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You just don't understand traducir francés

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- I just don't understand you.
Décidément, je ne te comprends pas. Ah! tu t'en aperçois!
You just don't understand.
Tu c-c-comprends pas.
- You just don't understand, darling.
- Tu ne comprends pas, chéri.
You just don't understand, do you?
Vous ne comprenez donc pas?
Joe... you just don't understand, I guess.
Tu ne comprends pas de quoi il s'agit.
Just a minute, you don't understand.
Attends, tu ne comprends pas.
You don't need to be a doctor in psychology to understand the overbearing influence that Maggi had on his friend, the little innocent Giuseppe. Just look at him.
Inutile d'être psychologue pour comprendre l'influence qu'exerçait Maggi sur son ami, le petit et ingénu Giuseppe.
You misunderstand me. You just don't understand me at all.
Vous vous trompez sur mon compte.
You fellas don't understand. You think this is all just chance? Just accidental, like us coming here this way?
Vous croyez que c'est par hasard que nous sommes passés ici?
- You just don't understand business.
- Tu ne comprends rien aux affaires.
you just don't understand. Well, it may not make your bad news any better... but I got good news. No, I suppose not.
- Tu ne peux pas comprendre.
I just don't understand you.
Jo, je ne vous comprends pas.
Vous n'êtes pas seulement vous.
Read these, and anything you don't understand just make a circle around it.
Dès que quelque chose vous échappe... entourez-le au crayon.
- Sir, you just don't understand.
- Commandant, vous ne comprenez pas.
Oh, no, Mother, you just don't understand.
Maman, tu ne comprends pas.
I just don't understand you.
Je ne te comprends pas.
Now you must understand though you feel strong as an ox, don't pull too hard the water reopened the crack and it's not solid up there. Don't worry, I'll do just right!
Cloche de l'église
You just don't understand the simplest facts.
Tu ne comprends pas, c'est pourtant logique.
You just don't understand the Chelm type.
Tu ne comprends pas le genre des Chelms.
I just don't understand you.
Je ne vous comprends pas.
- Well, if you don't understand I'm just sorry for you, that's all.
- Si vous ne comprenez pas... j'en suis désolée pour vous. Voilà.
You just don't understand how I feel, doctor
Vous ne pouvez pas comprendre...
No, I trust you. It's just I don't understand.
J'ai confiance, mais j'ai mal compris.
I don't understand you, mister. I just don't understand you.
Je ne vous comprends pas.
I just don't understand why you'd throw it all away because of a broken head.
Je ne comprends pas que tu puisses tout gâcher pour un chagrin d'amour.
Don't you understand that I need you just as much as you need me?
Ne comprends-tu pas que j'ai tout autant besoin de toi?
Lucy, you just don't understand.
Tu ne peux pas comprendre.
É just don't understand why you're so angry.
Je ne comprends pas ta colère.
Jocko, I just don't understand you. I swear I don't.
Je ne te comprends pas, Jocko.
You just don't understand this new formation the Argos have.
Vous ne comprenez pas la nouvelle formation des Argos.
Now look, I just don't have time to prove anything tonight. Do you understand?
Ecoute, j'ai pas le temps pour faire mes preuves ce soir.
- I know all about it, Frank. - I just don't understand you.
Je suis au courant.
You know, I just don't understand. I think you really want to join in the party but maybe you don't know how.
J'ai l'impression que tu veux faire la bringue avec nous mais tu ne sais pas comment.
You just don't understand.
Tu ne comprends pas.
Je ne vous comprends pas.
You don't understand. You just don't...
Tu ne comprends pas.
Don't you understand that you make me feel like a Presbyterian... when you can't, for just a minute or two, forget that you're a Jew?
Ne comprenez-vous pas que vous me faites me sentir presbytérienne quand vous ne pouvez pas oublier une seule minute que vous êtes juif?
You just don't understand us yet.
Vous ne nous comprenez pas encore.
You two just don't understand.
Vous deux, vous pouvez pas comprendre.
- Arnie, you just don't understand.
- Arnie, t'y es pas.
I Just don't understand you.
Je ne vous comprends pas.
I just don't understand you.
Je ne vous comprends pas!
You just don't understand, there's no trouble between us.
Il n'y a pas de problèmes entre nous.
- Oh, Rog, you just don't understand.
Tu ne comprends rien!
Men see you and suddenly their wives just don't understand them.
Les hommes te regardent, et leurs femmes restent pantoises.
I can understand some things you've done but stealing from someone that's doing you a kindness I just don't...
Je peux comprendre certaines choses... mais voler quelqu'un qui se montre serviable... - ça, je... - Oh, mon enfant.
I'm afraid you just don't understand him, Captain Newman.
Vous ne le comprenez pas, capitaine Newman.
- l don't understand. You don't have to, just follow!
Il n'y a rien à comprendre, éxécute les ordres!
I just don't understand you, marilyn.
Je ne te comprends pas, Marilyn.
Oh, Samantha, you just don't understand.
Samantha, tu ne comprends donc pas.

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