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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ Y ] / You had an affair

You had an affair traducir francés

283 traducción paralela
You had an affair with a lady-in-waiting...? No!
- Une aventure avec une dame d'honneur?
It could possibly have been a matter of prestige, you know, to say that you had an affair with Louise Bryant.
Ça pouvait être une question de prestige de dire qu'on avait une liaison avec Louise Bryant.
You had an affair with him for six months two years ago?
Vous avez eu une liaison avec lui pendant six mois. Il y a deux ans?
Have you had an affair with a general?
Tu l'as fait avec un général?
- You had an affair with an agent?
- Tu es sortie avec un agent?
Answer me this : Why is it that I can trust you when you had an affair with a married client?
Dis-moi pourquoi je te fais confiance... alors que tu m'as trompé avec un client marié?
She told someone you had an affair with her.
Elle a dit à quelqu'un que vous sortiez ensemble.
I've asked you to join me to confirm that several years ago you had an affair with Senator Gordon Madison.
Je vous ai demandé de me rencontrer pour confirmer votre liaison avec le sénateur Madison. Quoi?
You had an affair with Gandhi?
Vous avez eu une idylle avec Gandhi?
You had an affair with Mr Lufkin?
Vous aviez une liaison avec M. Lufkin?
You had an affair with Allison!
- Une liaison avec la voisine!
Bobby, you had an affair with this woman!
Vous avez eu une liaison!
So, you had an affair with the Editor-in-Chief.
Vous couchez avec le patron.
It wasn't with some heavy heart that you had an affair.
Tu m'as trompée sans états d'âme. Ça ne t'a pas gêné.
You had an affair, too?
T'en as aussi eu? Pas parmi tes amis!
You had an affair with a girl who threatened to kill herself, and now there's a presence in our house.
Tu as eu une liaison avec une fille... qui a menacé de se tuer, et maintenant il y a une présence ici.
Now, you listen to me. I know you had an affair with Jessica.
Ecoutez... je sais que vous aviez une liaison avec Jessica.
- You had an affair?
- Vous avez eu une aventure?
You had an affair with the prime minister's daughter. That won't work. Neither does a newspaper article saying you're having an affair.
Votre liaison avec la fille du Premier ministre me fâche... comme me fâcherait un article révélant votre liaison.
You're telling me that you've never had an affair, Father?
Dois-je comprendre, Père, que vous n'avez jamais eu d'aventure?
You had no right to jeopardize the organization by having an affair with this woman!
If I had an affair, what would you do?
Si jamais... j'avais une aventure, que dirais-tu?
I don't believe that you could handle it if Carol had an affair, God forbid.
Je crois que tu n'accepterais pas que Carol ait une liaison, Dieu l'en garde.
Admit that you and Eva had an affair last fall.
Admets que toi et Eva avez eu une liaison à l'automne.
Long before I came to you, I had an affair with your husband
Bien avant que je vienne chez vous, j'avais une liaison avec votre mari.
I heard Miss Welles was having an affair with some other man, and I came over here because I thought maybe you had heard something.
On m'a dit que Mlle Welles avait une liaison et je me suis dit que vous saviez peut-être quelque chose.
You know she had an affair with Alexander?
Ils ont eu une histoire ensemble, Alexandre et elle.
Don't you believe it? - His father and Rasputin? No, the father of what's his name - Volkmar - had an affair with Rasputin.
Une histoire avec Raspoutine.
Did he tell you he had an affair with my son's wife before they were married?
Il t'a parlé de son aventure avec la femme de mon fils - avant qu'ils ne soient mariés?
- You ever had an affair?
- T'as jamais eu d'amant?
You expect me to come and tell you every time I've had an affair with a hatcheck girl?
T'aurais voulu que je t'avoue chaque histoire que j'ai eue avec une vendeuse?
You don't care that I had an affair with another man, you just care about dishonesty?
- Mais ne me mens pas. - Je vois.
Um, would you like an aspirin? Oh, my God. I had an affair with Brandon.
Voulez-vous une aspirine?
Look, if you've had an affair, that's ok with me.
Ecoutes, si tu as une histoire, c'est ok pour moi.
Why don't you believe that Cliff had an affair in Florida?
Pourquoi ne croyez-vous pas que Cliff ait eu une aventure?
I mean, I could have almost accepted if you'd had an affair or something. I mean, I know I'm not exactly a centrefold.
Enfin, j'aurais presque pu accepter que tu aies une maîtresse.
- You moved to the city, had an affair.
- Tu as emménagé en ville.
You make it sound like I had an affair with a frozen dessert.
Je n'ai pas fait l'amour avec un Kim cône.
You know, I've never had an affair before.
Tu sais, je n'ai jamais eu de liaison.
You say that, but I don't know anyone who's had an affair with him.
C'est ce que tu dis, mais je ne lui connais pas de liaison.
You've never had an affair, Mr. Merrick?
Vous ne l'avez jamais trompée, vous, M. Merrick?
Look, the way I see it, you both had an affair... and now you love each other.
Ecoutez, vous aviez tous les deux un amant et maintenant vous vous aimez.
See, your mother and Curtis had an affair which produced a little boy. That's you.
Voyez-vous, votre mére et Curtis ont eu une liaison, qui a produit un petit garçon : vous.
This is hard for you as her husband... but Mayumi had an affair with one of our colleagues.
Tu es son mari et ça va te faire de la peine... mais Mayumi te trompait avec un de ses collègues.
You know, I don't even think that she'd mind if I had an affair.
Je crois que ça lui ferait rien si je la trompais.
- "Have you ever had an affair with a friend's significant other?"
"Avez-vous couché avec l'ami ( e ) d'un ( e ) ami ( e )?"
"Have you ever had an affair with a friend's pet?"
"Et avec l'animal de compagnie d'un ami?"
And that you and McManus had an affair.
Et que vous et McManus aviez une liaison.
Did you hear that Finch had an affair with an older woman?
Tu savais que Finch a eu une relation avec une vieille femme?
Now, some time later, your daddy had an affair, which upset your mommy, who then had a retaliatory fling with a penis connected to a man, after which your daddy kissed Georgia, wife of Billy, who you kissed last year.
Plus tard... votre papa a une liaison qui contrarie... votre mère, qui a alors...
Do you think they had an affair?
Vous croyez qu'ils avaient une liaison?

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