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It didn't work out traducir francés

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I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated everything... even though it didn't work out.
Je voulais vous dire merci pour tout, même si ça n'a pas marché.
But it didn't work out.
Si tu avais réussi, je t'aurais pas embêtée.
Well, it didn't work out that way.
Ça n'a rien donné de bon.
You did a greatjob again! - And you thought again it wouldn't work out, didn't you?
- Et vous, bien sûr, vous pensiez que tout cela tournait mal, non?
Well, Polly, I'm sorry it didn't work out like I figured.
Polly, je suis désolé que ça se soit passé comme ça.
I'm sorry it didn't work out, but...
Désolé que ça n'ait pas fonctionné, mais...
It didn't work out.
Ça n'a pas marché.
- But it didn't work out that way?
- Mais ça ne s'est pas déroulé ainsi?
I tried to talk my way out... and then when that didn ´ t work, I made a break for it.
J'ai essayé de le convaincre de me laisser partir, et quand j'ai vu que cela ne menait à rien, j'ai couru vers la porte.
It didn't work out the way I planned, Moose.
Les choses ont mal tourné.
- It didn't work out.
Ça ne marche pas.
It could've been wonderful, but it didn't work out.
Ça aurait pu être merveilleux, mais ça n'a pas marché.
What a pity it didn't work out.
Quel dommage!
It didn't work out.
- On a essayé. Ça n'a pas marché.
Didn't it work out in Tokyo?
Ça n'a pas marché à Tokyo?
- Yes, it's possible, but he needs to come to terms with life because that didn't work out.
Oui c'est possible... il faut bien qu'il en prenne son parti parce que ça c'est raté.
Of course, I knew it wasn't you in there while the burning was going on, but supposing your escape device didn't work and you oouldn't get out? What then?
Je sais que vous sortez avant la combustion, mais que ce passerait-il si vous restiez bloqué?
It would never work out between you and me as long as she is sitting upstairs in that chair ltd be different if she didn't love me, and she wasn't so helpless.
Ça n'aurait pas marché entre nous, avec elle là-haut dans sa chaise. Ah, si elle m'aimait pas, si elle était pas si fragile.
If I didn't like my work, I'd have gotten out of it long ago.
 C'est ce qu'on appelle  les risques calculés.
However, it didn't work out that way.
Mais les choses ont tourné autrement.
- It didn't work out.
- Cela n'a pas marché.
Anyway, it didn't work out. Not for me.
De toute façon, ça n'a pas marché, pas pour moi
Well, when we rushed them at daybreak... it didn't work out so good.
Nous avons attaqué à l'aube... mais sans succès.
Oh, too bad it didn't work out.
Vous pensiez à lui pour Yukiko.
If it didn't work out, the children would be in worse shape than ever.
Et les enfants seront plus abandonnés que jamais.
So clever which, it so happened, it didn't work out!
Si futé que ça n'a pas marché.
It didn't work out.
Alors amusons-nous.
When I saw how devoted you are to your work, and how you're willing to sacrifice your body for it or rather when I saw you didn't shed a tear when you found out your real sister had been killed... I felt ashamed as a man.
En te voyant prête à te sacrifier, en te regardant apprendre sans pleurer l'assassinat de ta sœur, j'ai eu honte de moi.
I'm sorry it didn't work out.
- J'ai dû fréquenter cet homme...
- Why didn't you marry her? - It didn't work out.
Pourquoi ne l'avez-vous pas épousée?
It's funny you should say that, but there had been a girl in the town that he'd been going around with an artist or something like that, and it didn't work out so well, so I...
- Pas du tout. - A-t-il laissé un mot? - Pas que je sache.
- Sorry it didn't work out, Miss...
- Désolé que ça n'ait pas marché.
It didn't work out.
Nous avons échoué.
The occasional client... I tried, but it didn't work out.
Il arrive qu'un client... J'ai essayé en vain.
I didn't want to get your hopes up in case it didn't work out.
Je ne voulais pas te décevoir, en cas d'échec.
There are also those who work. I wanted to work once, but it didn't work out.
Moi aussi, je voulais travailler, mais je n'ai pas réussi.
But it didn't work out, did it?
Mais ça n'a pas été le cas, hein?
Oh, well, I'm sorry it didn't work out.
Je suis navrée que ça ne marche pas.
I was married when I was very young, but it didn't work out.
J'ai été mariée très jeune. Un échec.
Yeah. It didn't work out.
Euh... ça n'a pas marché.
Maybe if you didn't call me ma'am, it might work out better.
Si tu ne m'appelais pas m'dame, ça irait peut-être mieux.
Why didn't it work out?
Et pourquoi ça n'a pas marché?
But it didn't work out.
Mais sans succès.
She's already been 2 or 3 times, each time it didn't work out.
Elle y a déjà été 2 ou 3 fois, et ça n'a pas marché.
I'm sorry it didn't work out.
J'aurais voulu que ça marche.
It didn't work out,
Ça n'a pas marché,
There were other reasons why it didn't work out.
Si ça n'a pas marché, ce n'est pas pour ça.
It didn't work out so well.
Ca ne s'est pas bien passé.
He sent me someplace else after that, but it didn't work out.
Ensuite il m'a envoyée ailleurs, mais en vain.
I understand why it didn't work out.
Je comprends pourquoi il n'a pas fonctionné.
Series K didn't work out too well and I had to do it over.
La série K n'a d'abord rien donné, j'ai dû refaire le procédé.

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