His head traducir francés
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Well, I hope your apology comes with a beak and hollow bones and a special magnet in his head it uses to migrate.
J'espère que votre pardon a un bec, des os creux et un aimant spécial dans sa tête pour migrer.
That's where his head hits the rim.
C'est là où sa tête heurte le panier.
- His head! - Hmm.
Sa tête!
He got knocked down some stairs last night and landed on his head.
Il a dégringolé dans un escalier la nuit dernière et a atterri sur la tête.
He'll bring the entire U.P. enterprise down on his head without somebody there to stop him.
Il fera s'écrouler l'Union Pacific, sans personne ici pour l'arrêter.
We profit from our trade with the land of King Annaba, even as the Duc De Cassel bows his head.
Nous prospérons grâce au commerce avec le Roi Annaba. Même le Duc de Cassel courbe l'échine.
Bunchy was running around outside, and he tripped and hit his head on this nail that was sticking out of the side of the building, and he stumbles over to me and Terry, blood everywhere, big gash on his forehead,
Bunchy courait dehors, il a trébuché et il s'est cogné la tête sur un clou qui dépassait du mur. Il est tombé sur Terry et moi, avec du sang partout, et une énorme entaille, sur le front.
You kept insisting it was all in his head and made me feel like a pathetic, crazy...
Vous insistait tout était dans sa tête et m'a fait me sentir comme un pathétique, fou...
That'd be the tumor in his head.
Ça doit être sa tumeur.
I want you to find him, clip him, and bring his head to me as payment.
Je veux que tu le trouves, que tu le découpes, et que tu m'amènes sa tête en guise de paiement.
It's very important that you keep his head completely still.
Il est important que vous gardiez sa tête complètement immobile.
I want you to find him, and bring his head to me as payment.
Je veux que tu le trouves et que tu m'amènes sa tête en guise de paiement.
I'm gonna go ahead and bet he's the guy with the whole chicken stuck on his head.
Je vais dire que c'est le type avec un poulet coincé sur la tête.
Get inside his head.
À penser comme lui.
I mean, did he really have voices in his head, telling him to bomb the airport, or was that just a tactic?
Entendait-il vraiment des voix dans sa tête, lui disant de bombarder l'aéroport, ou c'était juste une stratégie?
Walt by that little prick, and then Kaleb puts a bullet in his head.
Walt à cause de ce petit con, ensuite Kaleb qui se met une balle dans la tête.
It's a felony. Better than a bullet in his head.
Vaut mieux ça qu'une balle dans sa tête.
He's got a contract on his head, so you take him to Mexico so that the... the Nazi Brotherhood can't touch him.
donc tu l'emmènes au Mexique pour que... la confrérie Nazie ne puisse plus l'atteindre.
Black Phillip, Black Phillip, a crown grows on his head
Jacques Le Noir, Jacques Le Noir, Sa couronne a poussé
Black Phillip, Black Phillip, a crown grows on his head...
Jacques Le Noir, Jacques Le Noir, Sa couronne a poussé...
If I find a strange man in my house, he may end up with a bullet in his head.
Je pense que si je trouve un étranger dans ma maison, il pourrait finir avec une balle dans sa tête.
- I'm feeling fine for a man who nearly cracked his head on a subwoofer.
- Je me sens bien. Alors que je me suis quasiment fracassé la tête contre une enceinte.
That falls on his head.
Et c'est de sa faute.
He went up to Maine to a friend's cabin by a lake to clear his head and work on his long-neglected book of poetry.
Il est parti dans le Maine chez un ami qui a une cabine au bord d'un lac pour se vider la tête et travailler sur son livre de poésie qu'il a négligé.
He, uh, sort of concocted this story in his head where he makes everything that happened Tank's fault, which is not entirely wrong, but it's also not, uh...
Et bien, il s'est imaginé cette histoire dans sa tête que tout est de la faute de Tank, ce qui n'est pas entièrement faux, mais ce n'est pas...
He could have never operated on their level, but it was like he had this rivalry going on with them- - in his head.
Il n'avait jamais bossé à ce niveau, mais on aurait dit qu'il avait une sorte de rivalité avec eux.
If we really want to do this, we got to get in his head.
Si on veut y arriver, on doit se mettre à sa place.
Remove his head.
Qu'on lui coupe la tête.
