I thought that was traducir francés
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Je croyais que c'était fait pour Tiger Woods ou un truc du genre.
Je pensais que ça allait être du Bruno Mars.
- I thought that was you.
- Je croyais bien que c'était toi.
Well, I thought that was because of you.
Je croyais que c'était vous.
I thought that was a fire alarm test.
Je pensais que c'était un test d'alerte incendie.
I thought that was something you left for me.
Je croyais que c'était pour moi.
- I thought that was a good thing.
Exubérant, je pensais que c'était une bonne chose.
( Sighs ) Well, I thought for sure that wheel was gonna land on Artie's name.
J'étais sûr que la roue allait s'arrêter sur Artie.
She thought that I was talking about a prostitute.
Elle a cru que c'était une référence grivoise.
I mean, literally just to sign the papers, but, God, I was so mad, and then I thought later that this was his weird, twisted way of- - of doing it for us.
Juste avant de signer les papiers, j'étais si énervée, et j'ai pensé ensuite que c'était sa faàon tordue de... se dévouer pour nous.
Like that time I told you not to eat an entire bag of sugar-free gummy bears, and you had diarrhea and everyone thought it was a mud slide!
Comme la fois où je t'ai dit de ne pas manger un sac entier d'ours en gélatine sans sucre, et que tu as eu la diarrhée et tout le monde pensait qu'il s'agissait d'une coulée de boue!
I thought it would be fun for you two to get married in the barn that Brittany was born in.
Je pensais que ce serait marrant de vous marier dans la grange où Brittany est née.
When I pictured my wedding day, I thought that I'd be the most beautiful bride ever, but I was wrong.
Quand j'imaginais le jour de mon mariage, je pensais que je serais la plus belle des mariées, mais j'avais tort.
If Coriolanus has to audition for the same humiliating roles as I do, then that part he stole from me wasn't the big break that I thought it was.
Si Coriolanus auditionne pour les mêmes rôles miteux que moi, ça veut dire que celui qu'il m'a volé n'était pas si déterminant que ça.
So after I realized that I was spending, like, 3 hours a day on reddit, I just thought, " this stupid, you know?
Après avoir réalisé que je passais 3 heures par jour sur reddit, j'ai juste pensé, "c'est stupide, tu sais?"
I thought I made it clear that leaving was not optional.
Je pensais avoir été clair en te disant que rester n'était pas une option.
I... thought that you said that it was flooded.
Je... croyais que tu avais dit que c'était inondé.
I thought that I was stronger.
Je pensais que j'étais plus forte.
I thought that if we stopped Maseo, we'd stop the killings. But Nyssa was right.
Je pensais que si on arrêtait Maseo, on arrêterait les meurtres, mais Nyssa avait raison.
I didn't give a moment's thought to the fact that you're probably terribly uncomfortable with the whole... whatever it was.
Ça ne m'a pas traversé l'esprit que tu devais être... terriblement mal à l'aise avec tout... avec tout ça.
I thought you said that you didn't know she was there.
Je pensais que tu avais dit que tu ne savais pas qu'elle était là-bas.
I thought that this was a sit-down.
Je pensais que c'était une réunion.
I always thought that he was a real nice guy.
J'ai toujours pensé que c'était un gars très sympa.
See, I thought that I wanted to give you space, but now I think I was in complete shock and wanted to give me space.
Je pensais vouloir te donner de l'espace, mais c'est moi qui étais sous le choc et qui avais besoin d'espace.
I thought it was the biggest mistake of my life. But it has turned out to be the best thing that has ever happened.
Mais ça s'est avéré être que c'était la meilleure chose qu'il soit arrivée.
The only person that I thought about was paul And that I was the only one that could help him.
La seule personne à laquelle j'ai pensée c'était Paul et que j'étais la seule à pouvoir l'aider
Come on, Zoe. We know that you hired a P.I. because you thought that Dylan was having an affair.
On sait que vous avez engagé un détective privé car vous pensiez que Dylan vous trompait.
