When you're older traducir francés
242 traducción paralela
Fauntleroy, make the most of your time. When you're older, you'll not have the courage to say that!
Profitez de votre jeunesse, après vous n'oserez plus le dire.
That's right. When they get older and you can't give them as much as other children, they're ashamed of you.
Plus tard, quand vous leur donnez moins qu'aux autres, ils ont honte de vous.
When you're older, I'll take you to Kentucky and Virginia. You'll be the best horsewoman in the South.
Quand tu seras grande... tu seras la meilleure écuyère du Sud!
Darling, I can't explain quite, but when you're older, I know you'll understand and you'll forgive me.
Je ne peux pas très bien t'expliquer, mais... quand tu seras grande, tu comprendras et tu me pardonneras.
Ben, when you're older you shall know the whole story.
Ben, plus tard tu sauras toute l'histoire.
You can find out about that some other time, when you ´ re a little older.
Tu l " apprendras plus tard, quand tu seras un peu plus âgée.
Someday, when you're older you'll understand that one can give all one's heart to more than one person and still remain sincere and loyal.
Quand vous serez plus grand, vous comprendrez qu'on peut donner tout son cœur à plus d'une personne, et rester sincère et loyal.
How life is when you're older.
Et la vie, quand on est adultes.
When you're older, you'll find that's the only way.
En grandissant, tu verras qu'on ne peut pas faire autrement.
When you're older, you'll look back at this and you'll laugh at yourself for thinking that this is so important.
Plus tard, en y songeant, tu riras de toi d'avoir trouvé ça si important.
You'll learn! When you're older, Jim.
Tu apprendras en vieillissant.
When you're older, maybe we'll talk about it.
Quand tu seras plus grand, nous en reparlerons peut-être.
- I'll tell you when you're older.
- Je te le dirai quand tu seras grand.
Mais là encore, pas toujours.
When they're older, they like other things, best of all if you're rich.
En prenant de l'âge, elles prennent goût à l'argent.
When you're older you'll realize how unfair you've been.
Quand tu seras grand, tu comprendras que tu as été injuste.
I will, when you're a little older.
Quand tu seras plus grande.
There are many things which you'll only understand when you're older.
Vous ne comprendrez certaines choses que lorsque vous serez plus âgés.
You, little one. Would you like to go out for coffee by yourself, when you're older? - Yes.
Petite, tu aimerais pouvoir aller enfin boire un café toute seule quand tu seras grande?
When you're married to a man 20 years older than yourself, to be seen lunching with a younger man, a well-known, almost infamous character can be misinterpreted, misunderstood.
Voyez-vous, quand on est l'épouse d'un homme de 20 ans plus âgé, être vue à déjeuner avec un homme plus jeune, un personnage connu, presque sulfureux, cela peut être mal interprété, mal compris.
You'll understand when you're older. Now, come along.
Tu comprendras quand tu seras plus grand.
Someday, when you're older, you'll understand.
Un jour, quand tu seras plus âgé, tu comprendras.
When you're older, you'll appreciate the advantages of sleeping alone.
Plus tard, tu apprécieras l'agrément de dormir seule.
But you will, when you're older.
Mais tu comprendras quand tu seras plus grand.
I'll tell you one day, when you're older.
- Je te raconterai, un jour, quand tu seras grand.
You'll understand these things better when you're older.
Tu comprendras ces choses plus tard.
Stewart, when you're older, perhaps you'll respect authority.
Avec l'âge et l'expérience, vous apprendrez à respecter l'autorité.
Cheryl, dear, when you're older... you'll realize that the body is a prison... that traps and bends the natural spirit to its will.
Cheryl, chérie, quand tu seras plus âgée, tu comprendras que le corps est une prison dans laquelle notre esprit est pris au piège et dénaturé.
When you're older everything is complicated.
Lorsqu'on vieillit... tout est compliqué.
Looks like you're going to make a lot of money when you're older.
Tu gagneras beaucoup d'argent plus tard.
You'll not dare be so foolish when you're older.
Plus tard, vous ne serez pas aussi direct!
They cry at you when they're young, They yell at you when they're older, They borrows from you when they're middle-aged,
Ils pleurent quand ils sont jeunes, ils vous hurlent dessus quand vous êtes vieux, ils vous prennent les plus belles années de votre vie, et ils vous laissent crever tout seul!
but you'll understand when you're older.
Mais, tu verras quand tu seras grande...
When you're older- -
Quand tu seras plus grande, tu comprenderas mieux.
- When you're older- -
- Quand tu seras plus grande- -
When you're older, you'll understand a bit more.
... plus grande, tu comprendras mieux.
- No... when you're older.
Non, quand tu seras plus grande.
When you're younger, you're afraid to say those things but when you get older, 15 -, 20 years later you can say all those things that you should have said 15 -, 20 years ago.
Quand on est jeune, on a peur de dire les choses. Ce n'est qu'adulte qu'on ose dire tout ce qu'on aurait dû dire 15 ans plus tôt.
When you're older?
Quand tu seras grand?
I'll explain that when you're older.
quand tu seras plus grande.
When you get older, and obviously you're going to get a second chance at that, you'll find you can't have whatever you want, and there's a price for everything you get and sometimes other people have to pay it.
Quand tu grandiras et que tu auras une deuxiéme chance, tu verras qu'on ne peut pas avoir tout ce qu'on veut, et que tout a un prix. Et parfois c'est d'autres gens qui doivent le payer.
You will be with people your own age when you're older.
- Tu le seras, plus tard.
When you're young you say, for you don't understand... if only / were older, wouldn't that be grand?
Quand tu es jeune, tu te mets à chialer Si j'étais moins jeune, je lui ferais la cour
You'll find a way when you're older
Plus tard, tu en feras à ta guise.
Michelle, you're gonna be such a fox when you get older.
Michelle, tu seras une grande séductrice quand tu seras grande.
And then when you're older and you have children... well, you'll sing the songs to them.
Et quand tu seras grande et que tu auras des enfants, eh bien, tu leur chanteras ces chansons.
When you're older, there are people you're gonna meet who make you feel... like, connected.
Quand tu seras grande, tu rencontreras des gens qui te correspondront.
You're gonna have a lot of pain when you get older.
Tu souffriras beaucoup en vieillissant.
One day, when you're older and wiser, you'll understand.
Enfin, peut-être que lorsque tu auras mon âge, tu comprendras.
Ecoute, Frédérique, si un jour t'es triste comme ça, même plus tard quand tu seras grande, tu pourras toujours venir me voir, me demander ce que tu veux.
I'll tell you when you're older.
Je te le dirai quand tu seras grand.
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when you're 91
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when you're right 37
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you're older 19
older 123
older brother 40
older sister 23
when you're in love 21
when you're with me 16
when you're finished 34
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when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
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when i'm gone 52