk to me, but he wouldn't.
Je voulais lui parler, mais il ne voulait pas.
Yeah, you'll swear all right, but, you'll swear Billy said he only wanted to talk to Blaisdell.
Tu prêteras serment... Tu affirmeras sous serment que Billy était venu pour causer!
He wanted to talk to Santa Claus.
Il voulait parler au père Noël.
- I do. OK. I made the date because I wanted to talk to him about how much he'd been seeing Mom when Dad wasn't here.
Je l'ai invité parce que je voulais lui dire qu'il voit trop maman quand papa n'est pas là.
No, I wanted to tell you that Casellato has arrived and that he want to talk about the center-left and the center-right.
Non, je voulais vous dire que Casellato est là. Il vous cherche pour parler du centre-gauche et du centre-droit.
I mean, I-I don't know what he wanted to t-t-t-talk to me about.
Je ne sais pas de quoi il voulait... me parler.
We wanted to talk to him... but the officer shouted... so he told his father to go wash up and that they'd talk later.
Nous avons voulu en parler, mais le Komandofuhrer m'a injurié, alors j'ai dis à mon copain qu'on en reparlera plus tard.
That's just what I wanted to talk to you about. The photo shows Dr Calabresi as he's falling, right?
La photo montre Calabresi au moment de sa chute, exact?
- It's not important. I just wanted to talk to him it he was around.
Ce n'est pas grave, c'était une idée comme ça.
He wants to talk to you about something so I wanted to make sure you'd be home and wait up for him, will you?
Il veut te parler de quelque chose, alors il faudrait que tu l'attendes à la maison, d'accord?
Before he died, he wanted me to ask you to talk about a dagger.
Avant de mourir, il voulait que je vous demande de parler au sujet du poignard.
And he told you he wanted to meet, and talk?
La réunion aura lieu, selon les règles habituelles.
I did try to talk him out of it, Helen, but I guess he wanted to be a comic book hero.
J'ai essayé de lui parler, Helen, mais il voulait jouer au héros.
That's what I wanted to talk to you about, madam. Your husband bought this book three days before he died on the 13th.
Justement, il a acheté ce livre le 13, 3 jours avant sa mort.
He's worried about Velma, wanted to talk.
Il s'inquiétait de Velma, voulait lui parler
If Jove wanted to talk to us, don't you think he'd talk to us in Latin, not in Etruscan?
Si Jupiter voulait s'adresser à nous, ne crois-tu pas qu'il le ferait plutôt en latin?
All he wanted to do was just look and talk his crazy fool talk.
Il répétait toujours les mêmes bêtises aux filles.
Since he only wanted to talk about birds, she pronounced ornithological terms with an exactness suggesting enthusiasm.
Comme il ne voulait parler que d'oiseaux, elle prononçait Ies termes ornithoIogiques avec une exactitude suggérant de l'enthousiasme.
I mean, I really wanted to talk With Frank and see that he Was all right.
Je voulais vraiment parler à Frank et voir s'il allait bien.
- Yes, he told us. I wanted to talk to...
- Oui, je voulais vous parler.
- No, he said he wanted to wait and talk to us in person.
- Il voulait nous le dire en personne.
But he never wanted to talk about him.
Mais il ne veut pas en parler.

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