His hands traducir francés
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Insulting the man who holds your life in his hands?
Vous insultez un homme qui tient votre vie dans ses mains?
His hands are still bleeding.
Ses mains saignent toujours.
He had his hands on the handlebar.
Lui avait les mains sur le guidon.
You said the goal was to get the gun out of his hands.
Vous disiez que l'objectif était de lui prendre l'arme.
A man with enough strength could get his hands wrapped around her throat in a matter of hours, control the flow of trade, get rich.
Un homme fort pourrait l'avoir à sa merci en quelques heures. Contrôler tout le commerce. S'enrichir.
Back then, with a rod in his hands, he beat several dozens holding watermelon knives.
oui, c'est lui. Il a vaincu plusieurs douzaines de types avec des couteaux.
He had a little loop in his pants to keep his hands in.
Il avait un passant dans son pantalon, pour y mettre sa main.
He said he had blood on his hands.
Il a dit qu'il avait du sang sur les mains.
As soon as he gets his hands on them, he will.
Mais dès qu'il mettra la main sur eux, il le saura.
" He put his hands on me and I let him do what he wanted.
" et je l'ai laissé faire tout ce qu'il voulait.
Fractured ribs, ruptured spleen, all while his hands were bound.
Côtes fracturées, rate éclatée, pendant qu'il avait les mains liées.
- Landesman? - No. He's not the type to get his hands dirty.
Ce n'est pas le genre de type à se salir les mains.
What do you want - witnesses who saw him with his hands around the girls'necks?
Qu'est-ce qu'il vous faut? Des témoins qui l'ont vu les mains autour de son cou?
I will begin with Ser Gregor Clegane, who killed my sister's children and then raped her with their blood still on his hands before killing her, too.
Je vais commencer avec Ser Gregor Clegane, qui a tué les enfants de ma sœur. puis qui l'a violée avec ses mains encore couvertes de sang avant de la tuer, aussi.
The other boy knocked Conor's cell phone out of his hands.
L'autre garçon a fait tomber le téléphone des mains de Conor.
It's possible. First his feet, then his hands.
D'abord les pieds, puis les mains.
So if Escher gets his hands on it he will use it.
Alors si Escher met la main dessus il s'en servira.
I thought those were ink smudges on his hands.
Je croyais qu'il s'agissait de taches d'encre sur les mains.
I knew that weasel, Kinney, would come crawling back on his hands and knees.
Je savais que cette fouine, Kinney, viendrait en rampant ventre à terre.
I guess he just wrote on whatever he could get his hands on.
D'après moi, il écrivait sur ce qu'il trouvait.
He was always trying to get his hands on the girls I brought home.
Il essayait toujours d'approcher les filles que je ramenais à la maison.
He has his hands full on another case.
Il est très occupé par une autre affaire.
They say, once he's knocked back a few G and T's, can't keep his hands to himself.
Elle disent que quand il a un peu bu, il a les mains baladeuses.
He's gonna have his hands full juggling that idiot and a new baby, that's for sure.
Il va avoir les mains pleines entre jongler avec cet idiot et un nouveau bébé, ça c'est sur.
What I'm trying to say is that if you do not find a girlfriend this guy soon... have a very aggressive beast in his hands.
Si vous ne lui trouvez pas une femelle au plus vite, vous aurez une bête très agressive sur les mains.
He has blood on his hands.
Sa robe est tachee de sang.
Blood on his hands.
Du sang sur les mains.
He had blood on his hands but not from this.
Le sang sur ses mains vient d'ailleurs.
I mean, check his hands.
Je veux dire, vérifier ses mains.
It could be topical poison, check his hands.
Ça peut être du poison local, vérifiez ses mains.
I chopped off his head. Then his arms, then his hands.
D'abord, je lui ai tranché la tête, puis les bras, les mains.
You play the hero, but underneath the hype, you're a killer with oceans of blood on his hands.
Tu joues le héros, Mais sous les apparences, tu es un tueur avec un océan de sang sur les mains
Set No longer in his hands
Je ne la laisserai plus
Your father couldn't keep his hands off of me.
Ton père ne pouvait pas enlever ses mains de moi.
I think Danil benefited from his piano playing because his hands are absolutely amazing.
Je pense que Danil a bénéficié de sa pratique du piano car ses mains sont absolument incroyables.
Get his hands.
Prends ses mains.
Brilhac has Republican blood on his hands!
Brilhac a sur les mains du sang de soldats de la République!
He disappears, washes his hands of them.
Monsieur disparaît, il s'en lave les mains, des enfants.
You call it what you want to, the bottom line is, a man is dead, his reputation tarnished, and all at the hands of a so-called friend.
Je n'ai pas besoin d'une excuse pour boire, mais... C'est quoi le but?
It would be a disaster for us if his country were to fall into the hands of the Spanish.
Ça serait un désastre pour nous si leur contrée tombait entre les mains des espagnols.
When grave robbers, hoping to get their hands on the philosopher's stone tried to dig his body up out of the cemetery that used to surround this area here they found his casket empty, as well as his wife's.
Des pilleurs de tombes, en quête de la pierre, ont voulu déterrer son corps du cimetière qui couvrait cette zone. Son cercueil était vide, comme celui de sa femme.
You call it what you want to, the bottom line is, a man is dead, his reputation tarnished, and all at the hands of a so-called friend.
Dites ce que vous voulez, la fin de l'histoire est qu'un homme est mort, sa réputation ternie, et tout ça dans les mains d'une soi disante amie.
But I keep having these dreams where the child that I was is on my knee and my hands are around his throat.
Mais je n'arrête pas de faire des rêves où l'enfant que j'étais est sur mes genoux et que mes mains lui serrent la gorge.
Ooh! Get his hands, get his hands.
Libérez ses mains, ses mains.
He's given me exactly five minutes, at which point he intends to call council so Randall can share his story, after which our hands are clean and you are most likely, well, dead.
J'ai cinq minutes. Après quoi, il réunira le conseil pour écouter Randall. Nous, on sera tranquilles, et vous... selon toute vraisemblance... mort.
Aoshi still tried to save his men from death at the Shogun's hands.
Aoshi a continué d'essayer de sauver ses hommes de la mort.
I tell you, he wins that contract and I get my hands on his neck... fuck the Six-Day War, it'll be over in seconds.
S'il gagne ce contrat, je l'étrangle, aux chiottes la Guerre des Six Jours, ça ne prendra qu'une seconde.
I took his face in my hands and said,
J'ai pris son visage dans mes mains et j'ai dit,
Just... holding my face between his two hands.
Cette sensation... Sentir mon visage entre ses mains me manque.
And his life is in your hands.
Et sa vie est entre tes mains.
Let Seth do his thing, you'll have your hands full with Doyle. I'll let you know who I've called.
- Je ferai savoir qui j'ai appelé.
handsome 790
hands 577
handsome man 22
hands off 293
hands in the air 324
hands on the wheel 31
hands where i can see them 140
hands behind your back 288
hands up 935
hands above your head 53
hands 577
handsome man 22
hands off 293
hands in the air 324
hands on the wheel 31
hands where i can see them 140
hands behind your back 288
hands up 935
hands above your head 53