Much later traducir francés
427 traducción paralela
Actually, this will be revealed much later, but she's not really betraying him.
Aw, don't be too much later.
Ne tarde pas trop.
- How much later?
- Quand?
You say that every evening and always return much later.
Il nous dit ça tout les soirs et il revient toujours très tard.
Took her out and gave her a spot of dinner. And it wasn't till much later....
Nous avons dîné ensemble et un peu plus tard...
That's what she'd want, even if she had to come back much later.
Il faut faire comme si elle devait rentrer d'un moment à l'autre. Même si elle devait rentrer plus tard.
I didn't find out the truth until much later.
Je n'ai su la vérité que longtemps plus tard.
You can get hit here without hearing a sound and then you notice, much later, that you're dead.
Ici, vous pouvez prendre un coup sans rien entendre, et vous ne vous rendez compte que bien plus tard que vous êtes mort.
Much later I was told they died in an accident.
Bien plus tard, on m'a dit qu'ils étaient morts dans un accident.
Not much later, though, huh, doc?
Un peu plus tard, cependant, Hein, Doc?
- Sure, much later. Let's try this first.
Beaucoup plus tard.
How much later, a minute?
Combien de temps après, une minute?
The Cherry Orchard. Vicky, let's save the acting as a surprise for him for later. Much later.
Vous lui ferez une autre fois la surprise de vos talents d'actrice.
And if it gets much later, soon it will be too late even to be later.
Si on attend trop longtemps, trop tôt sera trop tard pour être tard.
I'lll pay you twice as much later, but I got to do something right now.
Je te payerai deux fois plus, plus tard.
Not much later she announced she was pregnant.
Peu de temps après, elle lui annonça sa grossesse.
You know that the crime occurred much later. Just before the body was found.
Vous savez que le crime a eu lieu beaucoup plus tard, peu avant qu'on découvre le corps?
I'll be back much later than usual this year.
Je rentrerai très tard, cette année.
Much later.
Très tard.
The nets came much later.
Le filet est venu bien après.
Don't worry, to bug me, you've to wake up early or to go to bed much later!
- Rassurez-vous, pour me contrarier, faut se lever de bonne heure, ou se coucher beaucoup plus tard.
Is that why you're coming home so much later than usual?
C'est pour ça que vous rentrez si tard?
No, that was much later.
Non, c'était bien plus tard...
- Much later.
- Plus tard.
But not right away, that was much later.
Mais pas tout de suite, ça vînt bien plus tard.
He starting feeling unwell while we were making love but he died afterwards, much later, when everything was finished.
Il s'est senti mal quand on faisait l'amour... il est mort ensuite, bien plus tard, quand tout était fini.
Our patrols only heard about it much later.
Nos patrouilles n'ont rien entendu.
I was waiting for them to go to Hakodate together. And not much later, the fire was burning up the town.
C'est après le départ du train que j'ai compris que ces deux hommes avait mis le feu et assassiné les Sasada.
That was much later, don't you understand? When it was too late.
Oui, après, mais c'était trop tard.
The big witch hysteria didn't start until much later.
La grande chasse aux sorcières n'a commencé que bien plus tard.
Much, much later...
Longtemps après...
I walked to the stables as briskly as ever and arrived much later than I expected to.
Je suis allé en toute vitesse à l'écurie, mais j'y suis arrivé en toute lenteur.
Much later.
- Bien plus tard.
Your bleached bones will be found much later... up in the hills.
Le tien se décomposera d'abord dans la montagne.
Please leave. Until I hear that reason, I can't leave. The director position I got was given not by my competence, but by that shady trick which I despised so much, and I found that out later.
Je ne partirai pas sans avoir entendu la raison.
I'd like very much to have you join us later for supper. But I- - I presume that's impossible.
Je suppose qu'il t'est impossible de venir souper.
You'll find it much more interesting later on.
Et le meilleur reste à venir.
Well, thanks very much. I've still got troubles. Sooner or later, Molly will find out who I am.
J'ai encore des problèmes, tôt ou tard Molly saura qui je suis.
Then later, still long before the doll incident... you wanted very much for her to love you.
Puis, vous avez désiré très fortement son amour.
Not until much later.
- Je l'ai découvert plus tard.
Better look first, for if one drinks much from a bottle marked "Poison", it's almost certain to disagree with one sooner or later.
Regardons bien d'abord, car si l'on boit d'une bouteille marquée "poison", on est presque certain d'avoir de très gros ennuis.
It's much worse later.
C'est pire aprés.
Nothing, we were very gentle... ] [... and yet we frightened him so much that, we discovered later... ] [... he had hurried off to use the prisoner's information... ] [... and thus prevented 50 of our men from falling into an ambush. ]
Nous n'aurions pas pu être plus doux. Et pourtant, affolé, il courut, nous l'apprîmes plus tard, faire un usage privé des informations du prisonnier pour empêcher que 50 des nôtres ne tombent dans un piège.
That comes much later here.
Ici, ça vient plus tard.
That may not hurt much now, but it's bound to hurt later on.
Vous ne sentez rien maintenant, mais plus tard, vous aurez mal.
Madame there is the reception later would you come along and have your photograph next please, thank you very much
La réception aura lieu plus tard. Venez pour la photo, s'il vous plaît.
Not now, but later. How much later?
- Mais encore?
How much was it? I'll owe you 150 f. Remind me later.
C'est moi qui vous devrai 150 F. Vous me le rappellerez.
As much as you love him, he will have to pay his own bills sooner or later. The fellow really can't entirely be saved.
Même si vous aimez votre frère, il faut vous faire à l'idée... qu'un jour il devra tôt ou tard payer la facture de ce qu'il a fait.
- I can't, I've got too much work to do, besides, it's almost 9 o'clock, maybe later on we can.
Je ne peux pas! J'ai trop de choses à faire. Il est déjà presque 21 heures.
However things go your later years won't be much fun.
M'enfin tout de même. Elle sera pas jojo, ta fin de vie.
later 2839
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later today 33
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later then 16
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much better 603
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much better now 20
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