Next saturday traducir francés
386 traducción paralela
She will be waiting on the old bridge, next Saturday at 4 pm hoping that, if bravery and goodness are not just screen fiction, she will meet Maciste.
Samedi à 16 heures, elle attendra sur le vieux pont espérant, si son courage et sa bonté ne sont pas pure fiction, y rencontrer Maciste.
Doctor and surgeon Ximénez gladly invite his disciple and friend Luis to a private dinner celebrating his daughter Maria Esther's birthday, on next saturday.
Le Dr Ximénez, Docteur en Chirurgie, Salue son disciple et ami, Luis Rodríguez, et a le plaisir de l'inviter au dîner intime de la famille pour célébrer l'anniversaire de sa fille, Maria Esther, demain samedi.
The next Saturday night.
Le dimanche soir suivant.
If next Saturday you manage to slip past the Huseby wolf and his cubs, the girl will be yours.
Si samedi prochain tu arrives à te faufiler entre ce loup de Huseby et ses louveteaux, la fille est à toi.
Come next Saturday.
Arrive le samedi suivant.
Well, i was going to give you another week, but now you'll go out next saturday.
J'étais prêt à patienter! Si c'est comme ça, vous partirez samedi!
Oh, you're invited to old Princess Ursula's next Saturday.
La princesse Ursula...
We'd love to come. Your parties are always so delightful. But, you see, we intend to leave next Saturday.
On aurait aimé venir à votre soirée mais nous partons samedi prochain.
There's a very fair chance that I'll be able to quit business next Saturday.
J'ai de grandes chances de pouvoir démissionner samedi prochain.
And next Saturday, 1000 dollars.
Et samedi, 1000 dollars.
I'm playing next Saturday!
Je commence samedi prochain!
Has madame told you our plans about next Saturday?
Madame vous a-t-elle parlé de nos plans pour samedi prochain?
- We sure do. - Well, look out next Saturday night.
- Alors faites attention samedi.
They're getting married next Saturday.
Ils vont se marier samedi prochain.
Thinking on going to that there shindig next Saturday night, Miss Gracie?
Vous irez au bal, samedi, Mlle Gracie?
Wait till you see what I spring on you next Saturday.
La surprise, c'est pour samedi prochain.
I find that I'm thinking about what I'll be doing next Saturday or next month or next year.
Je m'aperçois... que je songe à ce que je ferai le mois prochain.
I realized I wasn't thinking of next month or even next Saturday.
Je ne pensais ni au mois prochain, ni même au samedi qui vient.
- And he'll be three next Saturday.
- Il aura trois ans samedi prochain.
In fact, they're giving a party for us next Saturday.
Ils donnent une réception pour nous.
We're playing Lowell High next Saturday, semifinals.
Samedi, on joue contre Lowell High.
The next Saturday, I finally got around to trying on my old cutaway.
J'essayai enfin mon vieux costume de cérémonie.
Yeah, what about - well, how about next saturday night?
Bon, alors... Alors samedi prochain?
Are you free next saturday night?
Vous êtes libres samedi prochain? Et le samedi d'après?
We hope you find us at the same time next Saturday.
Nous espérons que vous nous retrouverez à la même heure samedi prochain.
Next Saturday, the $ 100,000 handicap is bein'run.
Samedi prochain, le handicap de 100 000 dollars se court.
We'll have to continue with this next Saturday, gentlemen.
Nous en rediscuterons samedi prochain, messieurs.
I don't usually press my luck, but if you change your mind around 8 : 00 next Saturday night, I'll be here.
Je n'ai pas l'habitude d'insister, mais si vous changez d'avis, samedi prochain vers 20 heures, je serai ici.
When I was a kid my dad would say : We'll go next Saturday.
Quand j'étais petite, mon père me disait : "On y va samedi."
Good. I'll call for you next Saturday.
Je viendrai samedi prochain.
Dad just told the men he wouldn't be in the contest after letting them set it up for next Saturday.
Papa a dit qu'il n'irait pas au concours, alors qu'il s'était engagé pour samedi.
He wants us to leave next Saturday.
Il veut qu'on parte samedi prochain.
It's the shearing contest. It's all set up for next Saturday.
Le concours de tonte est arrangé pour samedi.
Next Saturday we'll make a toast for the Father's health.
On fera la fête samedi prochain.
Next Saturday, okay?
Samedi prochain, ça va?
One week from next Saturday you will be called for at 11 : 10 AM and taken to the Timothy Swardon Sanitarium, 84 East 61st Street.
Dans une semaine à partir de samedi, vous serez appelé à 11 h 10 du matin pour être emmené au sanatorium Timothy Swardon, n ° 8, 61e rue est.
Atlantic City track's open till the end of the month. We could drive out there next Saturday.
Il y a des courses à Atlantic City, si on y allait samedi?
Next Saturday at the altar, she has to look prettier than the Madonna.
Samedi prochain devant l'autel, ma femme doit être la plus belle!
- Shall we try again next Saturday?
- On retentera le coup samedi prochain?
Next Saturday...
Samedi prochain...
Next Saturday there's gonna be a night game against Washington.
Samedi prochain, il y a un match contre Washington.
He has orders that if he does not hear from you by next Saturday,
S'il n'entend pas parler de vous d'ici samedi, il a l'ordre
Wait until next Saturday, my son.
Attends samedi prochain, mon fils.
Come next Saturday.
viens samedi prochain.
Next Saturday.
Samedi prochain.
Will Saturday after next be all right?
Puis-je partir samedi?
How about Saturday or next Wednesday? Let's see.
Que diriez-vous de ce samedi ou bien mercredi de la semaine prochaine?
Jean, tell Mr. Iturbi she'll be back next Saturday.
Dites à M. Iturbi qu'elle sera là samedi.
Next thing you'll be having them in the mess for a Saturday booze-up.
Bientôt, vous leur organiserez une soirée arrosée au mess.
Will I see you next Saturday?
On se voit samedi prochain?
Saturday nights are the only problem and nights before Holy Days because of the early masses the next day.
Le problème c'est le samedi soir et les veilles de jours saints à cause de la foule du lendemain.
saturday 378
saturday night 131
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saturday night 131
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