Look at that thing traducir francés
368 traducción paralela
Just look at that thing, won't you?
Regardez un peu!
Look at that thing.
Regardez-moi ça!
Look at that thing.
Regardez-moi ça.
Look at that thing, handing us the ha-ha.
Regarde-moi ce truc qui nous nargue.
- Look at that thing.
- Regarde-moi ça.
Man, look at that thing.
Regarde-moi ça, vieux.
Le monde entier Voudra jeter un œil à cette chose.
He never did come out to look at that thing that flew overhead.
Il n'est pas sorti pour regarder l'OVNI.
Just look at that thing.
Regardez ça.
Look at that thing grow, like money in the bank.
Regardez comme ça grandit! Comme l'argent à la banque.
Look at that thing.
Regarde ça. Il y a de quoi en rire.
My God, look at that thing.
"Mon Dieu, regarde cette chose."
Holy God, look at that thing!
Vise-moi ça!
Look at that thing! Whoa! Come on!
Regardez-moi ça!
Look at that thing!
Regardez ça!
Now, out! Get out! Look at that thing over there.
Dehors! Regarde ce machin.
Look at that thing.
Et regarde ça.
Look, I know that you are mad at me and that you don't really like to do this sort of thing, but can't you just cover for me?
Ecoute, je sais que tu es fâché contre moi et que tu ne veux pas vraiment faire ce genre de choses, mais vous ne pouvez pas me couvrir?
Yeah, that's his track. Look at the size of that thing.
Une empreinte.
One has only to look at that moon to realize that love is the only thing in the world worth having.
Il suffit de regarder la lune pour voir que l'amour est la seule chose qui compte.
You're such a little thing, nobody'd think, to look at you... you had that much brains.
En vous voyant comme ça, on croirait pas que vous êtes si intelligente.
It's a good thing I bought the paper. Take a look at that.
Lis plutôt ce journal.
However, it makes no matter, for now that I look at the inscription, I find that the thing isn't yours after all.
Mais finalement, ça n'a pas d'importance, car l'inscription que je vois dedans montre bien qu'il n'est pas à toi.
And the main thing is that they don't get away before you open up Number 3 Hatch again and look at some of those engine crates.
Mais il ne faut pas qu'il s'en sorte avant d'avoir rouvert la cale 3 et les caisses prévues pour les moteurs.
- We'll just go and look at it. This is the most important thing that's happened in the history of the world.
Chérie, c'est la chose la plus importante qui soit arrivée dans l'histoire de humanité
The main thing is that they have a look at our models.
Ce qui compte pour moi, c'est qu'on apprécie nos modèles.
Look at that poor, pathetic old thing there.
Regarde ça. Regarde cette pauvre vieille chose pathétique.
Only thing I want to look at is that helmet.
Tout ce que je veux voir, c'est mon casque.
I had to repair that wretched thing and now look at it, I can't see a thing!
J'ai dû réparer ce pitoyable objet et regardez-moi ça, je n'y vois rien!
Look at the size of that thing.
JAMIE : Regardez la taille de cette chose.
Wait a minute, Boss. What's that thing on your head? Look at your head.
Chef, c'est quoi, ça, sur votre tête?
Look at that stock, stupid, brutal thing.
Regardez cette chose stupide et brutale.
Look at this thing that I am and learn the meaning of love.
Regardez cette chose que je suis devenue et apprenez ce qu'aimer signifie.
Gee, that thing makes you hungry just to look at it.
Ça donne faim rien qu'en le voyant!
Look at that, it's the real thing.
Moquez-vous! c'est un privilège, la médaille d'or!
Well, first thing I'm gonna do is take me a long look at that pacific ocean, cos I been wantin'to see that booger all my life.
La première chose que je vais faire... c'est de regarder longuement l'Océan Pacifique. Parce que toute ma vie, j'ai toujours voulu voir ce bougre.
Look at the size of that thing.
Regardez. Elle est énorme!
That little pussy thing. Look at that!
Il l'a dans son truc de gonzesse.
I'll take another look at that damn thing.
Je vais regarder cette pourriture.
And when I was there, Wally, I remember being in the woods... and I would look at a leaf, and I would actually see that thing... that is alive in that leaf.
Un jour, dans les bois, je regardais une feuille et j'ai vu l'élément vivant de cette feuille!
This essay was a perfectly unexciting and routine thing up until the point of taking a look at the damage we had been done, that was kinda a little bit hard to realize, it was kinda inconceivable as to what we were looking at there.
Comme je l'ai dit, c'était un travail parfaitement banal. Puis où on a regardé les dommages causés. C'était...
It's not the kind of thing that should we should, you know, look forward to, like it's hanging over our heads all day that we're gonna be in bed together at night. Right.
C'est vrai.
Take a look at this thing! How did that happen?
Comment ça a pu arriver?
She... you'll laugh when you look at this poor thing huddled in front of the fire and hear me say that it was for my good looks that Nancy loved me.
Vous allez rire... de voir ce pauvre homme recroquevillé devant le feu... et de m'entendre dire... que c'est parce que j'étais beau que Nancy... m'aimait.
- Look at that beautiful thing. Go, go, go.
- Magnifique animal!
But if you were to look at this thing straight just for a moment, you might see that there's something going on out there!
Mais si vous regardez les choses en face, juste un moment, Vous verriez que quelque chose se passe là-bas!
Did you look at the back of that thing when I had it off?
Avez-vous vu ce qu'il y a à l'intérieur?
Don't look at me like- - Don't do that thing with your eyes.
Me regarde pas comme ça
Its one way at work... and outside work that kind of relaxed "Oh look they're still there" thing its that "Oh look they're still there" way you said it...
{ \ 3cH0000AD } Il y a en dehors du boulot... le genre de phrase "Oh regardez ils sont encore là"... { \ 3cH0000AD } c'est la manière dont tu l'as dit qui fait que...
Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire?
wait a minute. look at this. what's that? give me that goddamn thing.
Un peu comme dans # Les Oiseaux où les sons ambiants remplacent la musique du film.
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look at this 4731
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look at her 948
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look at that 4253
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look at us 558
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at yourself 268
look at your face 75
look at us 558
look at it 733
look at them 596
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at this picture 28
look at you go 18
look at this view 22
look at the bright side 75
look at him go 61
look at this mess 66
look at them 596
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at this picture 28
look at you go 18
look at this view 22
look at the bright side 75
look at him go 61
look at this mess 66