Tell us about that traducir francés
533 traducción paralela
Why tell us about that?
En quoi cela nous concerne-t-il?
But you didn't tell us about that.
Mais vous ne m'en aviez pas parlé
Would you tell us about that, please?
- Pourriez-vous nous en dire plus?
Gentlemen, if we're through admiring Mr. Webster's trophies, I'd like to ask Miss Davis to tell us about that wild party he threw last night.
Messieurs, si nous avons terminé d'admirer les trophées de M. Webster, j'aimerais en savoir plus sur la fête débridée qu'il a donnée hier soir.
Tell us about that woman you ran down.
Parlez-nous de l'accident.
Tell us about that little miniature hat you've got there.
Parle-nous du petit chapeau miniature que tu as là.
They didn't tell us about that at the seminary...
En effet. Et ça, on ne me l'a pas appris au séminaire.
Yeah, come on, come on. Tell us about that girl.
Allez, raconte.
The realtor didn't tell us about that.
L'agent ne nous en a pas parlé.
Tell us about that computer in the US.
Parlez-nous de cet ordinateur.
Speaking of that, perhaps now you'll tell us... a little bit about who you are.
Puisqu'on en parle pourriez-vous nous dire qui vous êtes?
If I have to sell this amazing, beautiful creature... the idea of joining the Burley family... sure I got to tell her lies about us that, heaven help me... no son should hear his mother speak.
Si tu veux vendre à cette merveilleuse créature l'idée de se joindre à la famille Burley, je vais devoir lui raconter des mensonges sur nous qu'aucun fils ne devrait entendre.
I'll go to that man and tell him about us.
Va voir cet homme, parle-lui de nous.
You shall have a corner seat for the rest of the way. There you are. Now that it's over, you ought to tell us what it's all about.
On vous donnera une place de choix... mais exliquez-nous de quoi il s'agit.
Miss Hammond, Scotland Yard has no desire to pry into people's private lives... but we'd hope that you'd tell us about the-well, the monster.
Scotland Yard n'a aucun désir de fouiller dans la vie privée des gens... mais on espérait que vous nous parleriez du... Eh bien, du monstre.
She wasn't gonna tell us about the baby, and later she made that one break.
Elle cachait l'histoire du bébé. Puis elle a tout dit.
No, it isn't that either. Tell us about it, Joe.
Ce n'est pas ça, non plus.
- Is that you can tell us about her?
- C'est un peu court!
I'd tell them about the Great Spirit. How us Injuns should stick together... quit quarreling... and join our Cheyenne brothers that whipped General Custer... and drove out the rest of them Yankees.
Et je leur parlerais du grand Manitou, disant qu'il faut s'unir... et non se quereller... et rejoindre nos frères Cheyennes qui ont vaincu Custer... et chassé les soldats yankees.
Does this tell us about a Young lawyer who went in the Marine Corps, who lost eight feet of intestines in Korea, gut-shot bY a grenade made in Czechoslovakia of scrap and by machines that had been shipped from the States to somewhere in Western Europe
Ça ne dit rien sur l'avocat qui a rejoint la Marine, et a perdu deux mêtres d'intestins en Corée, blessé par une grenade fabriquée en Tchécoslovaquie avec des machines américaines envoyées en Europe de l'Ouest,
Tell us about Texas, Tiny. He must think we're from that place they call "the rest of the world".
Il doit vraiment s'imaginer que nous sommes d'ailleurs.
Then he threatened to tell about Michael and me. What words could I say that would tell him it was wrong about us?
Il menaça de tout raconter et de créer un scandale.
Tell us what you know about that.
Dis-nous donc ce que tu en sais...
- Now, to make us understand that tell us about your public life.
- Pour appuyer ces faits... parlez-nous de votre vie publique.
Karswell's worried about what Hobart might tell us. That makes sense.
Karswell s'inquiète de ce que Hobart pourrait dire, voilà qui est sensé...
I'll pay him off, I'll tell him about us... and that's all there'll be to it.
Je vais le payer, je vais lui dire à propos de nous... et ce sera tout.
Well, I am going after them because they're riding off to tell the rest of that hunting party about us.
Je les poursuis parce qu'ils vont prévenir les autres qu'on est là.
If that's all you've got to tell us, it's about time Cade did take over - and shook some of you up... - Shame, sir!
Alors, il est temps que Cade vienne vous secouer!
You remember the story Pa used to tell us about fighting that grizzly bear?
Tu te rappelles papa et la chasse au grizzli?
Say, did I tell you about my patrol duty near Bermuda? - You wrote us all about that.
On ne savait plus qui il était ni où il se trouvait, sur le plan spirituel.
We might find something in the briefcase which would tell us more about that stuff... That insecticide or whatever it is.
Nous pourrions trouver quelque chose dans ce sac qui nous en apprendrait un peu plus sur ce truc... cet insecticide ou je ne sais quoi.
Tell us, Mrs. Sorenson your husband feels that the project finally is about to prove itself.
