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That is adorable traducir francés

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Oh that is adorable!
C'est adorable!
That is adorable.
C'est adorable.
I know that a secluded life is a happy one, but this child is much too adorable for you to hide away.
Vous cachez cette petite! Comment vivre cachée, quand on est aussi adorable?
Oh, that is just too sweet.
C'est adorable.
Probably I'm prejudiced, but it seems to me that Susie is a pretty cute young lady.
Je ne suis pas impartial, mais il me semble que Susie est une fille adorable.
She'd never accept that. Oh, this is so sweet.
C'est si adorable!
I think, by the way, that she's enjoying herself and is quite taken with me even smitten in an unconscious and delightful way. lt's fun studying her.
Je pense qu'elle s'amuse et qu'elle a de l'amitié pour moi, et même de l'amour, d'une façon inconsciente et adorable. Je m'amuse à l'étudier.
It's just that Brutus is a sweet, clumsy ox, and I don't think you should expect too much from him, that's all.
Brutus est un gros balourd adorable, mais tu ne devrais pas le surestimer, c'est tout.
That lovable little creature is Miss Vanita.
Cette adorable petite créature est... Mlle Vanita.
That's the reason that 3 : 00 in the morning... is not the ideal time for me to tell her... that her son was married three hours ago... to the most adorable girl... in all Switzerland. Oh, yeah.
C'est pourquoi trois heures du matin... n'est pas le moment idéal pour lui dire..
Here she is, that adorable swastika sweetheart,
Et voici la charmante demoiselle à la Svastika,
And sweet as she sings, that's how sweet she is... offstage, you know?
Et elle est aussi adorable quand elle chante, qu'en privé,
That kind, playful little cherub is a killer.
Cet adorable chou est un tueur.
Is that a face, or is that a face?
N'est-elle pas adorable?
- That is so sweet.
- C'est adorable.
That cute, adorable face staring back at you is not a weapon.
Ce visage angélique dans le miroir n'est pas une arme.
That is lovely. Still.
C'est adorable.
That is so sweet.
C'est vraiment adorable.
I remember the first time I met Gerald, I said to my wife she's the lovely woman propping up that old lush of a mother of his either this man is suffering from serious brain damage or the new vacuum cleaner's just arrived.
Quand j'ai connu Gerald j'ai dit à ma femme : C'est cette adorable femme qui est à coté de sa mère, ou cet homme qui souffre de lésions cérébrales ou les nouveaux aspirateurs sont arrivés.
- No, thanks. Even if you don't want pictures, I tell you, I see babies all day long but that is one exceptionally beautiful child.
Même si vous ne voulez pas de photos, j'ai vu des centaines de bébés, et le vôtre est exceptionnellement adorable.
All you have to know is that Harriet's a sweet and loving person.
Contente-toi de savoir qu'Harriet est charmante et adorable.
- Oh, that purse is adorable.
- Quel adorable sac!
Peter, that is so sweet.
Peter, c'est adorable.
That girl is really cute.
- Cette fillette est adorable!
Yourfather has that infernal train set out... and your delightful cousin Jennifer is here, and then to top it all off... the maid seems to have switched to menthol - aah!
Ton père a installé ce train infernal... ton adorable cousineJennifer est ici et pour couronner le tout... Ia bonne semble s'être mise aux mentholées - pouah!
That is so sweet.
C'est adorable.
But, honey, that boy is cute.
Chérie, ce garçon est adorable.
Is that adorable?
- N'est-ce pas adorable?
Oh, Chandler, that is so nice.
Chandler, c'est adorable.
That is really nice lying!
C'est vraiment adorable. Tu mens!
That Ed is a doll.
Ed est adorable.
What is that adorable expression... at Her Majesty's pleasure.
Quelle est cette expression charmante? "Aux frais de sa Majesté".
That is so sweet.
C'est adorable!
Broots, you lovable moron, is that you?
Broots, adorable crétin! C'est vous?
That is so sweet.
- C'est vraiment adorable!
That is so adorable.
- Il est si adorable.
"... knows that Whobilation is a time we must treasure. "
"savent que la Whobilation est une période adorable."
That was sweet, and this is just the best champagne.
Vous êtes adorable. Ce champagne est délicieux
I know you're a feminist and I think that's adorable but this is grown-up time and I'm the man.
Tu joues les féministes. C'est adorable. Mais c'est moi l'homme, ici.
That is so sweet of you to get Phoebe that bike.
C'est adorable, le vélo pour Phoebe.
Uh, that's influenza, that's bronchitis... and this cute little cuddle-bug is pancreatic cancer.
Ça, c'est la grippe. La bronchite. Et cet adorable petit monstre, c'est le cancer du pancréas.
That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard, Marco.
C'est la chose la plus adorable que j'aie jamais entendue, Marco.
That is so sweet.
Tu es adorable.
That is the sweetest thing.
Comme c'est adorable!
That little Filipina girl is just darling.
Cette petite Philippine est adorable.
Mr. Khanna, I want to tell you that Nimmi is a loving daughter.
M. Khanna, sachez que Nimmi est une fille adorable.
That is really sweet.
C'est adorable.
That Rory is the son of a very sweet man, whose hand trembled when he reached for the hand of a girl.
Rory est le fils d'un homme adorable, dont la main tremblait en voulant tenir celle d'une fille.
- That is so sweet!
- Adorable!
Well, the only reason that I haven't dumped her yet is because I kind of can't believe she goes out with me in the first place.
- c'est trop mignon! Steven est adorable. C'est quoi le problème?
Who is that adorable creature?
Qui est cette superbe créature?

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