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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ J ] / Just forget about it

Just forget about it traducir francés

611 traducción paralela
Don't think of it. Just forget about it, because you won't get it anyway.
N'y pensez plus, de toute façon, vous n'en aurez pas.
Well, we'll just forget about it.
Oublions tout ca
You just forget about it, they'll be there.
Ne t'inquiète pas, ils viendront.
Now, you get yourself a room and just forget about it.
Trouvez-vous une chambre et oubliez tout ça.
Now, sister... Just forget about it.
- Frangine, reste ici.
- Just forget about it and take me back.
- Laissons ça, et ramenez-moi. - Vous ramener?
Just forget about it.
Laissez tomber.
You just forget about it. Forget you ever saw the gentleman.
Oublie que tu as vu ce monsieur.
Now, Mortimer, you know all about it and just forget about it.
Tu sais tout, maintenant n'y pense plus.
- Well, you just forget about it for a bit.
Vous allez oublier ça maintenant.
Just forget about it.
Laisse tomber, c'est fini...
Just forget about it, just mind your own business and you won't get into trouble.
Oubliez ça. Occupez-vous uniquement de vos affaires et vous n'aurez pas d'ennuis.
Just forget about it. Maybe just a gag.
Peut-être une plaisanterie.
Listen, if it's a problem for you shall we just forget about it?
Si c'est vraiment difficile pour vous, on devrait laisser tomber.
If you feel that way, just forget about it, okay?
Si tu le prends comme ça, laissons tomber.
- Just forget about it, will you?
- Laisse tomber, Will.
Just forget about it, will you?
Laisse tomber, d'accord?
So just forget about it.
- Je te le dis.
No, just forget about it.
Mais c'est pas la peine.
Will you just forget about it?
Tu peux me le dire?
You'd just forget about it if you were me, huh?
- Toi, à ma place, tu laisserais tomber, hein?
Just forget about it.
Oublie complètement.
Just forget about it. - A man can dream, can't he?
- On peut rêver, non?
Forget about it and just sleep.
Oublie ça et dors.
Aw, just forget all about it.
Oubliez tout ça.
Well, let's, uh, just forget all about it.
Laissons tomber tout ça.
We'll just forget all about it.
Ne parlons plus de tout cela.
Okay, my friend, if that's the way you feel about it just forget I ever bothered you.
Très bien, si tu le prends comme ça, oublie que je t'ai appelé.
Look, let's forget about the divorce and try and make a go of it, just once more, starting from scratch.
Oublions donc ce divorce et essayons de recoller les morceaux, recommençons du début.
If you can't do anything about it, just forget it.
Si vous n'y pouvez rien, oubliez-le.
CHUCK : Then let's just blame the weather and forget about it, ha, ha.
C'est la faute de la météo, oublions ça.
So he told me just to come back here and keep quiet, and he'd forget all about it.
Il m'a dit de revenir ici, de me taire, et qu'il oublierait tout.
Listen, I don't know what this is all about, and, frankly, I'd just as soon forget it.
Compris? Je ne sais pas de quoi il s'agit et franchement, ça ne m'intéresse pas.
And if the Theatre Guild has any notions about this little show running for just a few performances, they'd better forget it.
"J'ai l'impression que cette revue aura une longue vie."
- Oublie tout ça.
You just ignore it and after a while they forget about it.
N'y prêtez pas garde. Avec le temps, ils oublieront.
Just forget all about it. Forget I ever mentioned it.
Fais comme si je n'avais rien dit.
Well, if you don't wanna hire me, just forget all about it, and I'll mosey on back to town.
Mais si vous ne voulez pas m'employer, je retournerai en ville.
And if ever we get too rich and proud... we'll just sit down together and take a long look at it... so as we'll not forget the truth about ourselves.
Si on devient riches et hautains, on s'assiéra et on la contemplera. Pour ne pas oublier qui nous sommes.
Let's just all forget about it.
No, if it was just me, okay, but, uh, I couldn't ask you to go, and I wouldn't leave you here, so, uh, let's forget all about it.
Si j'étais seul, ça irait. Mais... je ne peux ni vous demander de venir ni vous abandonner. Alors, oublions tout ça.
- Aw, just forget about it. Okay, forget about it.
C'est ça, je laisse tomber.
Just take it all, and we'll forget about it.
Prends tout et on n'en parle plus.
Well, if that's where they did find it... you wouldn't expect them to just forget about you, would you?
C'est bien là qu'il l'a trouvée... Ne feriez-vous rien? Attendriez-vous finalement que l'on vous oublie?
Look, why don't you just give me back my brooch and the camera and I'll forget all about it, eh?
Vous m'accusez de vol? Oui.
Forget about it, it was just a bad dream.
N'y pensez plus, ce n'était qu'un mauvais rêve.
Just tear up the deed to a palace I've inherited... and forget all about it... without so much as laying eyes on the property.
Déchirer le titre pour un palais que j'ai hérité... et l'oublier... sans même voir la propriété.
If I were you, I'd just forget all about it.
Si j'étais vous, j'oublierais tout ça.
- Let's just forget about it.
So you just stay drunk and forget about it.
Restez bien bourrés et n'y pensez plus.
Though, if it were me, I'd forget about the mantle and just marry Master Shinnosuke.
Si j'étais à sa place, j'oublierais ces histoires d'héritage et j'épouserais Maître Shinnosuke.

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