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You poor thing traducir francés

590 traducción paralela
Oh, you poor thing! Oh, my goodness!
mon Dieu, mon pauvre!
You poor thing, you can't go without your hat.
Pauvre chéri, tu ne peux pas partir sans ton chapeau.
- You poor thing.
- Ma pauvre.
You poor thing.
Pauvre de vous.
Do not cry, you poor thing. I will not let nobody hurt you.
Ne pleure pas, pauvrette, personne ne te fera de mal, compte sur moi.
Why, you poor thing, you must be famished.
- Vous devez être affamée.
- You never turned off... - You poor thing.
- Tu n'éteins jamais...
You poor thing.
Ma pauvre.
You poor thing.. you can't help it.
Mon pauvre, c'est plus fort que toi
Oh, Peter, you poor thing.
Peter, mon pauvre.
Iris, you poor thing.
Iris, ma pauvre.
I don't know who sold you, but you poor thing!
Ils ont dû l'enlever. La pauvre petite!
You poor thing. Nothing but a sack of bones.
C'est une honte que personne ne s'occupe d'elle.
You poor thing.
Oh, la pauvre!
Oh, you poor thing, I am so very sorry.
J'en suis navrée.
- You poor thing.
- Mon pauvre.
There you are, you poor thing!
Enfin, vous voilà, mon pauvre petit!
- Do you get any food, you poor thing?
- mon pauvre, je suis sûr que tu ne te nourris pas?
Do you know yourself? Your script analysis is emelentary level, you don't even know how poor your acting is, you're the world's biggest idiot there ever was! As such, when the script comes out, don't even change one thing about it, and just read it properly!
Est-ce que vous vous connaissez? Vous êtes le plus idiot que le monde n'ait vu! Lisez-le juste attentivement! compris?
What are you able to do, my poor little thing?
Mais dans quoi, ma pauvre fille?
You poor little thing, you.
Pauvre petite...
And you listen. The poor thing got so thin you could blow through her.
Écoute, la pauvre avait perdu tant de poids.
It's just struck me, I have the very thing... - for your poor ill husband. - That's very kind of you.
je viens de me rappeler que j'ai ce que nécessite votre pauvre mari
You poor little thing.
Pauvre chérie.
You poor, lonely little thing.
Pauvre petite chose abandonnée.
That poor thing with a flat chest that didn't have nerve enough... to talk up to you, washing your greasy overalls, cooking... and slaving in some lousy mining shack?
Pas de seins et qui osait pas te répondre! Qui te servait de bonniche dans ta cahute! Pas étonnant qu'elle en soit morte!
- I just picked off the ground the thing that was there... and now you all say I stole it. I'm a poor man, Your Honor.
Je suis un pauvre homme, Votre Honneur.
I'd be a poor thing... if I couldn't do this for you, after all you've done for me.
Je serais bien ingrate... si je ne pouvais pas le faire pour vous, après tout ce que vous avez fait pour moi.
Poor little Christine. There's one thing you forget :
Ma pauvre petite Christine, il y a un truc que tu oublies :
Oh, you poor little thing.
Oh, pauvre petite chose!
My poor girl, you've done a mad thing.
Vous avez eu bien tort.
What right to throw love away for the poor fancy thing you felt for him? For a handful of worldliness?
Quel droit aviez-vous de gâcher cet amour pour ce que vous ressentiez pour lui?
I haven't been able to think of anything else since this awful thing happened. You poor lamb. - You fool!
Je suis toute retournée depuis que cette chose est arrivée.
Oh, you poor, dumb thing.
Oh, pauvre petite chose bête.
She was so distraught poor thing, if you'd seen her...
Elle était si abattue, la pauvre, si vous l'aviez vue...
- Look at you, poor thing.
- Dans quel état tu es, le pauvre.
Oh don't. You poor little thing.
Mon pauvre chéri!
Poor thing, what happened to you?
Pauvre chose, que t'est-il arrivé?
You can't go wrong. - Poor thing.
le français Il a mal aux dents?
Poor thing, the illegal Who works so hard when you do not
Pauvre, pauvre clandestine qui travaille de plus en plus
Without me you would have been in trouble, you poor little thing.
Sans moi, c'était foutu, ma pauvre petite.
"Poor thing, you poor, poor thing."
"Mon pauvre ami. Mon pauvre ami."
- What happened to you? - Poor thing!
- Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, madame?
But you, poor thing, you'll only get your pension.
Mais toi, ma pauvre, tu auras droit à une retraite.
- You poor thing!
Poor thing, it's taken you a few years to feel remorse.
Il t'en a fallu, des années, pour que te vienne le remords.
There's only one thing I got against you, you poor slob.
Je n'ai qu'une dent contre vous, tire-au-flanc.
The thing that you do to that poor stomach of yours.
Ton pauvre estomac en voit de toutes les couleurs.
Did you hurt yourself, poor thing?
Pas de mal, ma pauvre?
You poor thing. Go ahead and cry.
Pauvre fille!
You're trembling, poor thing.
Pauvre petit! Tu trembles!

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