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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ Y ] / You had a vision

You had a vision traducir francés

167 traducción paralela
Have you had a call? Have you had a vision?
Tu as eu une vision?
While you were with Dr McKeever, you had a vision that upset you.
Vous avez eu une vision bouleversante en compagnie du Dr McKeever.
You had a vision.
Tu as eu une vision.
You said you had a vision there?
Vous avez dit que vous y aviez eu une vision.
You had a vision, Emissary.
Une vision, Emissaire.
- You had a vision.
- Tu as eu une vision.
You had a vision?
Vous en avez eu une?
You had a vision.
Vous avez eu une vision.
You had a vision of her... dead.
Vous avez eu une vision d'elle, morte.
Your story is that on the night your son disappeared you had a vision of him dead, but you thought it was your mind playing tricks.
Vous avez déclaré que le soir de la disparition de votre fils, vous l'avez vu mort, mais avez cru à un délire de votre imagination.
- You had a vision, Majesty?
ne savent pas ce que c'est.
Oh... You had a vision...
Ah, tu as eu une vision.
- You had a vision?
- Tu as eu une vision?
- You had a vision.
- Tu as eu une vision? - Quoi?
And at the rally, when we shook hands... you had a vision of me doing something bad... and now you want to make it right.
Quand vous m'avez serré la main, au meeting, vous m'avez vu faire quelque chose de mal et vous voulez empêcher que ça arrive.
You had a vision?
- Tu as eu une vision? Quelque chose.
Now, if you had any vision you would realize that you've taken a wild, free spirit a spirit that was born to ride the wings of the wind and penned me up in this dreary, four-walled cage.
Si tu étais plus sensible, tu réaliserais que tu t'es emparé d'un esprit libre, un esprit voué à chevaucher le vent, et que tu l'as enfermé dans cette triste cage.
If I had any vision, I would realize that you can't take a proud bird born to ride the wings of the wind, to live in the sparkle of a star and pen it up in a domestic coop and expect it to walk around with a smile on its beak.
J'aurais dû savoir qu'on ne peut attraper un fier oiseau, habitué à chevaucher les ailes du vent, à vivre parmi les étoiles, puis l'enfermer dans un poulailler domestique et s'attendre à ce qu'il soit heureux.
You see, the difference between me and my brother... consists in the fact that I have always had a more extensive view of things.
Tu vois, ladifférence entre mon frère et moi, c'est quej'ai toujours eu une vision des choses plus ample.
"For example" she said "I just had a fleeting vision of you sitting in an office with a craggy middle-aged man with whom you are or will be emotionally involved."
"Par exemple, je viens d'avoir une brève vision de vous, assise dans un bureau, avec un cinquantenaire auquel vous êtes ou serez liée sur le plan affectif."
The lady had a vision are you sure?
La femme à eu une vision C'est sûr?
You'll have to excuse my mother - she recently had a stroke, and her perception is a little, you know, distorted.
Excusez ma mère. Elle a fait une attaque et sa vision des choses est déformée.
- Yeah. I told you, I had a vision last night.
Je vous l'ai dit, j'ai eu une vision.
You had yourself a vision.
Tu as eu une vision.
And you had a different vision for the company?
Et vous envisagez la société différemment?
And if you'd had a successful vision quest, you'd do two things. First, you'd send up a smoke signal.
Et quand on réussissait à avoir cette vision, on envoyait un signal de fumée.
Or after a while, you passed out and had a vision.
Ou alors, on s'endort et on a une vision.
The Emir had a vision of you ruling over Andalusia with all of us at your feet.
L'Emir a eu une vision de toi sur le trône d'Andalousie, avec nous tous à tes pieds.
You've had a telepathic experience?
- Vous avez eu une vision?
Perhaps you had a brush with a world so large you seldom or never saw it again.
Cette brève vision d'un monde si vaste que jamais... vous ne l'avez revu.
Your sidekick had a vision and you came to Sunnydale?
Ton ange gardien a eu une vision et tu es venu.
You know what? I had such a distinct and clear vision for this movie.
J'avais une idée si nette du film fini.
I had a vision of you.
J'ai eu une vision de toi.
You must have had a vision.
Tu as sûrement eu une vision.
You must have had a vision.
Tu as sûrement eu une vision!
In fact, you could say leaving the word "cinema" out of it... to effect rituals and moving visual... moving vision that had never been done before.
En fait, tu pourrais laisser le mot cinéma... pour effets rituels et visuels de mouvement... une vision du mobile qui n'a jamais été fait avant.
- You had a vision, didn't you?
C'est ce que ces Trombli croient.
- I just had a vision, of you holding a baby.
- J'ai eu une vision... de toi avec un bébé dans les bras.
Look, I just had this vision of you, of a kid, coming back from the war, you know?
J'ai une vision de toi, dans ta jeunesse, revenu du front.
I had a vision. One where you and I do great things together.
J'ai eu une vision, dans laquelle toi et moi faisions des choses extraordinaires.
She had a vision of Orin coming for her, which means he'll be seeking revenge on all Shuvanis, including you.
Elle avait eu une vision d'Orin. Ça veut dire qu'il va se venger de tous les Shuvanis. Toi y compris.
Tell me, Johnny, have you... have you ever had a boring vision?
Dis-moi, Johnny, as-tu... As-tu déjà eu une vision ennuyeuse?
Well, we are going to have to institute a bell system for you, only it'll mean that a psychic's had a vision and he has to share.
Nous allons devoir faire un système de cloches pour vous. Mais elles indiqueront l'instant où le voyant a une vision à partager.
I-I had a vision, y-you were screaming.
J'ai - J'ai eu une vision, tu criais.
Oh, glory be to God, y'all,'cause you know He had a vision.
Béni soit le Seigneur, Il a eu une vision.
I had a vision of you, long ago, standing in a field of bodies with the Beast.
Je t'ai vu te tenir dans un champ de corps aux côté de la bête.
Fortunately, I had gotten to know Todd so well and we worked on it so long, we ended up having a shared vision. You think that's good, given the film went straight to cable?
Confronté à un style différent, réaliser ensemble le travail d'un autre, n'est-ce pas difficile de ne pas y mettre trop de vous-même?
Natalie, the real reason I asked you to stay here is because... ( whispering ) I had a vision that these guys...
Je vous ai demandé de rester ici parce que j'ai eu une vision de ces types, des tueurs, ils vous cherchent et je suis venu empêcher cela.
But this... now you're telling me you had a vision that affects thousands?
Mais là...
You claim to have had a psychic premonition that Madeline Wey and Julia Wey are about to become victims of an assault resulting in murder sometime in the near future...
Vous dites avoir eu une vision prémonitoire dans laquelle Madeleine et Julia Wey étaient victimes d'agression et de meurtre dans un avenir proche.
I just had a vision! And the Lord said he's very angry with me for letting you take those pages.
Dieu se disait très fâché contre moi de vous avoir laissé ces pages.

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