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Toothpicks traducir francés

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He twisted and broke the iron bars... as if they were toothpicks.
Il a tordu les barreaux de sa cellule... comme si c'étaient des cure-dents.
If they ever get their hands on that monster, they'll make toothpicks out of him!
S'ils attrapent ce bâtard, ils vont lui tordre le cou.
Let's see... hot water bottle, bicarbonate of soda, needle and thread, a box of toothpicks, tennis racket, golf sticks, a bottle of ginger ale... Oh! And a ukulele.
Voyons... une bouillotte, du bicarbonate de soude, des cure-dents, une raquette de tennis, clubs de golfs, une bouteille de ginger ale...
Pig-sticking. We're going to ride all around Gopal sticking toothpicks into pigs.
Nous allons au Gopal embrocher des sangliers avec des cure-dents.
That boat smashed into a barge loaded with lumber. Made toothpicks out of it.
Le hors-bord a heurté une péniche et l'a réduite en bouillie.
Des cure-dents?
I almost forgot the toothpicks.
C'est vrai, Ies cure-dents!
But if I catch you selling liquor to minors, I'll bust this joint into toothpicks.
Si je vous prends à vendre de l'alcool à des mineurs, je pulvériserai ce resto pour en faire des cure-dents.
What did you think a concert career would be? Something you put together with toothpicks?
Vous croyiez qu'une carrière de concertiste était un jeu d'enfant?
Hello, gobby. You'll find your bride-to-be sticking toothpicks in the shrimps.
Votre future épouse enfile des crevettes sur des cure-dents!
I make those things every night when I go home out of matches and toothpicks.
Je fais ça.... en rentrant du boulot avec des allumettes et des cure-dents.
I chew toothpicks, tons of them.
Je mâchouille des tonnes de cure-dents.
Well, I think I saw a tray of rather revolting little lumps on toothpicks here.
J'ai vu un plateau de petits trucs révoltants à l'intérieur.
Don't forget the toothpicks, huh'?
N'oublie pas les cure-dents.
Most people think we still wear derbies and chew toothpicks.
On nous imagine en imperméable, mâchouillant un cure-dents.
The timber gets cut into tiny bits - matches, toothpicks.
Ces blocs, ils les débitent pour en faire des allumettes ou des cure-dents.
And some toothpicks.
Et des cure-dents.
Well, you see, uh, when I go into an apartment, I, uh, I jam the lock, stick some toothpicks in the keyhole and break them off.
Quand je force un appartement, je coince la serrure. J'y enfonce des cure-dents et je les casse à ras.
City, banjo, toothpicks, shoelaces, teachers, football, telephone
De ville, de banjo, de profs, de téléphone
I got mints and toothpicks.
J'ai des bonbons.
They were giving out those little sausage samples on toothpicks.
Ils offraient des échantillons de saucisse sur des pics.
Were found toothpicks in the glove compartment of the truck.
On a trouvé des cures-dents dans la boîte à gants du camion.
The newspaper did not speak these toothpicks.
Le journal ne parlait pas de ces cure-dents.
Some plush toothpicks found everywhere...
Quelques peluches, des cure-dents que l'on trouve partout...
He's sawing'toothpicks.
Il roupille.
Bring toothpicks to pinch open your eyes.
Apporte des cure-dents pour maintenir tes yeux ouvertes.
-'Course, I don't have my toothpicks.
Évidemment, je n'ai pas mes cure-dents.
- I don't have my toothpicks.
Évidemment, je n'ai pas mes cure-dents.
We'll be here the entire morning with no maple syrup and no toothpicks.
Nous serons coincés ici toute la matinée sans sirop d'érable ni cure-dents,
Miss? He needs toothpicks.
Mademoiselle, il a besoin de cure-dents.
Des cure-dents.
He needs some toothpicks.
Il lui faut des cure-dents. Est-ce qu'on peut lui apporter...
Can we just get him some toothpicks?
-... juste quelques cure-dents? - Oui.
Sorry about the toothpicks.
Désolé pour les cure-dents.
- How much is this? - Toothpicks.
- Je vous dois combien?
It's a lot more than 82 toothpicks.
Il y a bien plus que 82 cure-dents, Ray.
- How many toothpicks were in there? - Um...
Il y a combien de cure-dents, là dedans?
He counts toothpicks. - They spilled a box of toothpicks, and he took one look at'em and counted them in seconds. - Huh?
Il compte les cure-dents.
How many toothpicks came out of that box?
Combien de cure-dents étaient tombés de la boîte, Raymond?
- Toothpicks.
- Des cures dents.
Then my guitar, my axe - the one thing I love, next to Stanley - is now toothpicks for the Hollywood homeless.
Ensuite ma guitare, ma gratte, mon unique amour après Stanley, est réduite en cure-dents pour les sans-abri.
You chewed toothpicks, played dominoes, spit, dated policemen.
On jouait aux dominos, on sortait avec des flics.
Toothpicks, toothpicks.
Cure-dents, cure-dents.
One of those things you blow into - -- a big straw that shoots toothpicks.
- Un truc pour souffler. - Une flûte? pour souffler.
She uses piranhas for toothpicks.
Il utilise les piranhas comme cure-dents.
Tell him about the toothpicks.
Dis-lui les cure-dents!
Kid worked a night tour. I'm probably gonna have to pry his eyes open with toothpicks.
Il a fait la ronde de nuit, il ne sera pas encore bien réveillé.
- He always chews on toothpicks. - Toothpicks? He's deadly.
Il a toujours un cure-dent dans la bouche.
Toothpicks? ! Copper?
Qu'est-ce qui se passe ici, Chef?
Cherish, my toothpicks.
Mes cure-dents!

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