I heard about it traducir francés
1,261 traducción paralela
This case, I heard about it before.
Cette affaire, j'en ai déjà entendu parler.
I heard about it.
Je suis au courant.
I heard about it in school.
J'en ai entendu parler à l'école.
I heard about it this morning.
Oui, j'en ai entendu parler ce matin.
- I heard about it.
- J'en ai entendu parler.
You married him and I heard about it by chance
Tu t'es mariée avec lui et je l'ai su par hasard
I heard about it.
Oui, il paraît.
I heard about it last week in Southampton.
On m'en a parlé la semaine dernière.
I heard about it last night.
J'ai entendu à ce sujet hier soir.
Yes, I heard about it.
Oui, j'en ai entendu parler.
That's not how I heard about it.
J'ai entendu une autre version.
I had already heard all about you. But she-she told me the whole story, as if it happened only yesterday.
Je savais déjà à propos de vous... mais elle me l'a raconté comme si ça s'était passé hier.
I heard somethin'about it, but I don't recall exactly.
J'en ai entendu parler, mais c'est un peu vague.
I heard, I heard. We'll talk about it later.
On en discutera plus tard.
I've heard about that girl, and it wasn't Rick's fault.
J'ai entendu parler d'elle, et ce n'était pas la faute de Rick.
- I've heard so much about it.
- J'en ai beaucoup entendu parlé.
Seems to me I heard about a guy just your age... who got hit so hard in the guts it almost killed him.
On m'a parlé d'un gars de ton âge qui a pris un coup aux tripes et a failli en crever.
I've heard a lot about you... and it's all bad.
Frank White, on m'a parlé de vous. Uniquement en mal.
Anyway, I've heard about it.
Enfin, j'en ai entendu parler.
Not only that, I've heard about it in a song too.
Il y a une chanson qui parle de ça.
It's a concoction I heard about on Prakal II.
Un cocktail de Prakal II.
Even if I did, as soon as his mother heard about it...
Mais ça revient au même car, dès que sa mère l'apprendra...
She thinks I know it, because you sold it before you heard about the million.
Que tu me l'as vendu avant de savoir pour le million.
When I heard about this, I felt like I owed it to her to be here.
Quand j'ai appris pour aujourd'hui, je... j'ai pensé... que je lui devais d'être ici.
I don't know if you've heard about it yet, but Dean Ulich is retiring.
Je ne sais pas si vous savez, mais Dean Ulich prend sa retraite.
- Well, this is the first I've heard about it.
Tu ne m'en a jamais parlé.
When I first heard about the operation, I was against it.
Quand j'ai su pour ton opération, j'ai d'abord été contre.
Neighbor, I heard about your heresy... and we've made it our mission to win you back to the flock.
Cher voisin, j'ai eu vent de ton hérésie, alors on s'est donné pour mission de te ramener au troupeau.
The reason that I thought is because it's simply a more expedient way of finding out whether or not they've heard anything about Delano.
J'ai pensé qu'ainsi, on saurait encore plus vite si Delano les a contactés.
Sir, I beg your pardon, but if this man's story is true why haven't we heard about it?
Excusez-moi, mais si l'histoire de cet homme est vraie pourquoi ne savait-on rien?
I've heard about that before, but somehow I must have forgotten it.
Je l'ai déjà entendu dire, mais j'ai dû l'oublier.
I never heard about it.
Je n'en ai jamais entendu parler.
I heard about the mint robbery. I can prove you didn't do it.
J'ai entendu parler du vol. Je peux prouver votre innocence.
So I don't know what you've heard about this job, but it's gonna be a lot of work for shit wages.
Je sais pas ce qu'on t'a dit sur ce job, mais tu te crèves pour rien.
But since no one's seen it I figured they were waiting in hyperspace until they heard about another sighting.
Mais le Trigati s'étant volatilisé Je me suis dit que ces poursuivants attendraient dans l'hyperespace jusqu'à qu'on les repère à nouveau.
As it happens I just heard about their presence about an hour ago.
Il se trouve justement... qu'on m'a informé de leur présence.
I heard about your behaviour at the movies the other night. It was disgraceful. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Les hommes chassent, les femmes font le nid.
- I heard all about it.
Je l'ai appris.
- It is a pleasure. - I heard a lot about you.
On m'a parlé de vous.
I just heard about it.
Je viens juste de l'apprendre.
- I heard about Meg. - Oh, it's unbelievably sad.
- J'ai appris, pour Meg.
I thought you would, having heard so much about it.
Je pensais que tu le voudrais, après en avoir entendu autant parler.
Now, Jane... tell me everything about it that I have not already heard.
maintenant, Jane... donnez-moi tous les détails que je n'ai pas encore entendus.
I heard about a kid who had a guitar and it was £ 3.10s
J'ai entendu parler d'un mec qui vendait une guitare pour 3 £ 10 s
We heard about it mid-air as I recall There were journalists on the plane and the pilot radioed ahead He said tell the boys there's a big crowd waiting for them
On l'a su dans l'avion ll y avait des journalistes dans l'avion et le pilote nous a fait dire qu'une foule énorme nous attendait
During that year, towards the end of the year I kept hearing the name Ravi Shankar. I heard it about three times
Cette année-lá, vers la fin de l'année j'ai entendu trois fois le nom de Ravi Shankar
About the third time I heard it, a friend of mine said :
La troisiéme fois, c'est un de mes potes qui m'a dit?
But we didn't really know about it I seemed to recall that I'd heard vaguely about it but I didn't really know what it was He just put it in our coffee
Mais on n'était pas trés au courant ll me semble que j'en avais vaguement entendu parler mais je ne savais pas vraiment ce que c'était ll en a mis dans nos cafés
And when I heard about'Charter 77', saw it as the only means of saying that you disagreed with things here and what you disliked, including that passivity and hypocrisy.
Quand j'ai su qu'existait la Charte 77, j'y ai vu la seule possibilité d'exprimer notre désaccord avec tout ce qui se passait de déplaisant, y compris cette passivité et cette hypocrisie.
I thought you would have heard about it by now.
Je pensais que vous étiez au courant.
I just heard this story in the cab and it is all I can think about.
Mais j'y ai déjà eu droit dans le taxi... et je ne pense plus qu'à ça.
i heard it too 19
i heard screaming 20
i heard her 44
i heard you the first time 95
i heard a noise 55
i heard everything 60
i heard 1243
i heard it 224
i heard you talking 16
i heard you 527
i heard screaming 20
i heard her 44
i heard you the first time 95
i heard a noise 55
i heard everything 60
i heard 1243
i heard it 224
i heard you talking 16
i heard you 527