Well, if you could, say, show some act of kindness, God would follow it up by dropping a piano on his head anyway- - like that?
Si tu avais pu, disons, montré un acte de bonté, Dieu en voyant ça aurait fait tomber un piano sur sa tête de tout façon.
Except the clinic fell down on his head on his first day at work!
Sauf que la clinique s'est effondrée sur lui pendant son premier jour!
The guy's a psychopath. He's in over his head.
Ce type est un psychopathe.
The trial is starting to mess with his head.
Le procès commence à lui monter à la tête.
You are messing with his head.
Tu embrouilles sa tête.
He just kept his head down, did his work.
Il gardait la tête basse, faisait son travail.
Did he look like Andreas with a fucking bullet in the back of his head?
Mais avec une balle dans la tête?
Ask Dr. No if he really wants that on his head.
Demande au Dr No s'il le supporterait.
Yeah, I can see the scrape on his head.
Oui, je peux voir une éraflure sur sa tête.
That would explain his head trauma.
Ce qui expliquerait son trauma crânien.
One of the soldiers got angry, raised the machete over his head, but before he could strike,
Un des soldats était furieux, il a surélevé la machette au-dessus de sa tête, mais avant qu'il puisse frapper,
You're the one who ripped him from his home and his family, just to play with his head like it was - some kind of computer game. - Dr. Woods.
C'est toi qui l'as arraché à sa maison et à sa famille, pour jouer avec sa tête comme si c'était un jeu d'ordinateur.
He's lost a lot of blood from his head wound.
Il perd beaucoup de sang de la plaie à sa tête.
He was attacking Lizzie, so I put an ax in his head.
Il attaquait Lizzie, alors j'ai planté une hache dans sa tête.
After that, head over to his house, take a look with fresh eyes.
Après, passez chez lui. Pour un regard neuf.
I ought to throw you out that door and into that lake of fire, let the Devil and all his Freddys Krueger play baseball with your head.
Je devrais te jeter dehors, dans le lac de feu. Laisser le démon et ses Freddie Krueger jouer au baseball avec ton crâne.
It was just his big head.
Il était en gros plan.
And if we stop now, you're going to prison, your wife's going to lose her career, and Peterson is on his way to being the head of the D.E.A.
Et si nous arrêtons maintenant, vous irez en prison, votre femme va perdre sa carrière, Et Peterson est en chemin pour être le directeur de la D.E.A.
He had his rifle pointed at her head.
Il avait son fusil pointé sur sa tête.
One neighbor said she never heard em fighting, but a couple of weeks ago, she complimented Spike on his hair... he almost ripped her head off.
Une voisine a dit qu'elle ne les avaient jamais entendu s'engueuler mais il y a quelques semaines, elle a complimenté Spike sur ses cheveux... il lui a presque arraché la tête.
Gotta wonder if she was in the loop on his plan to skewer your head with a barbecue fork.
Je me demande si elle faisait parti du plan pour t'embrocher avec une fourchette à barbecue.
for me because I am no longer safe in my own home, for France because William of Orange will soon be wearing her crown and for my head of security because it is not the first time he has failed in his duties and he no longer has the trust of his employer.
Pour moi, car je ne suis plus en sécurité ; pour la France, car Guillaume d'Orange portera bientôt sa couronne, et pour mon chef de la sécurité, car il a de nouveau manqué à ses devoirs et qu'il n'a plus la confiance de son employeur.
His voice is still in your head.
Tu entends toujours sa voix dans ta tête :
head 675
heads 381
headquarters 78
headline 24
heading 58
headed 299
headache 92
headphones 22
headstrong 17
headmaster 111
heads 381
headquarters 78
headline 24
heading 58
headed 299
headache 92
headphones 22
headstrong 17
headmaster 111
heads up 574
head of security 36
head out 16
heading home 29
headed your way 16
headlines 18
head up 61
head to toe 22
heads or tails 61
head shot 21
head of security 36
head out 16
heading home 29
headed your way 16
headlines 18
head up 61
head to toe 22
heads or tails 61
head shot 21
head down 98
head back 19
heading south 26
heading north 21
headmistress 58
heading out 31
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heading east 20
heads down 44
head trauma 18
head back 19
heading south 26
heading north 21
headmistress 58
heading out 31
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heading east 20
heads down 44
head trauma 18