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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ Y ] / You're wrong

You're wrong traducir francés

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I know that the FBI has been grilling you about protocol for the last six weeks, so you're extra sensitive about this, but just because he didn't do it your way doesn't mean that he is wrong.
Je sais que le FBI t'en a fait voir pour les histoires de protocole, mais ne pas l'avoir fait à ta façon ne veut pas dire qu'il a eu tort.
Is it hard for you to admit you're wrong?
C'est si dur d'admettre que vous avez tort?
Thafs where you're wrong.
C'est là que tu as tort.
No, you're wrong.
Non, tu as tort.
- Okay? - You're wrong.
Tu te trompes.
No, no, you're wrong.
Non, tu as tort.
Yeah, you're exactly what's wrong with chicago.
Vous êtes exactement ce qui ne va pas à Chicago.
You guys, what if we're looking at this the wrong way?
Les gars, et si on se trompait?
Well, you're not wrong.
Bon, t'es pas folle.
You're wrong.
Tu te trompes.
And Maria knew it. I told her. So you're wrong about her wanting you to find the person who really did it.
Alors vous vous trompez en pensant qu'elle voulait que vous trouviez le vrai coupable.
Actually, I think you're wrong.
Vous avez tort.
You're not wrong.
T'as pas tort.
You're not wrong.
C'est pas faux.
But you're wrong.
Mais vous avez tort.
- I think you're wrong.
- Vous avez tort.
Uh, you're kind of wrong.
Euh, tu te trompe un peu.
One wrong move, and you're eating springs.
Un mauvais mauvais mouvement, et tu manges les ressorts.
Second, you're wrong.
Deuxièmement, tu as tords.
You're wrong.
Vous avez tort.
Ash, you're wrong, I'm right.
Ash, tu as tort et j'ai raison.
If you think shaking your hair and an open blouse is pianistic expression, You're wrong, my little girl.
Si tu crois que c'est en ouvrant son chemisier qu'on s'exprime au piano, t'as rien compris, ma pauvre petite chérie.
You're wrong.
Tu as tort.
You're doing it wrong /
Tu le fais mal.
You're what's wrong with this country.
Le problème de ce pays c'est les gens comme toi.
Maybe you're looking in all the wrong places only to realize that the perfect girl was right there, all along.
Peut-être que tu cherches au mauvais endroit et tu réaliseras que la fille parfaite était juste là, depuis le début.
If you need more than one, you're doing it wrong.
Si tu en as besoin de plus d'une, c'est que tu le fais mal.
And you, you're the genius who always gets my order wrong.
Et vous, vous êtes le génie qui se trompe toujours dans mes commandes.
No, you're doing it wrong.
Vous vous y prenez mal.
You're in the wrong profession.
Vous avez raté votre vocation.
You're both wrong.
Vous avez tord tous les deux.
What if you're wrong?
Et si tu te trompais?
As usual, Red, you're asking the wrong question.
Comme d'habitude, rouquine, tu poses la mauvaise question.
You're barking up the wrong tree, detective.
Vous déterrez le mauvais arbre, lieutenant.
You're trusting the wrong people.
Tu fais confiance aux mauvaises personnes.
- You're wrong.
- Tu as tort. - Vraiment?
That's where you're wrong, buddy.
C'est là que tu te trompes, mon ami.
It's only wrong if you're caught.
Seulement si tu te fais prendre.
They're wrong, I'm telling you.
- Ils ont tort, je te dis.
And you're wrong.
Et tu te trompes.
You. You're wrong.
Oui, toi.
Thank you. Thanks to you, I was able to meet good people, a good friend and a good person. If you're talking about me when you say a good friend, you saw me wrong.
Merci. un bon ami et une bonne personne. vous m'avez mal jugé.
Ha! You're wrong.
Vous avez tort.
You're making the wrong decision.
Vous prenez la mauvaise décision.
You do the wrong thing, then you're done.
Un pas de travers, et tu es fini.
You're trusting the wrong people.
Tu fais confiance à la mauvaise personne.
It's just, you're saying it to the wrong girl, Jack.
C'est juste que tu le dis à la mauvaise fille, Jack.
What if you're wrong and Clay finds out that you suspected him?
Et si tu as tort et que Clay découvre que tu le suspectais?
I'm sorry, Cassie, but you're wrong about this one.
Je suis désolé, Cassie, mais tu te trompes pour cette fois.
You're wrong.
Tu as tord.
No, Annie, you're wrong!
Non, Annie tu as tord.

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