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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ T ] / They were close

They were close traducir francés

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They were close.
Ils étaient unis.
They were close. They really cared.
Ils étaient très proches.
Dr Salik said the power to their life-support systems was almost depleted, which could mean they were close.
D'après le Dr Salik, la puissance de leurs systèmes de survie était presque épuisée. Ils étaient peut-être presque arrivés à destination.
I figured that they were close to separating.
J'ai vite deviné qu'ils étaient au bord de la rupture.
- They were close.
- Un proche
The first few days they passed through an empty landscape, chewing their boots to stay alive, so close to death, they were hallucinating,
Les jours premiers ils ont traversé un paysage vide, mâchant leurs bottes pour rester en vie, ainsi près de la mort, ils avaient des hallucinations,
And I dreamed I was in a big room with a lot of doctors all around me close... and they were dressed in white, and they had me on an operating table... and they come up real, real close to me and pointed at me and said...
J'ai rêvé être dans une grande salle avec de... nombreux docteurs autour... et ils étaient habillés en blanc, et j'étais sur... une table d'opération... et ils venaient très, très près, me montrant du doigt et disant...
I didn't see them until they were pretty close.
Je ne les ai vus qu'au dernier moment.
- How close together were they?
Serrés ensemble?
Riccardi escaped just as the police were ready to close in on him after they received an anonymous phone call which led them to discover the murdered body of one of their men today.
Riccardi s'est échappé juste au moment où la police allait le cueillir après qu'elle ait reçu un appel anonyme, qui lui a permis de découvrir le cadavre d'un de ses hommes.
They knew how close we were.
Ils savaient combien on était proches.
I wondered what they were doing sitting there so close to my door.
Je me suis demandé ce qu'ils faisaient près de ma chambre.
What makes me sick inside is that they were so close, so very close.
Ce qui me rend malade, c'est que nous étions si près, vraiment si près
They were so close...
Ils étaient déjà sur moi...
They were... they were very close.
Nous étions des frères.
I was with him once on furlough. They were pretty close.
Ils étaient trés proches.
They were very close, with their arms around each other.
Ils étaient très proches. Enlacés.
People who are as close as Tony and I were in life... they can't just be separated by death.
Des gens proches comme Tony et moi... ne peuvent pas être séparés par la mort.
For Sicily, for young Sicilians, brothels were more convenient. Without them, they don't know where to go, what to do.
Pour la Sicile... pour le jeune sicilien la maison close, c'était mieux, ils ne savent plus comment faire, ni où aller.
They were really close since childhood.
Depuis tout petit, ils s'entendaient bien.
I aimed at the rabbit. They were very close together.
Il était collé au lapin.
To you, they were like family. You were so close
Pour vous, c'est comme si c'était la famille, vous êtes tellement proche
They were very close.
C'était tout près.
You see, he used to be very close to the Führer, and then he saw the changes and where they were leading.
Il était très proche du Führer. Puis il a vu ce qui avait changé.
They were very close, their hearts and souls together.
Ils sont une paire d'amis.
- I thought they were just a close family.
Je vous croyais une famille unie.
They were very close.
Ils étaient très intimes.
I got close enough to listen, and I found out that they were offering a reward to anyone for bale of cotton.
- Je me suis approchée d'eux. Ils parlaient d'une récompense pour une balle de coton.
There were some people, they gave me bottle, put close to my nose.
Des gens m'ont donné une bouteille, devant mon nez.
Well, they all worked for him at some time, and judging by the correspondence here, were fairly close associates.
- lls ont tous travaillé pour lui. Et, à en croire cette correspondance, ils étaient de ses proches.
I understand they were quite close.
Elles étaient assez attachées l'une à l'autre.
He's very upset, they were very close.
Il est bouleversé, ils étaient très proches.
They were killed by somebody close to us. Inside. Very, very frightened that they botched it.
Ils ont été tués par un de nos proches, un intime, affolé de voir qu'ils m'ont manqué.
He said that you were being tough on the negotiations, but if they could get a little help and close the deal fast it would be good for the family.
Il a dit que tu étais très dur en affaires, mais qu'avec un coup de pouce, ça se conclurait vite. Ce serait bon pour la Famille.
They were very close.
Ils étaient très proches.
I seem to remember stories that at one time they were pretty close.
Si j'ai bonne mémoire, ils ont été très proches.
They were discovered by their manager'Leggy Mountbatten'in a lunchtime disco very close to these streets
Le manager Leggy Mountbatten les découvrit dans une boîte de jour à deux pas d'ici.
It just seemed that they were very close and that I was left out.
Ils avaient l'air complices et je me sentais délaissée.
They were so close.
Ils étaient si proches.
They were always worn close to the heart. For protection and strength... and love.
On les portait toujours près du cœur... pour la protection, la force et l'amour.
They are associated with great surges of flaming gas tongues of fire which would engulf the Earth if it were this close.
Elles sont associées à d'énormes flammes de gaz brûlant. Ces langues de feu engloutiraient la Terre, si elle était proche.
They were very close.
They were as close as relatives.
Ils étaient comme des parents.
Two elephants came by so close. we thought they were gonna crash the rail.
On a bien cru que les éléphants allaient détruire la barrière.
See, that's how close we were to the window. We could even see what they were eatin'.
On entendait les voix, mais on ne comprenait pas ce qu'ils disaient.
Is it true that you've actually...? You're actually too close to some of the nerve agents they were testing?
Est-il exact que vous soyez trop exposés... aux gaz énervants qui ont été testés?
They were very close.
ils etaient... tres pres.
Would you be so kind as to close those window shutters exactly as they were on Monday night.
Pourriez-vous fermer ces volets exactement comme ils l'étaient lundi soir?
I don't think they were so close.
Ils n'étaient pas très proches.
They were very, very close together.
Ils étaient vraiment très proches.
If the Sovs were playing Dante back at us, they wouldn't close him down.
S'ils utilisaient Dante contre nous, ils n'arrêteraient pas tout.

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