On that note traducir francés
955 traducción paralela
On that note, I'm off to bed.
Moi, je ferai comme lui. Je vais me coucher.
On that note of logic, I'll go to work.
Sur cette touche de logique, je pars travailler.
On that note, excuse me... I have stuff to do...
À ce propos, vous m'excuserez... j'ai à faire...
And on that note, I think I'll fix us some drinks.
Et sur cette note, je vais nous préparer un verre.
Take note however that we don't say : "sorry", but "Please excuse me."
Note cependant qu'on ne dît pas "je m'excuse" mais "je vous prie de m'excuser."
I have a feeling that if we got together, collaborated on a note to leave behind, and really worked on it, it would not only be a very fine piece of literature, but it might save me a black eye.
Il me semble que si nous nous y mettions... Si nous écrivions ensemble un mot bien peaufiné à lui laisser, non seulement ce serait un morceau d'anthologie, mais ça m'éviterait un œil au beurre noir.
You took a signature of that note... traced it on this check and deposited it to Robert's account.
Vous avez imité sa signature sur ce chèque et l'avez déposé sur le compte de Robert.
Don't you take note on that funny dog there.
Ne t'occupe pas de ce drôle d'homme-chien.
The doctor found a bump on his head that must have been made a couple of days ago.
Le médecin a noté une bosse sur sa tête qui doit dater de deux jours.
Shouldn't have told me that, chump. That'll be 10 bucks extra on your check.
Ça fera 10 dollars de plus sur ta note, ballot!
- That reads like a suicide note. - Shh, shh.
On dirait une note de suicide.
- Yes, madame? - The note, Kitty. The note that was handed to you.
Le billet qu'on vient de te donner.
Give me a "G" or something on that organ there.
Donne-moi un sol ou une autre note.
It is understood that Special Envoy Kurusu... has brought with him Emperor Hirohito's reply... to President Roosevelt's note protesting Japan's aggression in the Far East.
On croit savoir que l'envoyé spécial Kurusu... apporte la réponse de l'empereur Hirohito à la note... du président Roosevelt dénonçant l'agression nipponne en Extrême-Orient.
[SINGING] There's a change in fashion that shows In those Lenox Avenue clothes
On note un changement de tenue Dans les boutiques de Lenox Avenue
I clipped a note to that Garlopis application... to have him thoroughly investigated... before we accepted the risk.
J'avais demandé qu'on enquête sur lui.
Monday morning there was a note on my desk that you wanted to see me, Keyes.
Le lundi, une note m'indiquait que tu voulais me voir.
I thought that there might be some connection between these hunchbacks and the tower from the note.
Il a dû la recevoir le jour du meurtre. On n'a plus entendu parler de Zacarías.
Couldn't she get something on that? Add it up again, maybe pass her?
Ne pourriez-vous pas lui donner une bonne note pour ça?
I'll just put that on the bill.
C'est une affaire privée. Je mettrai ça sur votre note.
Make a note of that. We'll get a Teletype out on her.
- Sir? - Put that on my check, will you?
Mettez ça sur ma note.
And it shall be entered in the log that Mr. Arrow, mate on the Hispaniola was washed overboard in a storm on the night of May 14, and his body not recovered for burial.
Il sera noté dans le journal de bord, que M. Arrow, second maître de l'Hispaniola, est passé par-dessus bord lors d'une tempête, le 14 mai Son corps ne fut pas retrouvé pour l'inhumation.
- Speak and welcome, and make a note of that, too, but go on with your doctoring while you talks.
Faites semblant de parler médecine.
A man doesn't destroy himself just because he can't hit some high note that he dreamed up.
Et qu'on ne se tue pas pour une note inaccessible.
If he was the one who put that note on the door of the Lacey house... his horse would still feel sweated.
Si c'était lui qui avait mis le mot devant chez les Lacey... il y aurait encore de la sueur sur son cheval.
A demand note. If you intend to collect on that, it's customary to give 30 days notice.
L'usage est de donner un préavis de 30 jours.
Have that note or writ or whatever you call it served on Mr. Fallgren first thing tomorrow morning.
Faites présenter votre sommation à M. Fallgren dès demain matin.
If Doc had found that note, Ellen and I'd be dead.
Si Doc l'avait trouvé, on serait morts.
Well, if we take it for the moment as a suicide note... wouldn't that suggest something else to you?
Si on considère que c'est une note de suicide, ça ne vous dit rien de plus?
It is interesting to note that while the story has been given front-page space... in newspapers in the United States and all other parts of the free world... Pravda, the official mouthpiece of the Soviet Union... has, as yet, failed to take note on it.
Alors que cette histoire fait la une des journaux du monde libre, la Pravda, l'organe officiel de l'U.R.S.S., n'en a pas fait mention.
