They don't work traducir francés
762 traducción paralela
When partnerships don't work out, they dissolve, that's all.
Lorsqu'un partenariat ne fonctionne pas, il se rompt.
If the parachute don't work, they gotta give you a second parachute.
Si le parachute n'ouvre pas, ils t'en donnent un deuxième.
At least they don't work on the line.
enfin des gens qui ne sont pas du réseau.
The men don't worry about the damp - they work in worse - but they think it's coming from the old workings.
Les hommes sont pas inquiets. Ils ont connu pire. Ils pensent tomber sur les anciennes galeries.
Do rich people work? No, they don't.
Ees riches travaiIIent-iIs?
Oh, I don't know, Jigger, but somehow I got a feeling that maybe things might not work out the way they should.
Je sais pas. Mais je sens que peut-être... ça ne marchera pas comme ça devrait.
If you get them home and they don't work, bring them back.
Si ça ne marche pas, rapportez-le.
If we don't work on these, they'll never get done. And you'll be a poor bride.
Si on n'en fait pas un peu tous les jours, tu seras une mariée pauvre.
We'll try and talk when you get back, and I don't think they'd better count on me for this work.
On en reparlera à ton retour. Ne compte pas sur moi pour ce poste.
They don't work at it very hard. They split up about a year ago.
Ça n'a pas marché, ils sont séparés depuis un an.
Sometimes you make plans, sometimes they don't work out.
Des fois on fait des plans et ça foire.
These are hydraulic brakes. No fluid, they don't work.
Les freins hydrauliques ne marchent pas sans liquide.
And when they run down and don't work so good as they did... the depletion and depreciation can't be written off their income tax.
Quand ils sont usés et ne marchent plus aussi bien, la dépréciation ne peut pas être déduite des impôts.
No future in being a cop. That's what some guys think. No money, and they just don't like the work.
Ça ne paye soi-disant pas et ils détestent leur métier.
Yes, he's right for l don't know how they work
Il dit vrai, j'ignore leur secret
Things work out from the beginning or they don't.
Les affaires, on les décroche du premier coup ou pas.
Nowadays, young workers are too hard, they don't show respect anymore at work
Aujourd'hui, les jeunes ouvriers sont devenus trop durs. Ils ne respectent plus personne, au travail.
They have to keep their mind on work - Look, buster, don't you get overstimulated with me.
Ecoutez, beau gosse, soyez poli avec moi!
I don't know how they can work with all this noise.
C'est une pagaille.
Things don't always work out like you think they will.
Ça ne se passe pas toujours comme on le voudrait.
Some people work awful late, don't they?
Il y a des gens qui travaillent bien tard.
They're bums. They don't wanna work. That's why they're in the business.
Ils sont paresseux, ils refusent tout travail sérieux.
I don't know if you know my niece but they put her to work here and then cheated her out of her wages!
Je ne sais pas si vous connaissez ma nièce, mais on l'a embauchée ici et on la vole sur ses gages.
But they don't work out all right.
Seulementj'y arrive pas.
But you know how they work. If we don't return to Russia, all our relatives will be in trouble.
Mais tu sais bien que si nous ne rentrons pas, nos familles seront inquiétées.
- I might have known. THEY don't get their daughter to work.
- J'en connais pourtant... ils font pas travailler leur fille.
- No, they hired me! Are you sure that they don't work too much?
C'est un travail régulier?
They won't be paying you if you don't work.
Tu bosses pas, ils doivent pas te nourrir.
Things work out awful funny sometimes, don't they?
Les choses finissent bizarrement parfois, tu ne trouves pas?
And as managers are professionals, they have to set up as many fights as possible so their trainees can earn money and so they can earn something too. I don't think they work for free.
Et comme dans la vie professionnelle les managers ont l'obligation de trouver beaucoup de combats pour que les pupilles gagnent du fric et les managers ne bossent sûrement pas pour rien.
If they don't, they can work it out, so they do get along.
Eh bien, ils feront un effort et ils finiront par s'entendre.
They don't work.
Ils ne coupent pas.
If, before that, you don't learn who they work for, you'll be charged with smuggling arms into Turkey for terrorist purposes.
Si d'ici là vous ne savez pas pour qui ils travaillent, vous serez accusé de contrebande d'armes en Turquie dans un but terroriste.
See how the lilies of the field grow, they don't work or make their clothing, and yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like one of these.
Voyez comment croissent les lis des champs, ils ne peinent, ni ne filent. Je vous dis que Salomon, dans toute sa gloire, n'a pas été vêtu comme l'un deux.
I don't even know why they bother to put them to work.
Je ne sais même pas pourquoi on s'embête à les faire travailler.
I hope you don't mind but I asked the Tillmans if they'd take you on to work. - All right.
J'espère que tu ne m'en voudras pas mais j'ai demandé aux Tillman s'ils pouvaient t'embaucher.
I have so many, they don't work.
J'en ai tellement pris.
- I don't know. Do they work that fast?
- Ils ne vont pas si vite.
- They don't work.
- Ils ne fonctionnent pas.
Don't worry - a couple of my girls will work you over. They're very pretty.
Ne vous inquiétez pas, mes filles vont s'occuper de tout et elles sont très belles.
I don't know what these plants are, or how they work on you, but you're going back to the settlement and the colonists are going aboard the ship.
J'ignore ce que sont ces plantes, et quel effet elles ont, mais vous allez regagner le camp et les colons vont embarquer à bord du vaisseau.
They work the shirt off your back here, don't they?
On bosse comme des forçats ici.
Don't worry, they're on their way to the laboratory for experimental work.
Ils vont au laboratoire pour des expériences.
They really do their best to help you succeed lf things don't work out well here, then it is almost impossible
Ils se mettent en quatre pour vous aider à atteindre votre but. Si ça ne marche pas avec tout ça, alors ça ne marchera jamais.
All my schemes work, don't they?
Mes coups réussissent toujours.
They don't have work and they are laughing.
Sans emploi et pourtant heureux.
I don't like people who interfere with my work but I HATE people who think they're dispensing justice, and work for free!
Je n'aime pas la concurrence, surtout celle qui se pare de bons sentiments.
Oh, they don't work on these new-ffangled velocipedes.
Oh, ils ne marchent pas sur ces nouveaux vélocipèdes.
If they don't bother with you, and if we are willing to take you in young experts like you as long as you are willing to work here you will be treated well
Les tiens te laissent tomber. Moi, je veux bien de toi. Tu es jeune et fort.
They don't even work in that area.
Ils ne couvrent même pas ce quartier.
Look, I don't like drifters. I never have. They just make my work harder.
Je n'aime pas les vagabonds, ils me compliquent la tâche.
they don't 727
they don't like me 19
they don't exist 52
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they don't know yet 28
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work 1509
works 73
working 544
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worker 183
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works 73
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