We started talking traducir francés
273 traducción paralela
Oh, I don't know what ever possessed me, but when he came along and asked the direction and we started talking and he seemed so nice,
Je ne sais pas ce qui m'a pris! Quand il m'a demandé son chemin et qu'on a commencé à parler, il avait l'air si gentil...
He brought me a glass of water, and we started talking.
Il m'a apporté de l'eau et nous avons discuté.
Listen, my dear, isn't it about time we started talking a little sense?
Peut-on causer un peu sérieusement?
And I'm sorry we started talking about all this.
On n'aurait pas dû parler de ça.
Well, I ran into him at the Barkley Hotel, and we started talking and, well, suddenly they started to sort of bloom.
Je l'ai vu au salon de l'antiquité. On a commencé à parler, et ses oreilles ont commencé à... s'épanouir.
Back there we started talking. I had other things on my mind.
On avait commencé à discuter, mais j'étais occupé.
- You know, we started talking.
Ça ne va pas? "
He's twice my age, and it was great... but then we started talking, and it stopped working.
Il a le double de mon âge... et c'était super. Mais ensuite on a commencé à discuter... et ça n'a plus marché.
After a week, we started talking after the rehearsals.
Au bout d'une semaine, nous aurions bavardé après la répétition.
So we started talking to ourselves.
Alors, nous avons commencé à nous parler à nous même.
Anyway, we started talking and in 30 seconds, I was in love.
Bref, on a discuté et je suis tombée amoureuse.
We started talking baseball.
On a parlé de base-ball.
She knew him so we took the drinks and he sat down and we started talking.
Elle le connaissait... on a accepté, et il s'est assis avec nous. Et on a discuté.
And we started talking about getting married.
On parlait de se marier.
A bunch of us were at Chadney's house making our extra-credit dioramas... and we started talking.
Hier, nous étions chez Chadney pour finir le diorama facultatif, et on a commencé à discuter.
And then somehow we started talking about, "What if we had sex?"
Puis... tout bêtement, on se demande pourquoi on ne ferait pas l'amour.
Then we started talking a little bit and I walked her to her building. And just before I left I put my arm around her waist. I pulled her to me and I planted one.
On a discuté un peu, je l'ai accompagnée chez elle, et avant de partir, je l'ai saisie par la taille, je l'ai tirée vers moi, et je lui en ai roulé une.
But she saw me take a swing, and she told me that the club is going back too fast. Well, we started talking.
Elle m'a vu faire mon swing, et elle m'a dit que le club revenait trop vite.
But when we started talking, it was like I forgot I had a boyfriend.
Mais quand on commençait à parler, j'oubliais que j'en avais un.
He stopped in the Dover last night and we started talking.
Il est passé au Dover hier soir et on a discuté.
Maybe it's time we started talking with one another.
Il est peut-être temps d'entamer le dialogue.
We started talking and I had this feeling about him.
On a discuté et j'ai ressenti quelque chose.
Anyway, things were going fine until we started talking about his father.
Bref, tout se passait bien jusqu'à ce qu'on parle de son père.
And we started talking and he was real sweet, not like everybody else was making him out to be, that night we starting going out, and it was like a month, and he called me up on the telephone
On a commencé à discuter et il était très gentil, pas du tout comme les gens le décrivaient. On a commencé à sortir ensemble ce soir-là et un mois plus tard, il me téléphone chez la copine de mon père.
We started talking about pantyhose.
On a commencé à parler de collants et elle disait...
We started talking after she did her thing...
On a un peu discuté après son numéro.
He didn't tell me he was IRA until we started talking marriage.
Il m'a avoué être de l'IRA quand on s'est mis à parler mariage.
The first time we started talking about adoption.
- On commence à parler d'adoption.
Parker was just gonna leave his number and go, but we started talking.
Parker voulait juste laisser son numéro, mais on a discuté.
Well I found Rygel, and I managed to bring him here and then we started talking, and...
J'ai retrouvé Rygel et je me suis débrouillée pour le ramener et on s'est mis à discuter et...
But before I could... we started talking about something else.
Mais avant que je dise... on a commencé à parler d'autre chose.
We started talking and they bought donuts for the whole precinct.
On a discuté et ils ont acheté des beignets pour nous tous.
- We started talking about it.
Nous en avons parlé...
I started that lunch wagon we were talking about.
- J'ai préparé une cantine.
So we started walking along together got to talking and didn't watch the time or notice where we were going and we finally turned around and started back.
On a marché ensemble, on a bavardé, et on n'a pas vu l'heure, ni notre chemin.
What are you talking about? The dance has just started. We danced only two times.
Pas du tout, nous n'avons dansé que deux fois!
And we... started drinking and talking about you
On a commencé à boire... et à parler de toi
I guess Danny started talking to Tony about the time we put him in nursery school.
Je crois que Danny a commencé à parler à Tony... quand nous l'avons mis à la maternelle.
We decided a long time ago, before we even started this family, we'd-we'd raise these kids naturally, not force a lot of bullshit rules... I'm not talking about discipline.
Il y a longtemps, on a décidé, avant de fonder cette famille... qu'on élèverait ces gosses sans leur imposer de règles.
Artur and I started talking after the funeral and we quite forgot the time
Ça fait longtemps que je n'ai pas vu Arthur.
I figured, kids are going to fight, and you must have been only... six, seven,... so we were just talking about little bare fists, just skin. That was way before kids started shooting each other with Uzis.
Tous les enfants se battent, tu devais avoir pas plus de six ou sept ans, c'étaitjuste des bagarres à poings nus.
We passed your restaurant, so I started talking about you.
On est passé devant ton restaurant, alors j'ai commencé à parler de toi.
So you're talking about like when we just started going out?
A l'époque où on a commencé à se fréquenter?
And so we started talking and she's this lawyer, who's incredible.
C'est une avocate.
We started having coffee and talking on the phone once in a while.
On a pris un café, on s'est téléphoné...
I started talking to him about how we'd shoot it, when, and so forth.
J'ai discuté avec Dreyer de la façon de procéder et de la date de début du tournage.
When we heard them talking on the radio, I mean, we all lost it. We all started to cry.
Quand nous les avons entendu parler à la radio, nous avons tous commencé à pleurer.
We just met... in a shop, had a coffee and started talking about you.
On s'est rencontrés, on a bu un café, en parlant de toi.
She saw the sex book and we just started talking and she told me.
Elle a vu le livre d'éducation sexuelle, on a parlé et elle me l'a dit.
We talked. She started talking.
On est allés dans un café, on a parlé, elle s'est mise à parler et j'ai...
We were just sort of standing here, talking, and suddenly she started shooting up the place.
On était là. On discutait. Et elle a commencé à tirer.
we started 19
talking 358
talking to yourself 25
talking about me 21
talking about 61
talking about it 21
talking of which 33
talking to you 40
talking to him 21
talking to me 44
talking 358
talking to yourself 25
talking about me 21
talking about 61
talking about it 21
talking of which 33
talking to you 40
talking to him 21
talking to me 44