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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ T ] / That's enough now

That's enough now traducir francés

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"It's not enough that we have Kay Hoog opposing us for the gold treasure... Now he also has the key to our biggest secret, the diamond ship."
"Non seulement Kay Hoog nous concurrence pour le trésor, mais maintenant il connaît notre plus grand secret, le cargo de diamants."
- That's enough now.
- C'est assez.
Now, that's enough.
Ça suffit, merci.
Why so thoughtful? I'm getting 60 bucks a week now. That's enough to get hitched on.
Tu es bien pensif... je gagne 60 dollars par semaine.
That's enough for now.
Ça suffit pour l'instant.
Now that's clear enough, isn't it?
J'ai été clair, non?
The khan's wise enough to know that an attack on Chukoti now will ignite the entire frontier.
Pourquoi Chukoti? Une attaque de Chukoti mettrait à feu la frontière entière.
That's enough now.
Ça suffit.
Well, that's enough of that now, Sven.
Ça suffit, Svan.
Now, that ´ s enough.
Ça suffit.
Now then that's talk enough, take the money home.
Assez parlé. Rangez l'argent.
There, now you think that's enough for a really good boy?
Tiens, tu crois que ça suffit pour un enfant sage?
Now, that's Enough, David.
Ça suffit, David.
It isn't only now, although that's bad enough.
Le problème n'est pas tant maintenant, même si la situation est grave.
- You see him this time. That's enough. Now, get out of here.
- Vous le voyez maintenant et ça suffit.
Now, if he starts nosing around the casino long enough... he's gonna pick up some information that won't do me any good.
S'il commence à fouiner assez longtemps au casino... il va obtenir des renseignements qui ne m'aideront pas du tout.
Now, when Mrs. De Winter went below, as is supposed, and a sudden gust of wind came down, that would be enough to capsize the boat, wouldn't it?
Quand Mme de Winter est descendue, la houle qui s'est levée - aurait pu faire chavirer le bateau?
There, that's enough for right now.
Ça suffit pour l'instant.
Well, that's enough for now.
Bon, ça suffit pour l'instant.
Now, that's fair enough, isn't it?
C'est de bonne guerre, non?
You heard me. I said that's enough now.
Je t'ai dit que c'était assez.
Now, that's fair enough, isn't it?
C'est équitable, non?
Now, look here. I never was one to spoil a good time... but enough's enough. That's what I say...
Je suis pas rabat-joie... mais ça suffit!
- Now that's enough!
- Ça suffit maintenant!
Well, that's not enough. Now we're gonna drink to something that's...
Buvons à ce qui vaut la peine :
- Now, that's enough!
- Ca suffit, maintenant.
Now that's enough, helen!
Ça suffit!
That's enough now, Betsy.
Ça suffit comme ça, Betsy!
Now, that's enough from you, Walter.
Ça va comme ça.
Brig, Jane, now that's enough.
Brig, Jane, ça suffit maintenant.
Now remember, for our purposes, if you get your wheels a foot off the ground, that's good enough.
Pour cet exercice, décoller vos roues de 30 cm est suffisant.
Know what she was doing when I first seen her? - Now, Al... Now, now, that's enough.
Vous savez ce qu'elle faisait quand je l'ai rencontrée?
It's our business now. I killed her, that's enough!
- Je l'ai tuée, ça suffit.
Now we got enough money for Pierre to take care of that rat.
On a assez pour que Pierre s'arrange avec ce salaud.
That's enough for now.
Ça me suffit pour le moment.
- Look now, Shorty, that's enough! - It sure is wonderful!
Shorty, ça suffit!
That's enough. You can go now.
Tu peux partir.
It's not enough that I have to see you and your bloody back every day. - Now I have to listen to your rubbish!
Je t'ai tout le temps dans les pattes, et il faudrait en plus que j'écoute tes conneries!
That's enough now, Counselor.
Le prêtre attend...
Well, now, that's an honorable enough calling.
Eh, c'est un métier honorable.
- Okay, that's enough now.
Alors, en voilà assez. Oui, assez.
It would just start trouble and there's enough of that now.
Ça suffit comme ça.
That's close enough for now.
Pas loin.
Fellas, that's enough for now.
Maintenant, ça suffit.
That's enough now.
Ça suffit maintenant!
Now that's shooting! That's enough for me, Kid.
Bien visé!
That's enough now!
Ça suffit, maintenant!
That's enough! Now beat it!
- Ça va comme ça!
Now, you give me that ticket, and there's enough money here to buy five times as much land.
Donnez-moi ce billet et vous pourrez vous acheter cinq fois plus de terres.
That's enough now.
Ça suffit, maintenant.
That's enough talk of money. We have plenty now.
Arrête-toi pour l'instant.

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