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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ P ] / Put that down

Put that down traducir francés

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Put that down!
Pose ça!
I think you should put that down, sir.
Je pense que vous devriez poser ceci, Monsieur.
Put that down, kid.
Pose ça, gamin.
Guess I forgot to put that down on my application.
J'ai dû oublier de le mettre dans le CV.
Sherly, put that down.
Sherly, repose ça.
Put that down.
Baissez votre arme.
Put that down!
Ne touchez pas à ça!
Put that down.
Lâche la barre.
Put that gun down.
Posez votre arme.
Lord knows you never put down that fork.
Tu baisses jamais la fourchette.
It's stuff that was in Lucy's cell before they had to put her down.
C'était dans la cellule de Lucy, avant qu'ils la piquent.
Please put that gun down.
S'il vous plaît, posez votre arme.
Put down that warhead!
Arrête cette ogive!
So moving on, put down that I graduated top in my class, national honor society,
Alors va plus loin, mets que je suis sorti premier de ma classe, la société national d'honneur,
So we're down to two cups of rice a day and our rations is probably going to put us down more than that.
Donc, nous sommes à deux tasses de riz par jour, et nos rations vont finir par nous tuer.
Yeah. Because that's what coach put down and I think coach was sending a message to us to vote the next weakest link out.
Oui, parce que c'est le coach la dit, et je pense qu'il nous a passé un bon message, éliminé les plus faibles!
Please put that gun down.
S'il vous plait, baissez cette arme.
I feel like I'm several chapters into my life now, and I wanted to put down on paper the me that I've been on the way to becoming the me I'll be.
J'ai déjà vécu des tas de choses et je voulais poser sur papier celui que j'étais qui va devenir celui que je serai.
And they've lived down the hall from each other all this time, and they never put that together.
Ils ont vécu au même étage sans le savoir.
Do you think it was chase that put my name down... not that it really matters but it's just good to know.
Penses-tu que Chase a mis mon nom dans l'urne... Non pas que cela m'importe vraiment mais c'est bon a savoir. - Tu pense que c'était Chase ou Holly?
When I put my hand like this, the head that was facing down, tilt it up.
Je mets ma main ici. mais tu le redresses. Compris?
No, put that down.
Pose ça!
Put that tail down.
Baisse la queue.
Put down that gun, Mo Ne. Huh. - Mo Ne...
Mo Ne.
Put that fucking gun down now. I got you, motherfucker.
Lâche ton flingue l Je te tiens, connard.
Yusuf, put that gun down.
Posez cette arme.
Put that weapon down!
Posez votre arme!
Put that book down and do your rounds.
Pose ça et fais tes rondes.
Something that'll put Morris down.
Qui mettrait fin à la campagne de Morris.
- I do. - Okay, put that magazine down.
Et c'est ce que j'ai fait.
Put that man down or we will open fire!
Reposez-le ou nous tirons!
You're lucky they didn't put that animal down.
Vous êtes chanceux, il n'ont pas executés l'animal.
What if I informed you that she was scheduled to be put down anyway later this afternoon at the pound? Nothing you can do to stop it.
Et si je te disais qu'elle sera piquée à la fourrière cet après-midi et que tu ne peux pas l'empêcher.
Why don't you put that thing down and we can have a conversation?
Pourquoi ne pas baisser ton arme pour qu'on puisse discuter?
What was that? Put it down.
- Pose ça, t'en as pas besoin.
- Just put that gun down.
- Pose cette arme à terre.
I want you to put your foot on that pedal down there.
Mets ton pied sur cette pédale.
Whatever... whatever that challenge was, the alpha put it down.
Je ne sais pas... Je ne sais pas ce qu'était leur but... Mais l'alpha les a arrêtés.
- Put that fucking knife down.
allez on n'a pas à...
Put that hand down.
Baissez la main!
Someone that lives to put me down, bring me down.
Quelqu'un qui vit pour me ridiculiser, pour me démoraliser.
You drank enough of that cough syrup to put down a grizzly.
- Autant de sirop, c'est traître.
Dean, put that damn thing down.
Dean, pose cette putain d'arme.
And they need you to put down that gun.
Ils veulent que tu poses cette arme.
And they need you... To put down that gun.
Ils veulent que vous posiez cette arme.
Instead of "put down that gun."
Au lieu de "vous posiez cette arme", j'aurais dû dire
I should've said, "put down... that gun."
"vous posiez... cette arme."
Nicki's gonna march right down to that principal's office and put a stop to it.
Nicki va aller voir le principal et mettre un terme à tout ça.
You're supposed to put your foot down when women act like that.
Il fallait lui montrer qui est le chef.
Gene, put that down. No!
- Gene, pose ça.
Put down that blade.
Laissez ce poignard!

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