Oh, I thought the point was that we were supposed to support each other through positive reinforcement.
Oh, je pensais que l'objectif c'était qu'on devait se soutenir avec des critiques positives.
The only clear thought I had was that I was somehow connected to this thing.
La seule pensée claire que j'avais, c'était que quelque part, j'étais lié à cette chose.
I thought it was rude when you said, "Troll the respawn, Jeremy." But I figured that was just a new way of saying goodbye.
J'ai trouvé bizarre que tu dises "Bute les respawn, Jeremy", mais j'ai cru que c'était une nouvelle façon de dire au revoir.
Kimmy, I thought that this was just fun...
- Je pensais qu'on s'amusait...
I thought that Croatoan killed my husband, but I was wrong.
Je pensais que Croatoan avait tué mon mari, Mais j'avais tort.
I thought that Croatoan killed my husband, but I was wrong.
- Je croyais que ce Croatoan avait tué mon mari, mais j'avais tort.
I always thought that was a good hook.
J'ai toujours pensé que c'était un bon "hook".
- I thought that one was broken.
Je croyais qu'il était cassé.
I thought I was clear on that.
J'ai été claire.
I was proud that he thought I was pretty.
Fière qu'il trouve... que j'étais jolie.
I've always thought that... armed struggle was the only way... to defend the Armenian cause.
J'ai toujours pense que... la lutte armee etait le seul moyen d'imposer au monde... la cause des Armeniens.
- And Zooey. - As I was saying, an adults-only Thanksgiving, we thought that we would make the menu kind of new?
- Comme je disais, un Thanksgiving pour adultes, on avait pensé faire un menu original.
I thought that that was an accident.
Je croyais que c'était un accident.
And I really thought that was going to be the end.
Je croyais vraiment que c'était la fin.
I thought we had a moment on that camping trip, but I guess I was wrong.
Je pensais qu'il s'était passé quelque chose durant le camping, mais j'imagine que je me suis trompée.
Uh, Scott called me while I was calling you, and then I just thought that, I don't know, m-maybe the whole thing ended up on your voice-mail, but...
Scott m'a appelé tandis que j'étais en train de t'appeler, et ensuite j'ai pensé que, je ne sais pas, peut-être le tout avait fini sur ta boîte vocale, mais...
I thought Harry was better than that.
Je pensais qu'il valait mieux que ça.
I thought that it was just a happy coincidence or something, especially when we became such good friends, you know?
Surtout quand nous sommes devenues de bonnes amies tu vois?
Maybe she thought that I was an easy mark, right?
Elle pensait peut-être que j'étais une cible facile?
I-I thought that she was my friend.
Je croyais que c'était mon amie.
I thought that video of Calista was supposed to get Joss out.
Je croyais que cette vidéo de Calista devait libérer Joss.
You know, this time I thought that it was you that was afraid to talk to me, but really I...
Tu sais, cette fois j'ai pensé que c'était toi qui avait peur de me parler, mais réellement je...
Well, I never thought I was like that, either.
Ce n'était pas le mien non plus.
You thought I was dirty? That's what you thought?
Tu as pensé que j'étais corrompu?
i thought that was you 98
i thought you were mad at me 17
i thought you loved me 27
i thought 2845
i thought you were sleeping 18
i thought you'd never ask 124
i thought you were my friend 71
i thought i did 154
i thought you were 177
i thought so 720
i thought you were mad at me 17
i thought you loved me 27
i thought 2845
i thought you were sleeping 18
i thought you'd never ask 124
i thought you were my friend 71
i thought i did 154
i thought you were 177
i thought so 720
i thought i was going to die 44
i thought you were someone else 53
i thought we were friends 161
i thought it was you 92
i thought about it 224
i thought you 107
i thought you were at work 20
i thought as much 65
i thought i heard something 89
i thought you were different 43
i thought you were someone else 53
i thought we were friends 161
i thought it was you 92
i thought about it 224
i thought you 107
i thought you were at work 20
i thought as much 65
i thought i heard something 89
i thought you were different 43