It's like saying traducir francés
771 traducción paralela
All these treatments have kept us apart so much, it's like saying goodbye to a lovely stranger.
Tous ces traitements nous ont tant séparés, c'est comme dire adieu à une charmante étrangère.
He can hardly breathe and you're interrupting him. It was worth saying. What's worth saying on a day Like this?
Il a plus que 4 bouffées d'air et tu l'interromps sans cesse. J'ai à dire quelque chose d'intéressant. C'est bien le moment de faire l'important... un jour pareil.
It sounds like you're saying somebody's tickling you.
On dirait que tu dis que quelqu'un te chatouille.
Now, like I was saying, if I had one of Cannonball's gloves I might like to take it to the state boxing commission.
Comme je disais, si j'avais l'un des gants de Wales, je pourrais l'apporter à la Commission Fédérale.
It's just like I've been saying. This business is really tearing us down.
Tu vois bien, c'est un boulot qui nous démolit.
It's saying the same thing twice, you know, like calling somebody a rich millionaire.
C'est dire 2 fois la même chose, comme : "Un riche millionnaire".
I like a bit of fun, as the saying goes but when a bloke grabs you with nasty notions in his head it's time to put your foot down.
J'aime bien m'amuser... mais quand un gars se met à avoir des idées, je me laisse pas faire!
You see? It's just like I've been saying. Here you are, 600 years too late.
C'est bien ce que je disais, tu débarques 600 ans trop tard!
It's sort of like saying good-bye to Pop again.
C'est comme si je disais au revoir à Papa à nouveau.
It's like you were saying before the Swede come in. I've done a lot of time.
J'en ai fait, des années de prison.
But you and I, we know there must be a reason, like trying to push time out of your mind... and saying it's November in May.
Mais il doit y avoir une raison à dire en mai qu'on est en novembre, par exemple.
I remember saying to the poor gentleman, "It's like what you had last time."
Je me souviens d'avoir dit à ce pauvre homme : "C'est comme la dernière fois."
But - But it's like saying I agree to everything, a kiss is.
Mais, un baiser, ça voudrait dire que j'accepte tout.
It's a simple fact, like saying the world is round, or that the grass is green, or the rain is wet.
C'est une simple vérité, tout comme la terre est ronde, ou l'herbe est verte, ou la pluie est mouillée.
If you don't mind my saying so, it's not often that you'll get to eat rabbit like this.
Excusez-moi, mais permettez-moi de vous dire. Que du lièvre comme ça, vous n'en mangerez pas souvent.
You can call it that if you like, but whatever those savages are saying, you can be sure it's about us.
Vous pouvez appeler ça comme ça si vous voulez, mais tout ce que ces sauvages disent, vous pouvez être sûr qu'il s'agit de nous.
And when people say Skyler's Island... it'll be like saying, "Your favorite breakfast food."
Et le nom de l'Île de Skyler sera aussi connu que les plus grandes marques.
Every time I ever do anything rash it's like I have this voice in my head that keeps saying :
Quand je suis déraisonnable, une voix dans ma tête me dit :
You're like those women who sleep with everyone, except the one man who loves them, saying it's because they sleep with everyone.
C'est comme les filles qui couchent avec tout le monde et ne veulent pas coucher avec le seul type qui les aime, sous prétexte qu'elles ont couché avec tout le monde.
I don't know what he's saying, but I don't like it!
Je ne sais pas ce qu'iI dit, mais ça ne me plaît pas.
- What? There's an old saying. "The first customer of the day is always the most trouble." But like I say, I'm in no mood for it, so I'm gonna treat you so fair and square that you won't have one human reason...
Le 1 er client de la journée cause toujours des ennuis... mais je vous servirai si bien que vous ne vous plaindrez pas.
Like Zeb's saying, Ben, I think it's Injun work.
Zeb a raison, c'est sûrement un Peau-Rouge.
â ™ ª Say it soft â ™ ª â ™ ª And it's almost like praying â ™ ª â ™ ª Maria â ™ ª â ™ ª I'll never stop saying â ™ ª â ™ ª Maria â ™ ª
Toujours je le dirai, Maria
They were saying something about trying to make it look like a motorbike accident. That's interesting.
Ils disaient qu'il fallait que l'on crût à un accident de moto.
It almost sounds like you're saying you'd rather be a geisha's cat than a samurai's dog.
Tu préfères donc vivre en chat de geisha qu'en chien de garde de samouraï?
I know that's like Einstein saying he never really understood figures but it's true.
Je sais, c'est comme... Einstein disant qu'il ne comprend rien aux chiffres...
All I'm saying is, it don't do to get attached to nobody like that in this life.
Je dis juste qu'y faut pas s'attacher, dans cette vie.
