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They were gone traducir francés

559 traducción paralela
During dinner I went to my room, and they were gone.
Au dîner, elles n'étaient plus là.
As a boy! They came down there! And they were gone, with a change of wind
Enfant, je les ai vues s'abattre là et partir avec le changement de vent.
And while they were arguing about it I went up to the bar to order a drink and when I came back here they were gone.
Pendant qu'ils discutaient, j'ai commandé un autre verre... et quand je suis revenu, ils étaient partis.
They were gone for a week in the countryside and I was quietly staying on my own.
Ils étaient partis une semaine à la campagne et j'étais tranquillement restée seule.
I not only knew that they were gone, but that they were lost completely and forever, body and soul.
J'ai tout de suite senti qu'ils étaient non seulement morts, mais perdus à jamais, corps et âmes.
Perhaps it was because they were gone so quickly and I was so quickly alone, but suddenly I saw myself as perhaps they saw me. A man of middle-age, understandably concerned more with the menu than the music.
Peut-être parce qu'ils sont partis si vite et que j'étais seul si vite, tout à coup je me suis vu, peut-être, comme ils me voyaient- - un homme d'âge mûr, plus concerné, à juste titre, par le menu que par la musique.
Then as swiftly as they had come, they were gone. Even to the piercing eye of radar and the speeding jet fighters.
Aussi vite qu'elles étaient apparues, elles disparurent, même aux yeux perçants des radars et des chasseurs.
I've let them all in and rationed them, and thanked God when they were gone.
Les rebelles! Les fédéraux! Je les ai tous recueillis, nourris et vus partir avec joie.
Then I went home, but when I got there they were gone.
Quand je suis revenue, ils avaient pris mes parents.
I also knew they were gone.
- Je savais qu'ils étaient partis.
But when I looked, they were gone.
Mais lorsque j'ai regardé, ils avaient disparu.
The minute I looked at the things directly, they were gone.
Au moment où je les ai regardés, ils étaient partis. - Comment l'expliquer?
We hid, then they were gone.
On s'est cachés, puis ils ont disparu.
While they were gone, we got Mississippi into my room.
On a transporté Mississippi dans ma chambre.
- They were gone.
- Ils étaient partis.
- They were gone.
Ils ont disparu.
After they were gone...
Une fois qu'ils étaient loin,
Sir, I was taking a bath, sir, and then they were gone, sir.
Monsieur, je me lavais, monsieur. Ils ont disparu, monsieur.
I followed them, but when I got here they were gone.
Je les ai suivis, jusqu'ici.
They didn't know it was just a weakness. It was a cramp, a few minutes, a few seconds, and already they were gone, to a place where they were no longer called Karl...
Il y eut une défaillance, une crispation de quelques minutes, de quelques secondes, et les voilà trépassés.
They were at it when I came, and they'll be at it after I've gone.
Ils étaient là avant que j'arrive, ils seront là après mon départ.
- Gone They were scared
Partis, ils ont eu peur.
They were all gone.
Mon hoquet avait disparu.
They stayed on and on but all that they had and all that they were that's all gone with the wind and the dust.
Ils restèrent, mais tout ce qu'ils possédaient, ce qu'ils étaient, avait été emporté par le vent et la poussière.
You were to have gone with the Wing Commander, Mr. Manning, but I happen to be rejoining my outfit not far from your own destination, so they asked me to bring you down from London.
Vous deviez partir avec le commandant, M. Manning, mais comme je me rends dans le même secteur, je vous déposerai.
When there was a chance of invasion they were keen enough Now the immediate danger of invasion has gone the keenness has gone, too.
Quand ils craignaient l'invasion, ils y mettaient plus d'ardeur.
Some of our men have gone to live with their fathers. They were brave.
Des braves sont allés rejoindre leurs aïeux.
They were green, they had a ray gun, and that fence was gone.
Ils étaient verts et poilus, et la clôture avait disparu.
... when I went into the church at 9, the chickens were here and when I came out again at 11, they'd gone.
Tout à l'heure à 21 h, j'avais des poules. Et à 23h, je n'en ai plus.
I waited until they were gone.
- J'attendais qu'ils soient partis.
They've gone without water since you were struck by the snake.
Ils n'ont pas bu une seule fois depuis que tu as été mordue.
Then they were gone. That's all anybody knows.
On n'en sait pas plus.
I bet you had to get there early before they were all gone.
Tu as dû y aller tôt avant qu'il n'y en ait plus.
They went in there yesterday morning while you were gone.
Ils y sont allés hier matin, pendant votre absence.
They were all gone next morning, just as though nothing at all had happened.
Elles étaient reparties au matin.
They were all gone.
Ils sont tous partis.
They weren't gone, they were still there, with their eternal snows
Elles n'étaient pas passées, elles étaient là avec leurs neiges éternelles
But when you rode out of here two years ago, they thought your guns were gone for good.
Mais depuis deux ans, on te pensait parti pour de bon.
After you had gone, the young ladies approached me - they were looking for him.
Après que vous soyez parti, les jeunes demoiselles m'ont accosté. Elles le cherchaient.
Before they started saying that I bring bad luck, at least five thousand people had gone to bed with me and they were all satisfied, all happy.
Avant cette histoire, j'en ai eu au moins 5 000. Tous satisfaits, tous contents!
They thought you were already gone.
Elles pensaient que tu étais déjà partie.
When the waters were gone, they invaded our cities.
Quand l'eau a disparu, elles ont envahi nos villes.
They were in the wash house, and she thought I'd gone.
C'était au lavoir, elle me croyait parti.
Wanted to see if we'd really gone legit. They were testing me.
Ils voulaient voir si on était vraiment rangés des affaires.
Both outposts gone and the asteroids they were constructed on pulverised.
Les avant-postes et l'astéroïde sur lequel ils étaient établis ont été... pulvérisés.
They... were gone for a while, but they've come back.
Ils avaient disparu, mais ils sont revenus.
- They've gone up, you were right.
- They've Augmenté, vous aviez raison.
Did they call it off? - How long were we gone?
Je viens de recevoir leur dernier message télépathique.
They were all gone now, those friends of my youth.
Tous mes amis d'enfance étaient partis.
Certain people have gone back to the prosecutors and the FBI... to give information which they were never asked.
Certains sont même retournés au FBI pour compléter l'information.
They told me that you had gone totally insane, and that your methods were unsound.
Ils m'ont dit que vous étiez devenu complètement fou. Que vos... méthodes... étaient... malsaines.

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