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Hutch traducir francés

809 traducción paralela
- He's building a hutch.
- Il fait un dressoir.
A leather hutch. You know, a place to keep perishable leathers.
C'est pour entreposer les cuirs périssables.
Was that Hutch?
Tu as eu Hutcheson?
OK, Hutch.
OK, Hutch.
What's he saying, Hutch?
Qu'est-ce qu'il dit, Hutch?
Hutch, warn the others.
Hutch, prévenez les autres.
Hutch, send back codeword "Goner".
Hutch, envoyez le nom de code "Goner".
- In that rabbit hutch upstairs?
- Dans ce clapier?
OK, Hutch.
Bien, Hutch.
I like that butler.
J'aime bien Hutch.
Aren't you? - Hutch, in here it's Christmas.
- Hutch, à cet endroit, c'est Noël.
- What right have you got? Every right. I least I took her to a hotel, not a rabbit hutch.
Je l'ai emmenée dans un hôtel, moi, pas dans un clapier.
Why dost thou converse with that trunk of humors, that bolting-hutch of beastliness, that swollen parcel of dropsies, that huge bombard of sack, that stuffed cloakbag, that roasted Manningtree ox, that reverend Vice, that gray iniquity, that father ruffian, that vanity in years?
Pourquoi hantes-tu cette barrique pleine de bile, cette carcasse bestiale, cette enflure hydropique, cet épouvantail, ce gros boeuf rôti, ce vice vénérable, cette iniquité morbide, ce ruffian, cette vanité vieillie?
My rabbit hutch.
Mon élevage de lapins.
- You're great, Hutch.
- C'est chic, Hutch!
Isn't Hutch coming with us?
- Hutch ne vient pas?
Hutch, this is Roman Castevet. Edward Hutchins.
M. Castevet, mon ami Hutchins.
How are you, Hutch? Good to see you.
Content de te voir!
Dr Sapirstein delivered two of Hutch's grandchildren.
Le Dr Sapirstein a accouché la fille de Hutch.
- I don't see it, Hutch.
- Non, je ne le vois pas.
Good old Hutch. Spreading cheer wherever he goes.
Toujours aussi réjouissant, le vieux Hutch.
It's Hutch. He wants to speak to you.
Hutch voudrait te parler.
- Hutch?
- Hutch?
I'm Grace Cardiff, Hutch's friend.
Une amie de Hutch. Grace Cardiff.
Hutch is dead.
Hutch est mort.
Hutch regained consciousness and thought it was the next morning.
Hutch a repris connaissance vers la fin.
It's from Hutch.
C'est un legs de Hutch.
Guy, Hutch gave me that book. He left it to me.
C'était un souvenir de Hutch.
I wasn't thinking about Hutch.
Je n'ai pas réfléchi.
Hutch came and immediately saw something was wrong.
Hutch a vu que ça n'allait pas. Il a eu des soupçons.
They probably called him to come home and steal one of Hutch's belongings.
Ils avaient dû lui demander de voler un des gants d'Hutchins.
Come on, Hutch.
Viens, Hutch.
- Take it easy, Hutch.
- Du calme, Hutch.
Hutch Bessy, in a fight to the finish under the Marquis of Queensbury rules.
Hutch Bessy, dans un combat au finish, selon les règles du Marquis de Queensbury.
Come on, Hutch.
Vas-y, Hutch.
Now throw the punch, Hutch!
Maintenant, cogne-le!
Come on, Hutch!
Allez, Hutch!
- Hutch! - Don't turn your head! - Hit him!
Ne tourne pas la tête!
I wasn't yelling, Hutch.
Je ne criais pas, Hutch.
I think you lost, Hutch.
Je crois que tu as perdu, Hutch.
If I see so much as a rabbit hutch there, I'll blow it up!
Tant que je serai là, si je vois une cage à lapins, je la fous par terre!
As long as you and your art director here insist on my acting in this rabbit hutch.
Aussi longtemps que vous et votre directeur artistique insisterez pour que je joue dans ce véritable clapier.
- He's got a hutch where he raises rabbits. - I'll bet.
Il élève des lapins,
- And, sugar don't tell Starsky and Hutch I split, you hear?
- Mon chou... ne dis pas à Starsky et Hutch que je me barre.
Hey, Hutch, I didn't know we were the general public.
Hutch, je ne savais pas qu'on était le public.
I think you know Starsky and Hutch.
Vous connaissez Starsky et Hutch.
We'd better go some place where we can continue uninterrupted.
Hutch, trouvons un endroit pour continuer... - sans être interrompus.
Won't he, Hutch?
N'est-ce pas, Hutch?
Now, that really makes sense.
Pauvre Hutch fils :
Poor Hutch.
Steven. "
Back in there! Come on, Hutch!
Vas-y, Huch!

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