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I really didn't know traducir francés

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I really didn't know anything.
Je ne savais vraiment rien.
I didn't really know what he meant.
Je ne sais pas ce qu'il disait.
Really? Well, I didn't know that, Nicky.
Je ne le savais pas, Nicky.
I didn't know anything about that. Really not.
- Je vous jure que je n'en savais rien.
You know, I'm really very sorry you didn't have it on you, Ghastly.
Je suis désolé que vous ne l'ayez pas sur vous.
It was a tough neighborhood. I learned it didn't pay to let anybody know how you feel or really think.
Un dur quartier, où ça ne payait pas d'afficher ses sentiments.
- I know now that you didn't really want to get rid of me.
Vous ne vouliez pas me chasser.
If I didn't know how you really felt about Del, I'd think you were jealous.
Si je ne connaissais pas tes sentiments pour lui, je te croirais jaloux.
I didn't really know my grandpapa, Countess.
Je n'ai jamais vraiment connu mon Grand-père, Comtesse.
I don't know what you're father did or didn't do. I couldn't possibly know. But you've got to realise, even if it's very hard to... that that really doesn't matter.
J'ignore ce que ton père a fait ou pas fait, mais tu dois comprendre que c'est sans importance.
You were right... I really didn't know you very well.
Tu avais raison... je te connaissais bien mal.
Wayne didn't discuss money with me. I really wouldn't know.
Wayne ne me parlait jamais d'argent.
Yes, but, um, l-I really didn't know him.
Oui, mais... je ne l'ai pas vraiment connu.
Started? I didn't even know what we were really after.
Je ne savait même pas ce qu'on cherchait.
I didn't really know you then.
Je ne te connaissais pas vraiment.
I didn't really know her.
Je ne l'a connaissait pas.
- Really, I didn't know.
- Je n'en savais rien.
I didn't really know what to say.
Je ne savais pas que dire.
I'm glad I didn't know that when I wrote that letter... or I would have really sound...
Heureusement que je l'ignorais en écrivant la lettre, sinon, j'aurais eu l'air...
i know i'm a lost cause, but i thought if you loved me it didn't really matter.
Je ne changerai pas, mais si tu m'aimes, ce n'est pas grave.
No, I really didn't know.
Non, je ne savais pas, vraiment.
Well, I'll tell you the truth. I didn't really forget to turn the sign on. Just doesn't seem like any use any more, you know.
Je n'ai pas oublié d'allumer... mais ça m'a paru superflu.
- Really! I didn't know that.
- Je ne savais pas!
So that you know that I didn't really mean it then.
Bien que tu saches que je m'en fiche royalement.
I didn't really know him.
Pas connu. Je l'ai pas connu
Already at the hospital I was very much intrigued. And I didn't even know that the crime had really taken place... as you have just told me.
A l'hôpital, j'étais déjà intéressé, et je ne savais pas que le crime avait déjà été commis, comme vous venez de le dire.
I didn't know people ever really carried these things. - I thought it was only on television.
Je croyais que ça n'existait qu'à la télé.
I... I didn't know what was really happening and what wasn't'
Je ne savais plus où j'en étais.
Now, if you apologize, like I know you're going to... I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.
Si vous vous excusez, comme je sais que vous allez le faire... je le convaincrai peut-être que vous ne le pensiez pas.
And I might even consider your nice dirty proposal if I didn't know that in making it, you are really after...
J'y aurais même peut-être réfléchi si je n'avais pas su qu'en réalité,
We were low on funds, the illness was dragging on and I really didn't know what to do. That's why I sent you the messenger.
Quand Monsieur est tombé malade, j'ai pris le peu d'argent qui restait pour vous prévenir par messager.
- I didn't know what it was. I really didn't.
- J'ignorais de quoi il s'agissait.
- Why didn't she call me? - I really don't know.
- Pourquoi n'a-t-elle pas appelé?
I've known him only a short time. So I didn't have time to really get to know him.
Nous ne nous fréquentions que depuis peu de temps, donc je pense n'avoir connu que ses bons côtés.
I mean, I didn't know she was really sick.
Je veux dire que je ne savais pas qu'elle était vraiment malade.
Mrs Kravitz, when I agreed, I really didn't know what I...
Mme Kravitz, quand j'ai accepté, je ne savais pas vraiment...
I know, but really... it would be better if we didn't go to the police.
Je sais, mais sincèrement... Ca serait mieux de ne pas aller à la police.
I really didn " t know her very well.
Je ne la connaissais pas trés bien.
'Cause before that, I didn't really think there was anything going on, you know? Really. I didn't hear anything'cause we were right at the side.
Avant leur intervention, je n'avais pas remarqué ce qui se passait.
I didn't really know
Je ne savais pas vraiment...
I didn't know they really existed.
Ils ont vraiment existé?
I didn't really know him.
Je ne le connaissais pas bien.
Now, this is really the last one, Pierce, because I have got to shoot some targets... and I didn't even know they were in season.
Oui, mon général. Vous n'allez pas aimer ce que je vais vous dire. Alors, gardez-le pour vous, Pierce.
I really don't know. He didn't leave his name.
Il n'a pas dit son nom.
And I didn't really know you.
Toi, je te connaissais peu.
I didn't really get to know those people they were... They were city folk mainly.
Je ne connaissais pas trop ces gens, c'était des citadins.
I really didn't know it.
Je l'ignorais.
I guess they knew I really didn't know where you were.
Je suppose qu'ils savaient que je ne savais pas vraiment où tu étais.
I have noticed something. I didn't know that you really loved me.
J'ai eu un peu l'impression, mais je ne savais pas si c'était pour de vrai.
I know those are uncomfortable, and you didn't really wear them in the war, but we've two men dead already, so you'll wear them now.
Je sais qu'ils n'existaient pas pendant la guerre, mais j'ai déjà deux morts sur ce tournage, alors vous allez les porter.
You had me really worried earlier. I didn't know what we were talking about.
C'est que vous commenciez à m'inquiéter, tout à l'heure.

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