We would be sitting around, waiting for a taxi to take her to the hospital, and she would be sitting there, saying things like, "It's dreadful, it's awful, it's disgraceful."
On attendait qu'un taxi l'emmène à l'hôpital. Et elle restait assise à dire des choses comme "c'est affreux", "c'est atroce", "c'est dégradant".
She'd just keep saying things like that, "It's awful, it's horrible."
C'est atroce, c'est horrible.
- Look, it's like you're saying me.
Mais je t'ai dit que je t'aime!
Like you're always saying, it's a matter of class.
Comme tu dis, c'est une question de classe.
He's saying I want to come out. I want to come out and see my father and the world and see what it's like.
Je veux sortir voir mon père, et le monde.
It's like saying, give a man a Les Paul guitar and he becomes Eric Clapton.
Comme si n'importe qui avec une guitare entre les mains devenait Eric Clapton.
It's just like the supreme sacrifice Duke Raimondo made, saying goodbye to Arabella.
ça ressemble au sacrifice suprême, quand le Duc Raimondo a dit au revoir à Arabella.
Oh, I'm sure it doesn't make a difference at all, but, you see, uh, like I was saying earlier, see that's the kind of loose end that, uh, I got to tie up, those tiny little things. Otherwise, it won't let me close the book on this case.
Je suis sûr que ça change rien mais comme je vous disais... c'est le genre de petit détail... que je dois éclaircir pour pouvoir boucler le dossier.
It's like saying that the Pope did it.
Et pourquoi pas le Pape?
I keep telling him it looks just like his, and he keeps saying,'That's why I want you to change it.'
Pourtant, il ressemble au sien. C'est pourquoi il veut que j'en change.
It would be like saying as someone's dying :
Ce serait comme dire d'un mourant :
It's like saying the Greeks died of mumps.
Comme si les Grecs avaient été anéantis par les oreillons,
It's like saying : "Hit me!"
On dirait que tu dis : "Cogne!"
Anyway, like I was saying, it's the absolute thrill of a lifetime when you finally see that car that belongs to you streak across that finish line a winner.
Comme je le disais, l'émotion qu'on ressent lorsqu'on voit sa voiture franchir première la ligne d'arrivée.
It's like saying you're running for president.
Et pourquoi pas la présidence?
It's like me saying you're using the wrong conditioner for your hair.
C'est comme si je disais que tu utilises le mauvais baume démêlant.
It's like saying when you try to extrapolate the end of the universe.
C'est comme tenter de projeter jusqu'à la fin de l'univers.
So like I was saying, I hooked this thing up last week to this lady's bumper and tore it clean off.
Donc, comme je disais, j'ai fixé cette saleté à un pare-chocs et ça l'a arraché.
- That's like saying Martineau did it.
- Non, ni du Père Martineau.
It's like Doc's always saying. Yeah, I know. I know.
je sais.
It's like the saying : "If bullshit were money, I'd be a millionaire."
Comme on dit : " Si la connerie était cotée, je serais millionnaire.
If you'll pardon my saying it, it's time you started behaving like the princess you are.
Pardonnez-moi de vous dire cela, mais il est temps... que vous commenciez à vous comporter comme une princesse.
It's like my mom saying I'm an irresponsible louse.
Comme ma mère qui me traite d'irresponsable.
Seems like yesterday you were saying, "I wonder what it's like in the real world getting a job, being a grownup."
Tu me disais : "Je me demande ce que ça fera d'être dans la vie active, de trouver un boulot, de devenir adulte."
it's like a fairy tale 19
it's like riding a bike 38
it's like 2099
it's like i'm 22
it's like that 152
it's like a dream come true 17
it's like this 178
it's like you said 124
it's like magic 16
it's like a drug 24
it's like riding a bike 38
it's like 2099
it's like i'm 22
it's like that 152
it's like a dream come true 17
it's like this 178
it's like you said 124
it's like magic 16
it's like a drug 24
it's like a dream 43
it's like a miracle 21
it's like you 22
it's like you're 17
it's like it never happened 25
it's like the 32
it's like i always say 17
it's like a 174
it's like looking in a mirror 17
it's like old times 19
it's like a miracle 21
it's like you 22
it's like you're 17
it's like it never happened 25
it's like the 32
it's like i always say 17
it's like a 174
it's like looking in a mirror 17
it's like old times 19
it's like i said 93
it's like i told you 32
it's like they say 20
saying 381
saying good 22
saying what 64
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it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's like i told you 32
it's like they say 20
saying 381
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it's warm 139
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it's all right 8832
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it's cold 680
it's warm 139
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it's ok 4874
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it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
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it's a girl 287
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it's time to go 391
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it's me again 322
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it's a girl 287
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it's time to move on 61
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it's not that difficult 19