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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ T ] / They didn't tell me

They didn't tell me traducir francés

339 traducción paralela
They didn't tell me their name, but... they said to send this on to him.
mais... ils ont dit d'envoyer ce message.
Why didn't they tell me?
Pourquoi ils me l'ont pas dit?
- Why didn't they tell me? - Franz!
- Franz!
Speak. Jim, they didn't tell me you were here.
" Jim, je ne savais pas que tu étais là.
'Jim, they didn't tell me you were here.
" Jim, je ne savais pas que tu étais là.
Jim, they didn't tell me you were here.
" Jim, je ne savais pas que tu étais là.
Let me hear it. Jim, they didn't tell me you were here.
" Jim, je ne savais pas que tu étais là.
All right. Jim, they didn't tell me you were here.
" Jim, je ne savais pas que tu étais là.
Why, Jim, they didn't tell me you were here.
Jim, je ne savais pas que tu étais là.
Oh, no, no. They didn't tell me.
On ne m'a rien dit.
They didn't tell me.
On ne me l'avait pas dit.
Why didn't you tell me they were Thugs?
Pourquoi ne pas me l'avoir dit?
- You didn't tell me they called you up.
Tu ne m'as pas parlé de cet appel.
They didn't tell me.
On ne m'avait pas dit.
- They didn't tell me where.
- Non.
- They didn't tell me.
Juste... Sans doute pour un baptême à ton nom.
They didn't tell me about it.
On ne m'en a rien dit.
Local people tell me they would have felt it... even outside that locked door. We didn't.
Les gens d'ici l'auraient senti même à travers cette porte close.
They didn't tell me.
ils me l'ont pas dit.
I didn't do it! I tell you, they made me sign it!
Ils m'ont forcé à les signer!
- They didn't tell me which room it was this friend of mine was in. It must be one of these rooms.
On ne m'a pas précisé la chambre, mais c'est l'une de celles-ci.
No, that was enough for all the others. They didn't want any part of it, let me tell you.
Mais les autres auraient déjà fichu le camp.
- How do you know? They didn't tell me nothin'.
Comment le sais-tu?
They didn't tell me you were sick.
Vous êtes malade?
You'd didn't tell me they were gonna try to grab me.
Vous ne m'avez pas averti qu'ils allaient essayer de m'avoir.
They didn't tell me.
- Ils ne m'ont rien dit.
They didn't tell me.
Je sais pas.
They didn't tell me about the snipers and the booby traps and the infiltration.
Ils ne m'ont rien dit sur les snipers, les pièges et l'infiltration.
Don't tell me he didn't mean it. Anybody says it like that, they mean it!
Quand on le dit comme ça, c'est qu'on le pense.
Now you tell me why they didn't get really tough with him?
Pourquoi n'ont-ils pas été plus sévères?
Why didn't they tell me?
Pourquoi on me le cache?
Why didn't they tell me it was a woman? Why didn't they tell me?
Pourquoi ne m'ont-ils pas dit que c'était une femme?
- They didn't tell her.
- Elle me l'a pas dit.
- They didn't tell me you had a son.
J'ignorais que vous aviez un fils.
Oh, incidentally, they didn't tell me what to call you.
Oh, au fait. Je ne sais pas comment vous appeler.
Did your husband tell you what kind of pressure they've been putting on him? No. He didn't.
Mais je sais que cela me concerne.
- That's what they didn't tell me.
J'en sais rien.
- And didn't they have him? Tell me, Olda.
Ils l'ont assez gardé.
Maybe they didn't let you in on all of it but whatever you do know, tell me.
Peut-être qu'ils ne t'ont pas mise au courant de tout... mais quoi que tu saches, dis-le-moi.
Tell me. Did they or didn't they?
Redis-le moi... ils ont promis — oui ou non?
- They didn't tell me you were hurt.
Tu es blessé!
I'm very sorry. They didn't tell me we weren't allowed to drive across Paris.
J'ignorais qu'il était interdit de traverser Paris.
You didn't tell me about your friends, and how did they know that you might be here?
Vous ne m'avez pas parlé de vos amis. Comment ont-ils su que vous étiez là?
They came and got me... out of class-asked me all kinds of stupid questions - but don't worry, I didn't tell'em anything.
Ils m'ont sortie de classe pour un interrogatoire stupide. - Ne t'inquiète pas, j'ai rien dit.
Apparently there's one thing they didn't tell you about me, Stephens.
Apparemment, on ne vous a pas dit une chose à mon sujet, Stephens.
Jenny, will you tell the ladies for me that I didn't mean that they had to get out right this minute.
Jenny, dites à ces dames de ma part qu'elles n'ont pas à partir tout de suite.
And they didn't just tell me, but also Jiro,
Et ils ne le disent pas que de moi, mais aussi de Jiro,
- Why didn't you tell me they ran a signature check?
Pourquoi vous ne m'avez pas dit qu'ils vérifiaient la signature.
They didn't tell me.
Ils ne m'ont rien expliqué.
You could tell they were lying, but it didn't matter much...'cause in the spring, we'd run out into the fields... and there'd be sunshine and new rain... and I'd be a squirrel, and a rabbit, and a badger... and then I'd fall down and feel the earth... and in an instant, I'd know that being alive was just everything.
Ça se voyait qu'elle mentait. Ce n'était pas grave. Au printemps, on courait dans les champs, il y avait du soleil et de la pluie, peut-être un écureuil et un lapin et un blaireau, je me laissais tomber pour sentir la terre et à cet instant, je savais qu'être en vie était tout ce qui comptait.
Why do you suppose they wouldn't tell me? Didn't they know if they confided in me, I'd...
Pourquoi ne me l'ont-ils pas dit?

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