When a guy sends you a note like that, you don't run.
Quand un homme vous envoie un mot pareil, on ne court pas.
Although'tis fit that Cassio have his place, yet, if you please to hold him off awhile, note if your lady strain his entertainment... with any strong or vehement importunity.
Il est sans doute à propos de rendre à Cassio sa place, cependant, s'il vous plaît, de le tenir éloigné quelque temps. Remarquez si Desdémona presse son rétablissement avec beaucoup d'instances : on verra bien des choses.
You're going to stop on the main road to Contention, one mile this side, and you're going to give that note to somebody passing in.
Vous irez sur la route de Contention, à 2 km, par là, pour donner ce message au premier passant.
I'll take you up on that.
- Je note ça.
Only on that notice I put up about the Momo destroyer.
Une seule fois, sur la note du destroyer Momo.
In making these tests, did you notice any bruises or marks on Mrs. Manion at that time?
N'avez-vous pas noté des meurtrissures ou des marques sur la personne de Mme Manion?
I'm counting on getting that promissory note from the lieutenant.
J'ai un besoin urgent d'avoir les billets á ordre du Lt Manion.
Oh, uh, they did make a positive identification of the typewriter... that was used to write that ransom note.
On a identifié la machine à écrire utilisée pour réclamer la rançon.
But Artie was such a good friend of a young man... who helped him write a ransom note on a stolen typewriter... and who rented a black sedan from the Collins drive-yourself agency... on May 16, that I thought it might joggle your memory.
Artie était l'ami d'un jeune homme. Il l'a aidé à taper une demande de rançon sur une machine à écrire volée et a loué une voiture dans une agence le 16 mai. Cela réveille votre mémoire?
Note to you, dear, that we are circulation can do without it.
On peut fort bien se passer de lui pour le tirage.
This man has a bank note, and so he's gone to the bank and they told him that they gave it to you
alors il est allé à la banque et on lui a dit qu'elle vous avait été remise.
If the note hasn't been paid on time the official will have gone to the debtor's home before sunset He'll have noted it and, Let's hope that's what he's done.
Si la facture n'a pas été payé à temps il aura informé de la protestation et on espère qu'il en soit ainsi.
And on top of that, you get stuck for the funeral bill.
Et tu dois te coltiner la note des obsèques.
I packed Della off to Chicago and I wrote my niece a note that I was going on a boat trip for my health.
J'ai envoyé Della à Chicago et j'ai écrit à ma nièce que je partais en voyage sur un bateau, pour ma santé.
He must've typed that note on my machine.
Et iI a tapé ceci sur ma machine.
Then I told her that if she ever blew the whistle on me... I was gonna mail a Photostat of that note to the plumber.
Alors, je lui ai dit que si elle me dénonçait... j'enverrais une photocopie de cette lettre au plombier.
that this Montague-Capulet note will have little effect on the feud now raging between the two party leaders.
... que cet air de Montaigu-Capulet aura peu d'effet sur le conflit qui fait ainsi rage entre les deux politiques.
Students, please be aware that the test papers must go on my desk for marking, also please be equally aware of tomorrow's problem :
N'oubliez pas de mettre vos copies sur mon bureau pour que je les note. N'oubliez pas non plus le problème pour demain :
Fellow, that will be on your bill. Boy.
Je mets ca sur ta note.
And you can just set that down and nail it right up on the wall.
Et prenez bien note de ce que je viens de dire.
on that 88
on that night 19
on that side 16
on that day 78
note 183
notes 105
notebook 23
noted 237
note to self 55
notebooks 17
on that night 19
on that side 16
on that day 78
note 183
notes 105
notebook 23
noted 237
note to self 55
notebooks 17
on the whole 55
on the tv 16
on the other hand 1607
on the table 116
on the way home 32
on the 426
on the plus side 107
on the ground 440
on the other side 107
on the floor 300
on the tv 16
on the other hand 1607
on the table 116
on the way home 32
on the 426
on the plus side 107
on the ground 440
on the other side 107
on the floor 300
on the roof 79
on the contrary 1002
on the bench 17
on the beach 77
on the right 145
on the internet 51
on the other 48
on the one hand 116
on the dot 66
on the surface 75
on the contrary 1002
on the bench 17
on the beach 77
on the right 145
on the internet 51
on the other 48
on the one hand 116
on the dot 66
on the surface 75
on the record 70
on the house 231
on there 23
on the side 64
on the inside 58
on the sidewalk 17
on the street 102
on their own 19
on the back 61
on their way 28
on the house 231
on there 23
on the side 64
on the inside 58
on the sidewalk 17
on the street 102
on their own 19
on the back 61
on their way 28