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He wouldn't tell me traducir francés

309 traducción paralela
He made me swear I wouldn't tell anyone, especially you.
Il m'avait fait jurer de ne pas le dire, surtout à toi.
He wouldn't let me tell the truth because of the scandal.
Il refusait de me laisser dire la vérité à cause du scandale.
Tell me why. Wouldn't you think he'd know the last people you write to are relatives?
n'écrit-on pas toujours à sa famille en dernier?
He wouldn't even let me tell you.
Il ne voulait pas que je te le dise.
He made me promise we wouldn't tell her.
Il m'a fait promettre de ne rien dire.
I went down to ask her where he was, and she wouldn't tell me, so I shot her.
Je lui ai demandé où était papa. Elle s'est tue, alors... j'ai tiré.
He wouldn't tell me.
Il n'a rien voulu me dire.
He wouldn't tell me where.
Il refusa de me dire où.
He wouldn't tell me where Corinne was.
Il a refusé de me dire où elle était.
If Paul had done it, he wouldn't have waited till now to tell me.
Petit drôle, va!
He wouldn't tell me who she was.
Il refusait de me dire qui.
I tried to tell him, but he wouldn't let me. Father is an old revolutionary.
C'était un révolutionnaire, exilé avec les fondateurs de la République.
I tried to tell my father, but I was just a kid then. He wouldn't listen to me.
J'ai essayé d'en parler à mon père, mais il ne m'a pas écoutée.
I'd like to know why you had the gall to tell Kenneth he wouldn't have to worry very much longer about David and me?
J'aimerais savoir pourquoi tu as osé dire à Kenneth qu'il n'aurait pas à s'inquiéter longtemps de David et moi?
Well he didn't speak to me, I wasn't in my office at the time, - and he wouldn't tell my secretary.
Je n'étais pas là et il n'a rien voulu dire à ma secrétaire.
No, he wouldn't tell me where he was going.
Non, il ne m'a pas dit où il allait.
Well, he wouldn't want me to tell you, sir, but he's having kittens.
Eh bien, il n'aimerait pas que ça se sache, mais il est très nerveux.
I'll tell him he was right to say the day was coming when money wouldn't mean a thing to me.
Je lui dirai qu'il avait raison. Il m'a garanti que bientôt, l'argent n'aurait plus d'intérêt à mes yeux.
I don't know, he wouldn't tell me, that's one of the reasons I didn't believe him.
II a refusé de me le dire. Et je me suis méfiée.
You got me, the kid here's got something so important that he can't tell anybody but you, on account of, "I wouldn't believe him".
Vous tombez bien. Ce gosse veut absolument vous voir. Il paraît que je ne le croirais pas.
Listen, I was going to tell Sims that I pumped Steve and that he wouldn't tell me anything'cause he didn't know anything about you.
J'allais dire à Sims que j'ai cuisiné Steve et qu'il ne m'a rien dit car il ne savait rien à votre sujet.
I tell you, I wouldn't mind going the way he did dying in the arms of a beautiful woman while bathing at a spa!
Franchement, ça ne me gênerait pas de partir comme lui... dans les bras d'une belle femme pendant le bain!
He wouldn't tell me.
- Il ne m'aurait rien dit.
He wouldn't tell me where they were but I know every hiding spot in this country.
Il ne voulait pas me dire où ils étaient, mais je connais toutes les cachettes dans la région.
No, he wouldn't tell me.
II n'a rien dit.
I did tell him the truth, and he wouldn't believe me.
Je la lui ai dite.
I told him I thought I ought to tell you what was going on, but he wouldn't let me.
Je lui ai dis que je devais vous prévenir, mais il ne voulait surtout pas.
He wouldn't tell me.
Il n'a pas voulu me le dire.
I bet Ocean knew it, but he wouldn't tell me.
Ocean le savait mais il se taisait.
He wouldn't tell me the reason.
Il n'a pas voulu me dire pour quelle raison.
If I asked, he wouldn't tell me
Il ne me répondra pas.
He wouldn't tell me who hired him
Ils ne donnent pas le nom du meneur.
Frank wanted me to tell you that even though we've been together for 10 years I wouldn't care a bit if he leaves me for you. Goodbye.
Frank voulait que je vous dise qu'on est mariés depuis 10 ans, mais que je me fiche qu'il me quitte.
I tried to tell Gaston, he wouldn't listen to me.
Nicholas, je suis désolé. J'ai prévenu Gaston, mais il ne m'a pas écouté.
He wouldn't tell me her name, a charming girl, but her father was impossible.
Une fille charmante dont le pere est un sauvage.
She wouldn't talk to me about it. Tell me about that son-in-law of yours. Do you think he plays around?
Votre gendre, n'est-il pas un peu coureur?
Why wouldn't he tell me?
Pourquoi ne le dit-il pas?
He wouldn't tell me nothing. He just kept flashing the thing.
Il se contentait d'agiter le paquet.
He wouldn't tell me her name.
Il ne voulait pas me dire son nom.
Il a voulu me le dire, mais je l'ai pas écouté.
I've sworn that I wouldn't tell, or he'd kill me.
J'ai juré de ne rien dire. Il me tuera, sinon.
He wouldn't tell me his name.
- J'ignore son nom.
Maybe you could just tell me where he lives. Then I could approach him myself... and you wouldn't be involved.
Vous pourriez peut-être me dire où il habite... et j'irai moi-même le voir.
He wouldn't tell me who done it.
Il ne m'a rien dit.
And then I just phoned him to ask him why and he wouldn't tell me.
Je l'ai appelé pour savoir pourquoi, et il n'a rien dit.
He said if I didn't tell on him, he wouldn't tell on me. So, I went home.
Si je ne le dénonçais pas, il ne me dénoncerait pas.
- I do not! He wouldn't tell me!
II ne me l'a pas dit!
Four weeks into the new semester, my superintendent told me I had to replace Mrs. Hagley, a kindergarten teacher of 25 years'experience, with an undercover police officer, and he wouldn't even tell me why.
En plein premier trimestre, le recteur me dit de remplacer Madame Hagley, une institutrice de maternelle de 25 ans d'expérience - par un officier de police en mission, sans me donner d'explication.
He wouldn't tell me.
Il ne m'en parlait pas.
Um, well, if I did, I wouldn't have just asked him what he could tell me about it.
Si je savais, je ne demanderais pas.
He wouldn't let me tell about Marino and his driver.
Il m'a empêchée de parler de Marino et son chauffeur.

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