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They were lovers traducir francés

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Certainly they were lovers, and not ashamed to admit it!
Oui, ils étaient amants, nous ne le nierons pas!
- Yes, they were lovers.
- Oui, ils étaient amants.
They were lovers, right?
Mais ils étaient amants, non?
They were lovers.
Ils étaient amoureux.
She thought they were lovers.
On les a pris pour des amoureux.
But anybody who knew they were lovers would take the body there to make him look guilty.
N'importe qui, au courant de leur liaison, aurait pu l'y déposer pour le faire accuser.
Your wife and your friend, they were lovers.
Ta femme et ton ami... étaient amants.
They were lovers, Eric.
Ils étaient amants.
They were lovers before Pooky showed up.
Ils étaient amants avant la venue de Pooky.
I remember plotting one evening to pay him back for his frequent mischief and naughtiness and teasing by having Setsuko Hara, the actress he was so fond of, sit next to him at the table as though they were lovers.
Je me souviens avoir comploté contre lui un soir pour lui faire payer toutes ses petites facéties. J'ai demandé à Setsuko Hara, l'actrice qu'Ozu aimait tant, de s'asseoir à côté de lui à table et de se comporter comme si il s'agissait de son amoureux.
They were lovers?
- Ils étaient amants?
You mean, they were lovers.
Vous voulez dire qu'ils étaient amants.
They were lovers, you see.
Ils étaient amants, voyez-vous.
They were lovers, Lieutenant.
Ils étaient amants.
- They were lovers?
- Ils étaient amants?
For some time... while they were lovers... I brought Carlos Eraul... the letters which the countess wrote him, and vice versa.
Pendant un certain temps, quand ils étaient amants, j'ai porté à Carlos Eraúl les lettres que la comtesse lui écrivait et, de même,
He said he knew my mother, that they were lovers.
II a dit qu'il connaissait ma mère, qu'ils avaient été amants.
- They were lovers.
- C'étaient des amoureux.
They were lovers.
Elles étaient amantes.
They were lovers in their past, despair fills their present but this is their future.
Ils ont été amants dans le passé, le désespoir est dans le présent mais ceci, c'est leur avenir.
If they were lovers and took photos together, so what?
S'ils étaient amants et avaient pris des photos ensemble, qu'est-ce que ça changerait?
What's more, they were lovers in the night.
Quoi d'autre? Ils étaient amants.
- Do you know if they were lovers?
- Etaient-ils amants?
They were lovers!
Ils étaient amants!
They were the world's most famous lovers.
Ce sont les amants les plus célèbres au monde.
They're very dull, most of them, and neglected but you'll always find someone there gazing over the relics of queens who were true lovers.
La plupart sont ennuyeux et négligés, mais on y trouve toujours quelqu'un pour admirer les reliques des reines qui ont vraiment aimé.
It was said of her great-grandmother... that the only cabinet members who weren't her lovers... were those who had reason to believe they might be her father. Yes.
On disait de son arrière-grand-mère que les ministres à ne pas avoir été ses amants étaient ceux qui auraient pu être son père.
Johnny Ringo and Katie Were lovers, they say.
Il fut un temps, ils partageaient le même lit.
They were dragooned into the cause of the rebels. Lovers of liberty, they knew no liberty.
Enrôlés de force par les rebelles... épris de liberté, eux-mêmes n'en connaissaient aucune.
They were the unknown lovers.
Ils étaient des amants inconnus.
They were lousy as lovers.
C'était pas concluant.
You know, they thought we were lovers, you and I.
Tu sais, Ils nous ont pris pour des amants.
- Were they lovers?
Elle était sa maîtresse? - Non, je ne crois pas.
The combat in which they were engaged was more like a lovers'quarrel.
Le combat qu'ils se livraient était plutôt une lutte d'amour.
They were two bashful lovers.
Les deux amoureux transis
By a beautiful summer night In Uji They were two bashful lovers
Par une nuit d'été à Uji Les deux amoureux transis
We cut the throats of twenty-seven couples of lovers, while they were making love.
Nous avons coupé la gorge de vingt-sept couples d'amoureux, alors qu'ils faisaient l'amour.
- Who is this Galina Ivanova? - They were lovers before he left.
- Que savez-vous de Galina lvanova?
Were they lovers?
Ils étaient amants?
The relationship between Carlos and Maria Semblano, if they were not lovers, at least belonged to a type of peculiar desires, materialized by words.
Les relations de Carlos avec Maria Semblano, qui n'étaient pas amants, appartenaient à cette petite frange des désirs singuliers qui se matérialisent par la parole.
Let's say these two guys were 15, 16 when they last saw each other. They had been lovers, and they're meeting again... and the Roman wants to start it up.
Je lui ai suggéré qu'ils aient été amants, la dernière fois qu'ils se sont vus.
They were lovers.
Ils étaient amants.
The lovers killed in a plane crash while they were fucking.
Ies amants dont l'avion s'écrase...
Perhaps they were words shared by lovers.
C'était peut-être des mots d'amour.
Even when they were separated for a medical exam, they were constantly calling out to each other, like lovers or good friends.
Je suis deux personnes à la fois dans l'eau. Ça semble bête à dire, mais c'est vrai. Il y a la scientifique qui enregistre chiffres et heures.
C'est votre boulot, ça.
Miranda admitted they were somewhere between friends and lovers... somewhere between Manhattan and the Hamptons.
Elle admit qu'ils étaient quelque part entre l'amitié et l'amour quelque part entre Manhattan et les Hamptons.
They said tables were covered with sin with lovers wine.
Ils disaient que les tables étaient maculées de péchés Du vin des amants
They say the music teacher and her were lovers.
Il paraît que la prof de musique et Young-eon étaient amantes.
You knew that they were lovers, didn't you?
Tu savais qu'ils étaient amants, pas vrai? Allez.
They were perfect as secret lovers...
Ils étaient parfaits comme amants secrets...

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