Votre mari pense que le projet va connaître un grand succès.
And that's when Moujik Man infiltrated us disguised as a Freedom agent. He had his card, his uniform, everything. And then he started to tell us about how there was trouble in America... about how the Negroes were going to revolt... and about how you weren't going to bomb China.
Et alors Moujik Man s'est infiltré déguisé en agent de Freedom... avec sa carte, l'uniforme et tout... puis il nous a dit qu'en Amérique les Nègres allaient se révolter, que vous ne bombarderiez pas
Record tape. Maybe it'll tell us something about the personnel that lived here.
Cette cassette nous donnera sûrement des informations sur le personnel.
If my grandmother Tzeitel, may she rest in peace, took the trouble to come from the other world to tell us about the tailor, all I can say is that it's for the best and couldn't possibly be any better.
Tevye, si ma grand-mère Tzeitel, paix à son âme, a pris la peine de venir de si loin pour nous parler du tailleur, tout ce que je peux dire, c'est qu'il faut l'écouter.
So, Frank, why don't you tell us about the time that, when you were asleep,
Les infirmiers sortent Radar de l'ambulance.
Tell us about the Vito organization, his drug network and we'll forget that license.
Parle-nous de Vito et de son trafic de drogue et nous oublierons la licence.
Tell him that the two of us are right for each other and that may be he ought to think about getting his stuff and moving out.
Que nous deux on est faits pour être ensemble et qu'il pourrait songer à faire ses valises et déménager.
If any of you can think of anything he did that maybe we should know about, stand up and tell us.
Si l'un de vous pense à quoi que ce soit qu'il ait fait... que nous devrions savoir, levez-vous et parlez.
You used to tell us about the great book that you were going to write.
Tu nous parlais toujours du bouquin que tu allais faire.
Tell us about some of the exciting'things that have happened in the New York City Subway System lately, Rico.
Raconte-nous les choses passionnantes qui ont eu lieu dans le métro de New York ces temps-ci.
Ah, did I ever tell you about the time that some Germans with machine guns blocked us?
Je t'ai raconté la fois où une patrouille allemande nous a coincés?
Could you tell us about Mizoguchi at that time?
Pourriez-vous nous parler de Mizoguchi à cette époque?
There was someone there last night, that she didn't tell us about.
Il y avait quelqu'un là-bas dont elle n'a pas parlé.
C'est pourquoi il est très, très important que vous ne lui parliez pas de nous.
Dr Huer, don't you think that a man of Mr Armat's connections, someone with easy access to all sorts of information about illegal weaponry, would probably have a good deal to tell us about Hatchet fighters?
Dr Huer, ne croyez-vous pas qu'un homme aux nombreux contacts comme M. Armat... qui a un accès privilégié à tout ce qui touche les armes illégales... aurait bien des choses à nous dire sur les chasseurs apaches?
It's only that afterwards... It's a lot of money for us. He likes me to tell him about it afterwards.
la suite... après... et comme c'est beaucoup d'argent pour nous... alors il aime... après que... je lui raconte plus tard... encore et encore.
Don't try to tell me that you care about him all that much, He didn't stop you from breaking us up.
Tu ne tiens pas à lui, sinon tu ne briserais pas notre couple.
You wanna tell us a little bit about that, Sam?
Super. Donnez-nous Des Détails.
My sister knocks herself out to give us a party, and you Can't even get the hell out of bed to at least tell her that you'rE happy about the baby, that she's alive, that the baby's alive.
Ma sœur se tue pour nous organiser une fête et tu ne te lèves même pas pour lui dire que tu es heureuse pour son bébé, qu'elle et lui soient en vie.
We were hoping that sheriff brand could tell us about Lionel curwin's murder.
On espérait que le shérif nous parlerait du meurtre de Lionel Curwin.
tell us about yourself 22
tell us 614
tell us more 28
tell us what you know 40
tell us what 37
tell us the truth 45
tell us about it 45
tell us what happened 89
tell us where you are 21
tell us everything 28
tell us 614
tell us more 28
tell us what you know 40
tell us what 37
tell us the truth 45
tell us about it 45
tell us what happened 89
tell us where you are 21
tell us everything 28
tell us what to do 19
tell us now 21
tell us what you see 16
tell us where he is 16
tell us what you saw 19
tell us what's going on 20
about that 749
tell me 9887
tell me about yourself 90
tell me more 252
tell us now 21
tell us what you see 16
tell us where he is 16
tell us what you saw 19
tell us what's going on 20
about that 749
tell me 9887
tell me about yourself 90
tell me more 252
tell me everything 270
tell me something about yourself 16
tell me about it 1085
tell me you love me 72
tell me again 158
tell me what happened 368
tell me something i don't know 107
tell me the truth 559
tell me your name 121
tell me that you love me 17
tell me something about yourself 16
tell me about it 1085
tell me you love me 72
tell me again 158
tell me what happened 368
tell me something i don't know 107
tell me the truth 559
tell me your name 121
tell me that you love me 17